Have the elites made a deal with aliens: Earth vs relocation to another planet?


The Living Force
This is a reasonable question in the face of the current Global Insanity. This is also a question with no possible answer unless a faint affirmative clue could be reasoned from the recent remark of Prince William, which is a super long shot given the facts pointing to current COPE 26 events, the only one I am aware of at the moment.

Well, I wrote around this topic with as much info available to me at the time, in The Wave. I still don't know the answer. I'm pretty sure I asked the Cs about it once but I can't find it. Maybe someone else can. I think the answer to the question "is there a plan for all the elites to leave the planet" was a "no." I don't remember if there were additional comments.

Session 23 Sept 2000 is interesting. Also 6 Aug 2000.

Wait a minnit... just found it: 21 Oct 1995:
Q: ... OK, where is the Ark of the
Covenant currently located?
A: Alternative 3.
Q: (L) Alternative 3 is the plan to take all the people, all
the smart guys, all the elite, off the planet and leave
everybody else here to blow up, isn't it?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Where is it currently located?
A: Maybe not. Discover.
Q: (L) We're trying to discover through our interaction with
you. How else can we discover something as obscure as
this? I mean, that's a pretty darned obscure question, I
would think. (SV) Who's in charge of Alternative 3, Laura?
(L) That's too complicated.... (SV) Well, maybe they have
it, who ever's in charge of it. (L) well, are you gong to
tell us anything about it?
A: Study alternative 3 to find answer!

So, I guess that was why I studied the topic and wrote about it in The Wave. Maybe somebody can find those excerpts.
Maybe somebody can find those excerpts.
The above posted session of 21st October 1995 is located in The Wave series Book 3 'Stripped to the Bone: The Path to Freedom in the Prison of Life', Chapter 22: The Nexus Seven Meet the Cassiopaeans. In my Kindle edition locations 3361-3366 (33%).

October 21, 1994 (In my Kindle edition the year is given as 1994, but this must be 1995)

Q: (L) Okay, where is the Ark of the Covenant currently located?

A: Alternative 3.

Q: (L) Alternative 3 is the plan to take all the people, all the smart guys, and all the elite, off the planet and leave everybody else here to blow up, isn’t it?
A: Maybe. Maybe not. Discover. Study Alternative 3 to find answer!

Alternative 3 is also discussed several times in Book 7 of the Wave series, Almost Human in:

Chapter 57, pages 42-46:

This brings us to other strange matters, something called “Alternative 3” that is somehow mixed up with this cover-up of the ideas of the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and the true history of mankind, including cyclic cometary destruction. Let me just insert here a couple of very strange little exchanges with the Cassiopaeans that I would like the reader to have in mind as we go along:

Q: OK, where is the Ark of the Covenant currently located?

A: “Alternative 3.”

Q: (L) “Alternative 3” is the plan to take all the people, all the smart guys, all the elite, off the planet and leave everybody else here to blow-up, isn’t it?

A: Maybe. Maybe not. [This “maybe not” was delivered in the midst of the next question and was originally included with the next answer. But it rightly belongs here, and so I have moved it to retain the proper context.]

Q: (L) Where is it currently located?

A: Discover.

Q: (L) We’re trying to discover, through our interaction with you. How else can we discover something as obscure as this? I mean, that’s a pretty darned obscure question, I would think.

(SV) Who’s in charge of “Alternative 3,” Laura?

(L) That’s too complicated … .

(SV) Well, maybe they have it, who ever is in charge of it.

(L) Well, are you going to tell us anything about it?

A: Study “Alternative 3” to find answer!

Curiously, as we will discover, the very next question relates to the subject of “Alternative 3,” though I did not know it at the time:

Q: (L) OK, the Matrix material says that Henry Kissinger is the current head of MJ-12. Is this correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is he just a red herring, so to speak?

A: Yes. MJ-12 is no longer MJ-12.

Q: (L) What is MJ-12 now known as?

A: Institute of Higher Learning.

Q: (L) Are you talking about Brookings Lab, or Brookhaven?

A: Not really.

Q: (L) Is it a specific institute of higher learning?

A: Yes.

We will soon discover that “Alternative 3” has a lot to do with HAARP as well: 02-17-96

Q: (L) Some people on the net want me to ask about this HAARP thing … seems to be some sort of antennae thing … .

A: Disguise for something else.

Q: (L) What is that something else?

A: Project to apply EM-wave theories to the transference of perimeters.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: If utilized as designed, will allow for controlled invisibility and easy movement between density levels on surface of planet as well as subterraneally.

Q: (L) Who is in charge of building this thing?

A: More than one entity.

Q: (L) What groups?

A: INVELCO is one guise as well as UNICON and banking interest.

Q: (L) Who is in disguise as INVELCO and UNICON? Are they just dummy companies for cover?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Can you tell us if this is a human organization, or aliens, or a combination?

A: Human at surface level. […]

Q: (L) Is there more you can tell us about this?

A: It has nothing to do with weather or climate. These things are emanating from 4th density, as we have told you before. […]

Q: (L) So, HAARP has nothing to do with the weather?

A: And also, EM [electromagnetic] associated with same as reported.

Q: (L) So, when is this HAARP thing scheduled to go into operation?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Is it currently in operation?

A: Experimental.

Q: (L) How long have they been working on this thing?

A: Since the 1920s.

Q: (L) What?! The 1920s?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, that certainly is strange.

So what is “Alternative 3”? On Monday, June 20, 1977, the UK’s Anglia Television broadcast the last program in a series of serious science documentaries called Science Report. All of the shows were produced by highly-respected science reporters and it was simulcast in UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The title of the segment was “Alternative 3,” and it was never broadcast in the United States. Some say that the “powers that be” prevented it from being screened here.

The documentary presented the following purported “facts”:

There is a secret joint US/USSR space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe. The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. The increasing “greenhouse effect” will cause the polar ice caps and glaciers to melt and flood the Earth.

There are three possible solutions for mankind:

Alternative 1: Stop all pollution immediately and blow two huge holes in the ozone layer. This would allow excessive UV light to reach the earth and millions would die of skin cancer.

Alternative 2: Immediately begin digging underground cities for the elite [the “New World Order”?]—the lucky ones deemed worth saving—and let the teeming billions perish on the polluted surface.

Alternative 3: Build spaceships and get the elite off the planet—to the Moon and Mars. Kidnap and take along some “ordinary” people for use as slave labor. Use “mind control” techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.

After the television show was aired, a book was published with three authors listed: Leslie Watkins, Christopher Miles and David Ambrose. Christopher Miles, who also directed and co-wrote the documentary, is the brother of actress Sara Miles. The actual author of the book version, Leslie Watkins, was a writer of thrillers even before writing Alternative 3. Fortean Times later published an article in which Nick Austin, then editorial director of Sphere Books, revealed that he commissioned Leslie Watkins to write the book version for literary agent Murray Pollinger.

The question is, however, whether there was any fact behind that fiction. Bill Cooper, killed in a shoot-out with the law, incorporated many of the “Alternative 3” elements into his conspiracy theories. The stories came fast and furious, and “Alternative 3” was grafted onto the mythos of the Philadelphia Experiment that became the Montauk Experiment as promulgated by Al Bielek and others. What is most interesting are the comments of the author of the book about the correspondence she received after its publication:

In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world—including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility—convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.

Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me [sic] to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years later when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I had reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped, and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.

It would be a mistake to file Alternative 3 away too cozily with Panorama’s spaghetti harvest and other hoaxes. Suppose it were fiendish double-bluff inspired by the very agencies identified in the program, and that the superpowers really are setting up an extraterrestrial colony of outstanding human beings to safeguard the species? [2]

I think that Leslie Watkins is onto something in saying that this story may have something to do with “top-secret truths,” but when we consider the modes of disinformation, we have to realize that the “truth” may not be necessarily the story that is promoted, as it is promoted. It may have little to do with the setting up of an extraterrestrial colony of “outstanding human beings in order to safeguard the species,” as Watkins suggests.

Looking at the first “fact,” and considering it as an item of disinformation, can we speculate about what it is designed to cover up or distract attention away from?

There is a secret joint US/USSR space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe.

The first part is the “joint US/USSR space program” that is concealed by political posturing and maneuvers. Keeping in mind that disinformation is generally composed of “truth wrapping a lie,” we can suppose that there is, indeed, a “One World Government” at some level, where the US and Russia are unified in some effort. But it seems sort of transparently obvious that the statement is promoting the idea that it is a human government. The statement seems designed to distract our attention from the highly advanced technological capabilities of hyperdimensional existence, and focuses it on a somewhat advanced human technology. The next part of the disinformation above seems to be that there is a space program that is far beyond what the public sees. How else to cover up UFO and extraterrestrial activity? It’s too evident to deny, so give a different “reason” for its existence.

Page 48:

Again there is a reference to economics as the means of control. But getting back to the next purported fact in “Alternative 3”: “The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. The increasing ‘greenhouse effect’ will cause the polar ice-caps and glaciers to melt and flood the Earth.”

Page 64:

Princeton is often referred to as the “mathematical center of the universe.” But it wasn’t always that way. Until the Rockefeller family endowed scientific research in the mid-1920s (keep in mind that the Cassiopaeans referenced the mid-1920s as the beginning of certain “projects” related to HAARP, that this was connected to “Alternative 3” and the “Ark of the Covenant”), a student could learn little more than what amounts to high-school math and science there. Here I am not going to go into any background on the Rockefellers because there are enough researchers already who are doing that. I urge the reader to do his or her own research in those areas. Again, whether or not there is a conscious conspiracy I cannot say.

Page 66:

What we are basically seeing in the above recitation of the endowment of Princeton as a mathematical center, and the luring of scientific talent to America, is part of the truth of one of the ideas of “Alternative 3.” It was effectively a “brain drain” on Europe. All the geniuses who were capable of certain specific things were being brought to America and settled in Princeton. This produced an almost immediate scientific earthquake. Of course we see that the scientific revolution in America did not begin after WWII, as many conspiracy theorists would like to believe, but rather before—in the 1920s, to be exact.

Page 71:

We come now to Gurdjieff’s comments about “planetary evolution,” “secret schools,” esoteric and exoteric teachings, in relation to our present subjects of “Alternative 3” and the “Secret Games of the Gods.” In these remarks we will find, I believe, the Terrible Secret, the astounding revelation, the information hitherto so jealously guarded by the most enclosed of the Inner Orders, the secrets pertaining “to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools, even in this enlightened age.” Read it slowly; ponder it; reread it; and consider the implications of how the denizens of the Eighth Sphere might react to this revelation, how their “agents” among humanity might be manipulated to deal with it in order to conceal it, to cover it up, to distort it, to nullify it, and most of all, to make it come to naught.

Chapter 61, page 213:

This brings us back to Alternative 3, of which one of the main premises is the “joint US/USSR space program that is concealed by political posturing and maneuvers.” Keeping in mind that disinformation is generally composed of truth wrapping a lie, we can suppose that there is, indeed, a “One World Government” at some level, where the US and Russia are unified in some effort. But it seems sort of transparently obvious that the statement is promoting the idea that it is a human government. The statement seems designed to distract our attention from the extremely advanced technological capabilities of hyperdimensional existence and focus it on a somewhat advanced human technology.

Chapter 62, page 216:

On other occasions, the Cassiopaeans have mentioned that much of the “secret activity”—i.e. the “Alternative 3” ideas—that is really going on is related to the implementation of the Atlantean crystal principles—i.e. total control of humanity as we have described in Chapters 57 and 58. That it might be essential for certain “automatons” or “psychopaths” to be sprinkled liberally throughout the population in order to “play the game” is a logical conclusion.

Page 231:

As we have noted, part of the disinformation campaign of Alternative 3 includes the idea that “There is a secret joint US/USSR space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe. The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. The increasing ‘greenhouse effect’ will cause the polar ice caps and glaciers to melt and flood the Earth.” And so on.

Chapter 63, page 271:

This is where Game Theory is so important. It is also a matter of economics, as the reader will have noted. The 4th density STS beings and their human cohorts perceive that there is no advantage in total destruction, because there can be no profit. They seek to establish an optimum ratio that is just a delicate balance between diminishing returns and unbridled death—Alternative 3 and the Sixth Extinction.
Also found these bits while searching for "Alternative 3", which seem relevant, on possible 3D elite - 4D STS pacts: (blue paragraphs were quotes)

November 16, 1994
Q: (L) If the Lizzies have been feeding off of us frequently and are planning to come and take over our planet, why, when they achieved their domination 300,000 years ago, did they not just move here and take up residence and be in charge?
A: No desire to inhabit same realm.
Q: (L) Why was this?
A: You are 3rd level they are 4th level.
Q: (L) Why are they planning to now?
A: They want to rule you in 4th density.

From the above, we see that there actually may be an entirely different reason for the fact that ET has not emerged from behind the curtain: they cannot. They are fourth density, and as long as we are third density, the contact will continue to be covert and spotty. Thus, the fears of the secret government, as well as their reactions to the current state of affairs is not only based on erroneous thinking, it may actually be detrimental to humanity, and even their own objectives.

"…To avoid massive social breakdowns, the alien presence must be suppressed. Otherwise kiss your normal human life good-bye as we enter the science fiction world of living on a planet invaded by some of it’s original experimental caretakers, with a new identity of being kept animals in some giant laboratory, with all our spiritual and physical authority and power usurped by non-human aliens calling themselves our divine benefactors."

This should actually say, “To avoid loss of power, for as long as they can maintain it, the secret government suppresses knowledge of the alien presence for their own benefit.” It could also be that they have been promised some exalted position in the coming fourth density hierarchy. Too bad they don’t study history or they would realize that the betrayers and double agents who assist the conquerors are generally the first to be eliminated in any kind of coup.

"The controlling secret societies have no interest in fame, only power and influence, and influence only comes in terms of capital (economic), force (military), or belief (religious) as root resources for control amongst the incognito power elite. So the leaders of capital systems, military might, and religious influence would naturally secrete and accrete themselves into well-funded, well-insulated, well-connected institutions of secrecy, inside the very systems that are vaguely aware of their presence, but unaware of their intent. It’s all just business, don’t forget."

Indeed, and it seems that their intent is to retain this position in the coming “New World Order” conceived to be instituted when the planet transitions to fourth density. However, there is something they have not considered in their linear, third density brains, and that is the nature of fourth density reality. It may not be as simple to stay on top as they think. In fact, they may find themselves on the absolute bottom.

There is evidence that some human members of this Control System have been engaged in the human management part of this conspiracy for many thousands of years.

March 7, 1995
Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?
A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities. First manifestation was human, then non-human.

Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from human to non-human?
A: Pact or covenant made with 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with?
A: Rosteem, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
Q: (L) What is their purpose?
A: As yet unrevealable to you.

So maybe if they do think they've made such a deal, it could turn out to be a lot weirder than they might be expecting, or even be able to understand?
I found something

Alternative 3: (summary)
[..] joint US/USSR secret space program that abducts individuals for a joint Mars colony. [..] children being kidnapped and arriving on Mars as adults for use as slave labor

Here is the relevant part of the above article:

Alternative 3 & Global Consciousness – Repost

Written by Dr Michael Salla on July 14, 2017. Posted in exopolitics research, Featured

The article below was originally published on 12/22/2004, and examines claims of a joint US/USSR secret space program that abducts individuals for a joint Mars colony. Given Robert David Steele’s June 30, 2017 interview about children being kidnapped and arriving on Mars as adults for use as slave labor, I thought it worth re-posting since the article examines the first public reference to a secret Mars colony using slave labor – Alternative 3.

The article discusses how extraterrestrials were a factor in government preparation for the anticipated cataclysmic global events. Agreements with select extraterrestrial groups were allegedly reached that involved an illicit trade in human slaves and other Earth resources in exchange for advanced technologies. Kidnapped humans were apparently not just marked for transportation to colonies on Mars, but also for some extraterrestrials to use as they saw fit.

Finally, the article discusses why the Alternative 3 scenario did not turn out as predicted, and how a rapid elevation in global consciousness prevented disaster, and provided an opportunity for a much more positive future where disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial agreements could occur.
Links have been updated and some videos/graphics inserted. Text remains unchanged from the original.
Michael Salla, Ph.D. [7/13/17]

Alternative 3 and ‘Global Consciousness’: Identifying a New Strategic Factor for Responding to Extraterrestrials​

Alternative 3 began as a science documentary broadcast on British television by Anglia Television in June, 1977 and beamed to several other countries in Europe and to Australia, New Zealand but not to the US. Alternative 3 was the last in series of documentaries called the Science Report. Alternative 3 began with the investigators researching an alleged ‘brain drain’ in Britain (talented individuals emigrating to other countries), and then discovering that these people had disappeared. Further research focused on their allegedly being taken off to work in undisclosed locations. More investigation revealed that the Earth’s environment is undergoing great change due to greenhouse gases and that a top secret effort is underway to move small numbers of the human population to safe locations.

According to an alleged British scientist, the authorities have long known that the global environment was deteriorating so seriously, that three radical solutions or ‘alternatives’ were contemplated. Alternative 1 was to put a stop to environmental degradation and use extreme measures such as atomic blasts in the Earth’s atmosphere to allow greenhouse gases to escape. Alternative 2 was to move enough of the population to safe underground sites to ensure continuity of government and national survival. Alternative 3 was the most radical, establish bases on the Moon and Mars and move as much of the population there to ensure the survival of humanity.

The documentary interviewed an alleged US astronaut ‘Bob Grodin’ who claimed that when he went to the moon that others were already there in words that echoed Neil Armstrong’s alleged comments when on the moon: “But we have found some visitors… They’ve been here for quite a while judging by the installations…. I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there. They’re lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater’s edge…” [Source]

The documentary finished with a film clip that was allegedly smuggled out by a murdered British scientist that showed a US landing on Mars and an astronaut announcing: “Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it’ll be the biggest day in history. 22 May 1962, we’re on Mars and we have life.”

Alternative 3 caused an immediate uproar since the Science Report was a well respected series of science documentaries that had a track record for informative stories that were credible and very well researched. In 1977 there was no such thing as the internet and cable TV so shows like the Science Report were very influential and reached a wide audience. Anglia television began telling worried telephone callers that the show was fiction and that the investigators and people interviewed in the show were actors. You can read a good summary of how Alternative 3 was hoaxed here [to view Alternative 3 online, go here].

After all the furor caused by what was now declared to be a fictitious television documentary, one of the individuals involved in the production of Alternative 3 wrote a book a year later that instantly became a popular conspiracy theory. The book, Alternative 3, developed further themes mentioned in the documentary with material that arguably could not be included in the show. Watkins claimed that civilians were being abducted and taken to colonies on Mars and the Moon.

The author Leslie Watkins, emigrated to Australia, and then explained that the book was ‘fiction based on fact,’ and claimed that the original show was also a fictionalized version of fact. For many, the Alternative 3 documentary was just an elaborate hoax, involving actors, and that Watkin’s book was just an example of the people involved trying to cash in on the documentary’s popularity.

Even though Alternative 3 involved actors staging a documentary that was a hoax featuring fictitious British scientists and a fictitious American Astronaut, there are a number of things that makes one suspicious about this whole saga. First, the Science Report was a well respected British documentary produced by Anglia Television. Why would Anglia TV and the produces of the Science Report risk their reputations to produce a hoax that would spark protests by its loyal viewers?

Second, why would the Science Report use actors to impersonate a respected British scientist and a US astronaut whose identities could easily be found to be fictitious? Finally, what does all this have to do with us in 2004 and the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence?

Let me now offer my reflections on what really happened with Alternative 3, and its exopolitical significance. I believe that Alternative 3 was intended to disclose to the general public a truth that was too disturbing to be announced through conventional political channels. The ‘truth’ was undisclosed scientific data that indicated that the Earth’s environment was rapidly collapsing as a result of various causes and that events had reached a point where devastating Earth changes were around the corner.

The conclusion reached by government authorities was that there were going to be devastating environmental changes that would threaten the survival of humanity on the surface of the Earth. Hence intensive efforts were underway to prepare for such a contingency through the three alternatives discussed in the Alternative 3 documentary and book.

The alleged bases on the Moon and Mars were a possible place for relocating significant numbers of civilians to escape whatever environmental catastrophe were projected. As to how the US and other countries had been able to establish bases on the Moon and Mars without public knowledge, the answer lies in the technological assistance provided by extraterrestrials that were providing such technology in exchange for various earth resources.

In Phillip Corso’s book, The Day After Roswell, he described an ambitious blueprint for a base on the moon that was made possible by extraterrestrial technologies recovered from the Roswell crash. While the book presents the Moon base as an unrealized project, the implication that Corso is making with the inclusion of these chapters is that the Moon base was indeed constructed but that he couldn’t officially disclose this in the book.

The recent book series, Millennial Hospitality (2002), released by a former USAF weather observer, Charles Hall, demonstrates the extent that the government exchanged technology with a group of extraterrestrials called the ‘tall whites’. The tall whites provided the technological information for constructing nuclear powered scout craft that could travel in nearby regions of the solar system, and even provided tours of the Moon and possibly Mars to USAF generals on their more advanced anti-gravity propelled scout craft.

Thus the Hall book series lends support to alleged whistleblowers such as Michael Relfe who claim to have traveled to Mars and served in a secret human colony there. Hall also supports the testimony of a former member of US Naval Intelligence, William Cooper, who claimed to have seen documents describing secret bases on the Moon and Mars. It can be assumed that extraterrestrials such as the Tall Whites provided intelligence on the impending environmental catastrophe, and probably struck deals with the shadow government where both would benefit in the event of such a global calamity.

As to what were the undisclosed causes driving a dramatic environmental collapse, one can take their pick: runaway greenhouse and ozone depleting gasses, an impending pole shift, the approach of a large comet/planet such as Planet X, the sun experiencing immense mega solar activity, an impending nuclear war, and/or the use of exotic technologies provided by visiting extraterrestrial races. There is much evidence to support each of these factors as possible causes of devastating environmental change on Earth that were thought to be inevitable so I leave it to the reader to research each of these and their plausibility.

My conclusion is that the shadow government that controlled extraterrestrial affairs were convinced that a planet wide environmental collapse was imminent, so for the sake of preparing those who might stand a chance of surviving on Earth’s surface, they covertly arranged for the production and release of Alternative 3. The idea was to put enough factual material in the documentary so that those that were alert enough, could take whatever measures they could to survive what was about to happen.

At the same time, the documentary had to be obviously a hoax using actors playing fictitious personalities so that it could be easily dismissed by those who might panic if indeed there was truth to it. That way the shadow government could get the word out while maintaining plausible deniability over the truth of what was claimed in the show.

I think this best explains why the Science Report went to all the effort to produce Alternative 3, and ride out the predictable public backlash once viewers were told the show was a hoax. To me, this explanation is the most plausible as to why Anglia TV and the Science Report went ahead with the production and airing of Alternative 3.

This article links to the documentary summary, which second article is already on internet archive, so to not lose it, I'm including it here as well:

Alternative 3 - the saga lives on​

by Georgina Bruni​


Leslie Watkins can be contacted where he lives in New Zealand at
PO Box 201,
New Zealand
Phone fax 64 9 426 8399

Was this one of the most astounding and frightening conspiracies ever, or was it just a clever hoax?

British scientists vanishing off the face of the earth. Astronauts' reports of strange craft they saw on the moon's surface. Social dropouts being abducted and used as slaves on an alien planet. Life on earth is doomed. A shocking international government conspiracy involving a plan to save only a chosen few individuals....

During the 1970s you could say that the United Kingdom suffered a great loss of brain power. The Brain Drain, a terminology used for the mass exodus of some of the best surgeons and scientists in the country, were being enticed with huge paychecks to work in the United States. At the same time, small groups of environmentalists were just beginning to understand the problems facing the ozone layer, most of the general public were still unaware of the environmental issues yet to come, and very few people appeared to have heard of NASA's space shuttles.

The Story Breaks

At 9 p.m. on June 20, 1977, Anglia Television, based in Norwich UK, put out an unusual one hour TV special. The program was simultaneously transmitted to a number of other countries which included Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The name of the Television program was "Alternative 3." However, it wasn't just a 'one off' TV special, as many have been led to believe, but the last in a series of science fact documentaries, called Science Report. It was for this reason that the program would shock the world, and in the days to follow would rock the station's credibility. The one hour program informed viewers of a huge conspiracy involving the United States government and NASA. They showed a piece of film which was allegedly passed on to the program's team by an insider from NASA HQ. The footage, which appeared to be authentic, featured a U.S. astronaut landing on Mars, and saying "Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22 May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life." But what really scared the public on that hot summer evening was not the alleged Mars landing, but news that planet Earth was dying, and that 'social dropouts' were being abducted and shuttled off into space to serve as slaves on some alien planet. Viewers were told that life on Earth was doomed, and that there were only three alternatives available for survival. Alternative One was to blow two holes in the ozone layer, but this, it was feared, would cause skin cancers. It would also involve a rule to stop polluting the planet immediately. Alternative Two was to begin digging underground cities for the elite few, the rest of civilization would be left to fend for themselves on the dying surface. Alternative Three was to get the hell off the planet. Apparently the third alternative was already in operation, and the world's top scientists were being commissioned to assist in this 'above top secret' operation. But the narrator then tells us that many of these scientists were simply disappearing off the face of the earth.....

When the program ended at 10 p.m., Anglia were besieged with calls from irate viewers demanding more information. Callers were told not to panic, that the program was just a hoax, and a frightened public sighed with relief and went back to their armchairs to watch the remainder of the 10:00 news, followed by a light entertainment show. The next morning the national press confirmed that the program was a hoax, and pointed out that the scientist Dr. Carl Gerstien, who had tried to warn the world of the impending disaster, was none other than the well known actor Richard Marner. The Times of London reported "Independent television companies last night received hundreds of protest calls after an Anglia program, Alternative 3, gave alarming facts about changes in the earth's atmosphere. It was a hoax, originally intended for April 1st."

Anglia got a scolding and the public were relieved of their fears.

We know that the "Alternative 3" program was put together by a respectable team of science reporters who had a regular weekly slot titled Science Report. We know that it was an intelligent documentary series which reported on new scientific inventions, and we know that it was because of the teams' credibility that Alternative 3 was taken so seriously. The question is: why would a serious science investigative team who had a regular weekly documentary series suddenly produce a hoax? Even taking into consideration that it was originally intended to be an April Fool hoax, it's hardly fitting for a team of their caliber to produce such a program.

I remember having mixed reactions to the disturbing documentary, or drama, as it was later to be called. One theory that had crossed my mind at the time, and incidentally, I did see the program, was that the science team were genuinely on to something, but that the witnesses were unwilling to take part in the documentary. Three months after the program aired, I met a cameraman at a party in Berkshire, who claimed to have been part of the film crew. He told me outright that Alternative 3 was a hoax, and that they had used actors. He also said the crew were all joking about it at the time. Well, by now most people knew that actors had been used, but few knew that the film crew, or least one of them, had confirmed it was a hoax.

Alternative 3, The Book

By 1978 the story looked like dying a death, when suddenly Sphere Books published Alternative 3, written by LESLIE WATKINS and DAVID AMBROSE. Those who were able to secure a copy read with interest a story that was a follow-up of the television program produced by Spectrum (not Sceptre as some believed) for Anglia Television. And so began The Alternative 3 Saga, and an attempt by thousands worldwide to uncover what they believed to be one of the world's biggest conspiracies.

I purchased the newly published paperback of Alternative 3 from a popular book store in Berkshire. There in the center of the store was a huge display of the books, as was always the case when they had delivery of what they thought would be a bestseller. I was so excited about the book that I immediately called a friend of mine, a collector of publications on "the unexplained," who I knew had been interested in the television program. The following day he phoned to tell me that the store didn't have the book, I was surprised, I thought it highly unlikely that they had sold all the copies. So I returned to the store to discover that the display had indeed disappeared, and there was no sign of the book anywhere in the store. I summoned the manager who admitted that he had been told to remove the stock from the shelves and return them to head office. I pushed him for more information, but all he would say was that it came from high up. It was this incident that prompted me to believe that there may be some truth to the story of Alternative 3 after all. Due to public demand the book was re-printed several times in the following years, and incidentally, it is still listed under World Affairs, and not as you might expect, fiction.

The publication was intriguing because some names and events were genuine, whilst others didn't exist. One name mentioned, was that of Otto Binder who was a member of the NASA space program. In the book he's quoted as saying that NASA killed significant segments of conversation between mission control and Apollo 11, the spacecraft that took Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong to the Moon, and that those segments were deleted from the official record. It's interesting to note that Binder was also a science fiction writer. According to an alleged quote by Binder, when Aldrin spoke to mission control he said:

"These babies were huge, sir... enormous. Oh God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there.... lined up on the far side of the crater edge.... they're on the Moon watching us."

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who is also named in the book, had previously described his feelings when looking at this world from the Moon.

"I went into a very deep pathos, a kind of anguish. That incredibly beautiful planet that was Earth..... a place no bigger than my thumb was my home... a blue and white jewel against a velvet black sky... was being killed off."

And on March 23, 1974, he was quoted in a London newspaper as saying.

"Society had only three ways in which to go and that the third was 'the most viable, but most difficult alternative.'

What was Mitchell trying to tell us more than 20 years ago -- was he trying to warn us about Alternative 3?

The book also reported on animal mutilations, space shuttles, man-made domes on the moon, environmental problems, and disappearing scientists. All of which would later public knowledge. Inasmuch as astronomers were seeing and writing about unusual domes that had recently appeared on the moon's surface. NASA would announce news about the U.S. space shuttles, governments would acknowledge the environmental issues, including the pollution of the ozone layer, and later we would learn of the many disappearances and horrible suicides surrounding British scientists.

A Letter From Leslie Watkins

The following is a letter from the author of Alternative 3, Leslie Watkins, it was placed in the public domain of the Internet in the VANGARD SCIENCES archives on October 28 1989.

A letter to Ms Dittrich from Windwords bookstore (address unknown).​

Dear Ms. Dittrich

Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in Alternative 3 and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can.

The correct description of Alternative 3 was given to you by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launchpad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions:

1) There is no astronaut named Grodin.

2) There is no Sceptre Television and the reported Benson is also fictional.

3) There is no Dr. Gerstein.

4) Yes, a "documentary" was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called Alternative 3 and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons). This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book, was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools' Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed.

The TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it was fiction. I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out, particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility-convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.

Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.

So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
With best wishes
Leslie Watkins
Anglia Television & The Actors
In the early '90s I called Anglia Television and spoke to a charming lady called Maureen who worked in the records department. Maureen was very helpful and told me she still received at least one call per month about the program, and that some people get really angry and can't accept it was a drama. She told of one student who flew all the way from the United States and called from Heathrow airport to ask if he could see the film, and that he really got upset when refused. Maureen was a trainee back in 1977, and she remembers doing the paste-ups for the special, she worked on stills at the time. Maureen said they used actors in the drama and suggested I call the London PR office for permission to give the names and contact numbers of the actors. They gave permission and here are some of the actors who appeared in the TV special:

Actor Role

Shane Rimmer........Bob Grodin (astronaut)
Carole Hazell.......Investigative Journalist
Gregory Munro.......?
Richard Marner......Dr Carl Gerstien( Professor)
Ivor Roberts........?
Fibi Nicholas.......Harry's Girl
David Baxt..........Harry
Tim Brinton.........Played Himself As A Presenter

I spoke to Richard Marner's agent who assured me that Marner's CV stated that he did actually do one day's filming with the program "Alternative 3" on January 25, 1977. I later called Richard Marner who confirmed it, and he remarked that it was the easiest job he'd ever done. He didn't do any filming in the studio, and apparently the crew had problems with Cambridge University because they filmed him on the steps without permission. He said he didn't even rehearse the lines and that it was all very rushed. Today Richard Marner is best known for his part as Colonel Yon Strohm in the British sitcom 'Allo Allo'. I checked with Spotlight, a listing for actors and entertainers, and found that Shane Rimmer and Ivor Roberts were with Howels & Prior Agency. Shane Rimmer played the part of the fictitious astronaut, Bob Grodin. Rimmer is a well known science fiction and spy thriller writer who also does voice-overs and has acted in numerous popular films and television spy dramas, including a James Bond movie. He was also the famous voice of Captain Scot Tracy in Thunderbirds.

I understand that Tim Brinton later became an Member of Parliament, and I discovered that the director of the program, Christopher Miles, is the brother of actress Sara Miles. Maureen told me "Alternative 3" was a hoax, Anna Dicki from the London office said it was a drama. Anglia PR lady Veronica Clover told me it was an April Fool spoof and went out on April 1st. I argued that it didn't air on April 1st, she later checked, realized her mistake and kindly mailed me a photocopy of the original TV Times showing clearly that "Alternative 3" aired on June 20. Maureen doesn't remember any of the actors filming in the studio. What I found strange was that she didn't mention David Ambrose, but told me that Christopher Miles devised the original script. However in the book it clearly states that the TV film was devised by both David Ambrose and Christopher Miles. Leslie Watkins had no involvement with the television program. In my research I have been unable to trace David Ambrose, the alleged writer of the TV program. Leslie Watkins states, he only used Ambrose's name on the book as co-author for contractual reasons.

Who, and where, is David Ambrose?

Fiction Based On Fact?

So twenty years on, are we any the wiser? Are there any new clues as to the validity of the story or was it really the greatest hoax ever? Well, if it were a hoax, I would expect the hoaxers to be available for comment on their prolonged success. To sum it up, I agree with the author of the book, Leslie Watkins, I believe the story is fiction based on fact. But the question still remains: where did the fact originate? In their research, did the science team stumble on above top secret information which had to be suppressed? In their enthusiasm, did they realize their scoop was too good to dismiss, and not being able to use the witnesses for the program, did they pull in professional actors to play the part? But then, I ask myself, why did they use well known actors, why not new faces? Or maybe David Ambrose, wherever he is, was just a conspiracy theorist with great ambitions!

And as a final note: the original and only can of film marked Alternative 3 mysteriously disappeared from Anglia's archives, and apparently it is the only film ever to go missing. But word has it that copies of the film have been distributed amongst several UFO researchers. Well at least they're in good hands!

Alternative 3 is published by Spere Books Ltd, a division of Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd., ISBN O-7221-1126-6.

(c) Georgina Bruni 1998

From Georgina's UFO section, "The Unexplained." Permission granted to distribute this material providing the authors and the publication are credited.​

Okay, so let's assume, for just a sake of a thought-experiment, that a couple things happened:
1. That alien-autopsy video was real, the C's confirmed it.
2. The above article has a similar video, only of a

US Mars landing in 1962.

I unearthed the old documentary video from the internet archive, converted it to modern format and uploaded it to vimeo. Check it out:

(According to public internet and mass media)
Earth atmospheric pressure: 1013.5 millibar
Mars atmospheric pressure: 6.55 millibar

But the video says:
Mars atmospheric pressure: 707.7 millibar

So that means that - according to Deep State controlling Mass Media - "Mars has a very thin atmosphere", which is obviously a massive lie! If we take the video as factual just as a thought experiment - then the air on Mars must be way heavier than the Deep State is lying about. This means Mars air has 70% of the weight of Earth's air. Even if the composition of air on Mars is more or less matches that of Earth's air, still Mars has only 70% of "our air".

Salla states in his books - his info cannot be fact-checked unfortunately, so we have to assume he is telling fabrications? - ..anyway, he states that you can breath in Mars' air, only its more or less like Himalayan air at high altitude. You can breathe it in, but soon you'll get sick and need a breather mask and air supply.

Imagine how thin Mars air would be - at only 6.55 millibar compared to Earth's 1013.5 millibar air pressure! For a planet that has clouds and ice and dust storms: How exactly would those dust storms be held UP in the air and "become sand-stormy" if there is so little air on Mars?! (Sorry, if I'm unscientific here regards air mass & pressure & dust)

Oxygen availability and altitude:
Although the percentage of oxygen in inspired air is constant at different altitudes, the fall in atmospheric pressure at higher altitude decreases the partial pressure of inspired oxygen and hence the driving pressure for gas exchange in the lungs. An ocean of air is present up to 9-10,000 m, where the troposphere ends and the stratosphere begins. The weight of air above us is responsible for the atmospheric pressure, which is normally about 1000 millibar at sea level. This atmospheric pressure is the sum of the partial pressures of the constituent gases, oxygen and nitrogen, and also the partial pressure of water vapour (63 millibar at 37°C). As oxygen is 21% of dry air, the inspired oxygen pressure is 0.21×(1000-63)=196 millibar at sea level.

Atmospheric pressure and inspired oxygen pressure fall roughly linearly with altitude to be 50% of the sea level value at 5500m and only 30% of the sea level value at 8900m (the height of the summit of Everest). A fall in inspired oxygen pressure reduces the driving pressure for gas exchange in the lungs and in turn produces a cascade of effects right down to the level of the mitochondria, the final destination of the oxygen.

In the video we see a craft making a couple turns before landing on Mars (?) and there is a cheap-looking special effect - that we have seen done much better in the movie Screamers (1995) - aiming to imitate a speedy "Martian mole" digging under the sandy soil, maybe to get further from the landed space ship..."
After the footage ends, what the employee says in low volume audio are just questions, nothing special.

However, look what Salla says here about this entire documentary in 2004:

So if the Science Show was televising Alternative 3 to warn those who were alert enough as to what was really happening, and if the that shadow government was secretly behind the production of Alternative 3 to both test public reaction and prepare those who might stand a chance of surviving a predicted environmental catastrophe, then why haven’t the Earth changes happened? The article included here was written in 2004. Were there not too much emphasized Earth changes back then?
Um.. we have plenty of Earth changes happening now in 2021! And we also know that alien autopsy video was real and that one also was touted / debunked (falsely to mislead) as a fabrication. So if this Mars landing video is real..
Then a good amount of what Salla was fantasizing about is real too? Here is what Salla says in his books regards Mars:

  1. Mars military bases established by US/USSR/Deep State

  2. Slaves are working there in deplorable and fully totalitarian conditions..: C's mentioned "humans in togas on Mars"

  3. You can breath in the air on Mars - as an "ice bucket challenge" if you are daring, but you soon need a mask+air supply or you get sick

  4. There are highly secret supply runs happening between Mars to Earth, but Mars slaves are not allowed to interact with Earth's side of "extraterrestrial officers" on the supply run [there are armed guards preventing almost any kind of talk]. Hacker Gary McKinnon allegedly found the list of "extraterrestrial officers". He was The Man Who Hacked NASA computers. He also saw a partial photo download of a space-ship too, before his internet access was cut off (allegedly).
If this documentary is real - despite looking so cheap, just like Alien-autopsy - then the entire totalitarian political circus right now on our planet is completely ridiculous! This is like From Paul To Mark: our entire history from 1920 is completely false. The Nazis really got saucer-tech from aliens, the transmissions beginning right around 1920 and they built the machines, they fled to Antarctica. Eisenhower met with aliens. Governments are not only in cahoots / collaborating with aliens, but apparently in 2020-2021 governments are directly receiving instruction from aliens, that's why the weird Lock-Step!

From our perspective, this entire "save-the-elite" to Mars and other places is really stupid. Since if we graduate to 4th Density, any physical relocation problem becomes completely moot. Given 'level playing field' and how it completely solves the problem of Alternative 3 and also opens an entire warehouse loaded with 'Cans of Worms', which will all be spilled.

Think about, how frequently the C's emphasized "have faith" and also how frequently they referred to storms on Earth are just a reflection of immense wars in 4th Density.
This means we are graduating into a gigantic 'War Zone 4D'.

I just hope, this time, we arranged this so that we'll have our livable little safe havens, where we can lead more or less normal 4D lives. While also participating [by choice] in the massive 4D wars there.

IF the wars will continue and not suddenly - if we are lucky - the 4thD wars will end with our entire space sector transitioning into 4thD, somehow, marking some kind of Grand Transition into a new age there.
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When it comes to the "survival" issue, the below quote provides some info. I also remember reading a different session where the Cs said that The elite will be betrayed. They have been given false promises. It is kind of like my avatar here on the left "Follow the leader." So even if they had been promised to be taken off planet, that promised will not be fulfilled. Unfortunately, I cannot find that session.

Session 24 August 2002​

Q: (A) Right. But there are other spy satellites; some other countries may know that this story with flight 77 crashing at the Pentagon is...

A: At those levels, there is only one "Master."

Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?

A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.

Q: (L) So you're saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed...(A) And the order will be respected? Why?

A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic vents, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.
Well, I wrote around this topic with as much info available to me at the time, in The Wave. I still don't know the answer. I'm pretty sure I asked the Cs about it once but I can't find it. Maybe someone else can. I think the answer to the question "is there a plan for all the elites to leave the planet" was a "no." I don't remember if there were additional comments.

May be this is the one

Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival of the cometary cluster?

A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.

Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?

A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.

Q: (T) Is there such a thing as "alternative three" the plan to take all the brains off the planet?

A: No.
Well, I wrote around this topic with as much info available to me at the time, in The Wave. I still don't know the answer. I'm pretty sure I asked the Cs about it once but I can't find it. Maybe someone else can. I think the answer to the question "is there a plan for all the elites to leave the planet" was a "no." I don't remember if there were additional comments.

Session 23 Sept 2000 is interesting. Also 6 Aug 2000.

Wait a minnit... just found it: 21 Oct 1995:
Q: ... OK, where is the Ark of the
Covenant currently located?
A: Alternative 3.
Q: (L) Alternative 3 is the plan to take all the people, all
the smart guys, all the elite, off the planet and leave
everybody else here to blow up, isn't it?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Where is it currently located?
A: Maybe not. Discover.
Q: (L) We're trying to discover through our interaction with
you. How else can we discover something as obscure as
this? I mean, that's a pretty darned obscure question, I
would think. (SV) Who's in charge of Alternative 3, Laura?
(L) That's too complicated.... (SV) Well, maybe they have
it, who ever's in charge of it. (L) well, are you gong to
tell us anything about it?
A: Study alternative 3 to find answer!

So, I guess that was why I studied the topic and wrote about it in The Wave. Maybe somebody can find those excerpts.
And another example...
(L) I remember the C's said something one time about some kind of... what was it? The Ark of the Covenant could only be handled or used by somebody who had a pure STO profile because anybody else would be killed. Is that basically what we're looking at here?

A: Yes. Close.
The Cassiopaeans said that the Ark of the Covenant was a certain high technology that could read human thoughts/mental states and, on that basis, "interact" with a given man. After, Ark of the Covenant was relocated. What can be also interpreted as hiding it, taking it.

In those ancient times, when people were different and their perception of the world was different. They probably, at first, had no basis in technology or understanding of it and therefore were not looking for any reference of the ark of the covenant to their own technology. And second they were more open to the spirituality and "magic" of reality. As the result, they were able to accept the ark of the covenant as something "divine" or "devil" that had a right to be and exist as a natural part of their world.

In present times, something that used to be "magic" and "divine" or "devil" power would be considered completely differently. First and foremost, the Ark of the Covenant would be compared to our current technology and knowledge about it, thereby destroying the established perspective of what is possible and what is not, to create, to use. Thereby exposing the existence of more advanced hidden technology next to us.

Also, on the other hand, due to conditioning, people would not be able to accept the seriously existed active forces identified as "divine/devil" or "magical" among them in the surrounding reality; the forces that can read their thoughts and "punish" them or "empower" them for some reasons.

We can say that existence of the Ark of the Covenant does not match the lesson profile of mankind at the present time on this planet. Why? Because the present mental state of mankind, which results from the conditioning of people and their own choices about what is and is not possible, would involve a break of humanity's free will if such technology was officially exposed and in action.

In this case, the Ark of the Covenant has, I suppose, been transferred to what we can call Alternative 3; such process, as we know, also involves the creation of a new (alternative) reality, because of the existence of consciousness and how it connects with everything, also in perceiving material things. If an object was transported somewhere, some alternate reality was also created that "followed" so as not to "lose" the object for consciousness, etc...

I think this reality (Alternative 3) is some alternate reality, one of the dimension in 3rd or 4th Density. And the ark of the covenant was transferred there by 4D STO or 4D STS. Both sides had an "business" in this, STO to protect free will, and STS not to show something that would destroy today's materialistic and ignorant view of reality, in which there is no place for either highly advanced technology or real and tangible activity of "divine" or "satanic" forces among people. Everything like this, in the mainstream, belongs to the fantasy world.

The very reality of Alternative 3, I imagine as such a storage in a garage that stores things that have fallen out of use, but still have value and may be restored in the future. The reality of the Alternative 3 I consider the magazine as such in relation to our reality, either this reality will be connected back to our reality (the magazine will be opened) or this alternative reality Alternative 3 will go its way (the magazine will be closed) giving space for some consciousness/entities/things to continue their existence.
All I can say is that we sure do live in interesting times taking all of the above into account!

Added: I notice that the whole Alternative 3 thing was being used to flog human caused global warming to the New Age/Alien abductee crowd.

One thing that reminds me of is this:


Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke. (V) Ah yeah, because I'm thinking "no way am I doing that!" (R) But the thing is, when that woman said, "in my world the Rainforest is okay," it means she had already made a judgment that...(V) Yeah, that she was somehow in a better place than I was. (L) Well it was also making a judgment against the wisdom of the universe. It avoids the understanding that if the Rainforests are dying maybe there is a reason for it. (R) Exactly. All there is are lessons. (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing reccomendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.

A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.
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Study Alternative 3. It is not a plan to take the 'brains' off the planet. And is there such a thing as alternative three? "No". But study alternative 3. Awesome!

So it sounds like Studying Alternative 3 IS a thing but it is not the thing it was made out to be. Just like that old phony Mars landing video that is pegging my Propaganda BS-O-Meter. It refers to something, but, not what it pretends to be.

(I have had the dreams of being taken out of here on a ship. But those could be inserted into my mind. Or not.)

Side bar: I went to EXPO 67 in Montreal when I was 16. The UK pavilion had the WEIRDEST thing going on and I can't find anything on it anywhere. But it had the Alternative 3 theme of mankind polluting and ruining the earth and a narration about cities in domes trying to survive the pollution with this throbbing heartbeat machine sound thumping louder and louder as you walked along the exhibit. Creep City. Any of you old-timers here remember that?

Back to Alt3. It's an 'alien' 'rescue' of sorts. Maybeee... But the 4D Wave merge is the wildcard no one talks about. It's all one world. No splitting of realities.

So what are the 3 big time end-game Alternative Outcomes or choices when the ass-kicking mega-earth changes come and wipe us out?

1. Stay and survive in 3D and go around again.
2. Go to 5D? And quit playing the game? Entropy? Dissolution? Soul Smash?
3. 4D is the alternative where much more is possible. Where the lessons continue...?

IDK - if there is a trinity of possibilities when the musical chairs stop, what are they?

What ARE the three alternatives of where this experiment is heading?
If this documentary is real - despite looking so cheap, just like Alien-autopsy
Not sure about that. Check this out:

October 7, 1994 F** and Laura
Q: (L) What are Mars' moons?
A: Disguised bases.
Q: (L) Who built them?
A: Who else? The Lizzies.
Q: (L) The film I saw at AB's house, the Mars landing, was
that an actual film of a Mars landing?
A: False.
Q: (L) Has there been a landing on Mars by the United
A: No.


Also this one. Just a note that I've left more of the excerpt on this one because it is very interesting and relates to what what is being talked about in this thread as well.
November 19, 1994 F***, Laura, V***, T*** and J**
Q: (T) Is there such a thing as "alternative three" the plan to
take all the brains off the planet?
A: No.
Q: (T) Is that more disinformation?
A: Yes. So is Mars landing but not Mars monuments.
Q: (TL) Who made the monuments on Mars?
A: Atlanteans.

Q: (T) So, the Atlanteans had inter-planetary ability?
A: Yes. With ease. Atlantean technology makes yours look
like the Neanderthal era.
Q: (T) Who created the structures on the moon that Richard
Hoagland has discovered?
A: Atlanteans.
Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?
A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as
in monuments or statuary.
Q: (T) What statuary are you referring to?
A: Example is face.
Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering
stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a
million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were
power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought
about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will
overpower you.
Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of
their own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You mean these crystalline structures came to life, so
to speak?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then what did they do?
A: Destroyed Atlantis.
Q: (L) But I thought that Atlantis was destroyed because of
the close passage of another body of the solar system?
A: Was damaged but recovered.
Q: (L) So Atlantis was damaged by a close passage of Mars
or whatever and then recovered from that damage, is that
A: Part of landmass, but not all, was destroyed.
Q: (L) So, how many separate destructions did Atlantis
A: Three.
Q: (L) One was caused by the close passage of Mars?
A: Yes. And comets.
Q: (L) Was Mars and the comets loosely interactive?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And the second was caused by what?
A: Venus.
Q: (L) And the third and final destruction was caused by
A: Crystals.
Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?
A: Bermuda triangle.
Q: (L) I thought that was a myth?
A: No.
Q: (L) And what does that crystal do? Is it continuously
A: No. Erratic.
Q: (L) Is it still active in the sense of being a conscious or
sentient entity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What activates it?
A: Many factors.
Q: (L) And when it is activated, what does it do?
A: Transdimensional window is blasted open.
Q: (L) Say a person was sailing along in the Bermuda
Triangle and the window was blasted open and these people
passed through or were engulfed in it or whatever, in what
condition would they find themselves?
A: Something akin to suspended animation.
Q: (L) Would they be conscious of their state of suspended
animation or would their consciousness also be suspended?
A: Either or.
Q: (L) Do they stay in this state forever, or do they come
back out, or do they come out somewhere else?
A: Open. All are possible. Same thing happened to
Philadelphia experiment participants.
Q: (L) If an individual were in this interdimensional state of
suspended animation, does this mean they are stuck there
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Can they not die, is that what you are saying?
A: To them they may perceive something like waiting for
millions of years.
Q: (L) Is there no one or no way to rescue them from this
A: Why do you think those sailors were hopelessly insane?
Q: (L) Besides the crystal in the Bermuda Triangle, are any
of the others still active?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Does the government know about them?
A: Semi.
Q: (L) Where are the others located?
A: Off Japan; in Brazil; in Ural mountains of Russia; North
and South Poles.
Q: (T) Are the ones on the Moon and Mars active also?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Are they responsible for any of the earthquakes like
the one in Japan?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If one crystal is found and the technology is
deciphered, and another is found, does it increase the
A: Let us answer this way: If Neanderthals found a 747
would they know how to use it?
Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals
and were they cut or naturally grown?
A: Varied. Were synthetic.
Q: (L) Were they faceted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?
A: Pyramid.
Q: (L) Was that an absolute pyramid with the same
proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Gizeh?
A: Close.
Q: (L) How large was the largest from base to apex?
A: 5000 feet.
Q: (L) What was the average size?
A: 500 feet.
Q: (L) And was the one that was 5,000 feet tall, is that one
still in existence?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where is that one located?
A: 380 miles due East of you?
Q: (L) Some years ago a pilot reported seeing a pyramid
near there in the water...
A: That is just the top sticking out of the ocean floor. It is 90
per cent buried.
Q: (V) In meditation, I saw crystals coming up during Earth
changes. Is this what is going to happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How come this crystal didn't shatter or break up
during the subsidence of Atlantis?
A: Extraordinarily strong. An atomic bomb would not shatter
it. The chain reaction of a thermonuclear explosion would be
absorbed into the crystal and transferred into pure energy.
That relates to the design function.
Q: (L) And then what would happen?
A: Energy dispersal unless focused as engineered by the
Q: (L) Where did they get this technology?
A: They evolved it.
Q: (L) They invented it themselves?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they interact with any aliens?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did they get any help at all from these
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And who were these aliens?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) What kind of power frequency did these crystals use?
A: Full range.
Q: (T) How many of the crystals have been discovered by
the governments of the world?
A: All.
Q: (T) Are they trying to use them?
A: Pointlessly.
Q: (T) Are they trying?
A: Maybe.
Q: (T) Is that why they backed off from the Moon and
stopped the space program?
A: No. Government doesn't understand technology.
Q: (T) Have they backed off from their activities on the
A: Open.
Q: (T) Are the crystals on Mars why they want to get there
so badly?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Because of the crystals or because of what is stored
in the monuments?
A: Neither.
Q: (T) Why do they want to get to Mars?
A: Explore.
Q: (T) Are the top echelons of the human race all the fools
that they seem?
A: Subjective.
Q: (L) Can we utilize that crystalline shape to generate
A: Possible and has been done.
Q: (L) Is it complicated?
A: Yes.
November 19, 1994 F***, Laura, V***, T*** and J**
Q: (T) Is there such a thing as "alternative three" the plan to
take all the brains off the planet?
A: No.
Q: (T) Is that more disinformation?
A: Yes. So is Mars landing but not Mars monuments.
Alternative 3 is about the elites escaping Earth. Since the question is kind of vaguely phrased, I'm guessing that the Cs meant that the 3D STS elite "brains" promised an escape hatch from Earth won't have the promise fulfilled the way they expected it.

21 October 1995:
Q: ... OK, where is the Ark of the
Covenant currently located?
A: Alternative 3.
2 February 2003
Q: (L) Who did he pass it on to?

A: It was finally understood by "Moses" that the danger of the object was greater than the ability of descendants to resist corruption. He handed it over to those who had created it.

Q: (Galahad) Was it STS or STO forces that created it?


Q: (Galahad) So, the Ark was an object created by STS. Did this amount to some sort of realization on Moses' part? Did he start to wake up?

A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.

The Ark of the Covenant is a device created by 4D STS with reality-bending powers like splitting the sea and defeating the Israelites' enemies. A covenant is a pact made between two groups, possibly between 3D humans and 4D STS beings in this case.

I'm trying to connect the ark and alt 3. It seems like the ark may be used to transport people away from Earth to maybe Mars or the moon. Earth will transform into 4D planet by the Wave and the 3D STS elites may be presented with the ark as an escape route. But since you need to be STO in order to be in close proximity to the ark like Moses was, the 3D STS elites may be destroyed. Or another scenario would involve a STO Moses-like person being tricked into signing a new ark of the covenant to transport certain groups of people away from Earth. This reminds me of STS lizards transporting souls from Kantek to Earth after Kantek's explosion. Maybe the ark is used to transport unawakened souls to another 3D planet as cavemen!

9 August 1997

Q: Well, we better get moving! We don’t have time to mess around!
A: You will proceed as needed, you cannot force these events or alter the Grand Destiny.

Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!
A: The alternative is less appetising.

Q: Sure! I don’t want to be lunch!
A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a “cave person” amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...

Q: Why is the sky glowing red?
A: Contemplate.

Q: Of course! Comet dust! Sure, everybody knows THAT! Wonderful!!! Anything further?
A: Stay tuned for all pertinent information.

The more I think about this, the more it seems to point in this direction. Moses' ark sounds like a device that controls the STS matrix. Using the ark of the covenant will not help us - it simply serves the STS agenda of divide and conquer, providing benefits to a select group (with terms and conditions like blood sacrifices) while oppressing other groups. The 3D STS elites may end up as nephilims, "slaved enforces of Orion", in cavemen era.
There has been talk lately about "colonising" Mars because of global warming (oversimplifying). The idea has been circulating for a while but there is also the issue of transhumanism in the mix. There is transhumanism for the average person, which consists of deshumanising, robotizing, and slavery. But what if there is another transhumanist program only for the elite, to allow them to be transportable through space?
In one of his UFO chronicles episodes on youtube, Richard Dolan remarked that maybe the waves of UFO sightings in the middle of the 20th century didn't coincide with the developpement of nuclear power as much as they did with the developpement of cybernetics/"artificial intelligence", drawing a parallel with the arrival of the cybernetic greys on the scene so to speak.
In addition to the tightning of control over humanity, underground bases, the elites are preparing something for themselves. In the end however, it would play out like the "small talent for war" or the "to serve man" episodes of the twilight zone series, only less comical, because while they think they are important, they're just pathetic pawns in a game they only imagine they understand.
There has been talk lately about "colonising" Mars because of global warming (oversimplifying). The idea has been circulating for a while but there is also the issue of transhumanism in the mix. There is transhumanism for the average person, which consists of deshumanising, robotizing, and slavery. But what if there is another transhumanist program only for the elite, to allow them to be transportable through space?
In one of his UFO chronicles episodes on youtube, Richard Dolan remarked that maybe the waves of UFO sightings in the middle of the 20th century didn't coincide with the developpement of nuclear power as much as they did with the developpement of cybernetics/"artificial intelligence", drawing a parallel with the arrival of the cybernetic greys on the scene so to speak.
In addition to the tightning of control over humanity, underground bases, the elites are preparing something for themselves. In the end however, it would play out like the "small talent for war" or the "to serve man" episodes of the twilight zone series, only less comical, because while they think they are important, they're just pathetic pawns in a game they only imagine they understand.
When I asked the question I was inspired by the same thoughts. The main theme apparently discussed and still making a stir in the academic research is nano-tech applied to human biology which heavily leans towards transhumanism. It is very much possible that this nano-tech implementation is not mature enough, and it requires testing and experimentation as we can see. Unfortunatelly the scale of application is a bitch that does not care about theory.
When you said
In the end however, it would play out like the "small talent for war" or the "to serve man" episodes of the twilight zone series, only less comical, because while they think they are important, they're just pathetic pawns in a game they only imagine they understand.
my thoughts went to the X Series of the Dark Journalist. I think the elites are not as homogenous as the current culture allows them to be out of generalization ( which by the way is the single most epic error that has seemingly brought human society almost to its knees and the planet Earth in a seemingly mega natural crisis of again epic proportions). Perhaps it was a premeditated strategy.

Daniel Liszt, aka Dark Journalist, in the X Series (of more than 100 episodes) has followed what he calls the evolution of the UFO File in America from its beginings also observing in parallel the interrelationship with the Mystery Schools and Politics. It is not very easy to follow because it is full of details.
The Elites are fragmented according to secret society provenance, age groupings and level of utility and continuity of utility, in the various gatekeeping organizations, royalty exponents economic forum creators and the eternal K vs. the gates, musks and bezoses sort of thing, for example.
My understanding so far, is that the only common platform of the elite groupings is at the money level and in conjunction with the longevity craze (I remember hearing about a 160 years number) it seems that the Global Warming/Cooling/Change starts to gain more momentum. So the 2050s is no 2020.
What I find intriguing is that there is no one to articulate a coherent counter-narative to the elite driven one and to own it. It is as if the yin-yang dialectic has completely disappeared. That in itself is a huge silent disclosure as I see it as the elite narative is either too myopic and everyone else too smart to bother, although there are more and more people in the streets, or all encompasing, and then there must be something else there.

That something else could or must be a secret contact with another civilization. Whether this civilization is a break away human one or an off world one or a lunar one, my money is on a different one than the one that might have helped engineer the homo sapiens sapiens, because of the ideologic turnaround of the catholic church. I might be wrong. I am also convinced that there is a race between various escape plans (backup to backup, like all good NASA plans) promoted and pushed by the ‘young turks’ that might not incorporate all the info that the old guard is holding nor the arrangements the old guard has in place. Someone will be pushed under the bus.
So I am curious if and what arrangements were done, and the nature of those arrangements, because all clues about them arrangements point to the need of an invisible 99% of Earth’s population or at least a transhumanised silent majority.
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(According to public internet and mass media)
Earth atmospheric pressure: 1013.5 millibar
Mars atmospheric pressure: 6.55 millibar

But the video says:
Mars atmospheric pressure: 707.7 millibar

Didn't the passage of venus and the supposed arc of the voltaic arc steal much of the water from mars and then fall to earth? That would explain the difference in millibars. That is, some water remained in the atmosphere. (?)

US Mars landing in 1962.

Watching the video closely, don't look at mars. Look at the information that appears on the screen during the landing. Not the information itself, but the visual information. I am referring to the typography and how it is rasterized on the screen.

If you look closely it is very sharp and its transitions are very fast even if the video looks old. For the time when this documentary was made, rasterization was still very primitive. And to do it the way you see it there, you need computing power. I can tell you that the presentation of this data is up to current standards.

If they really landed in 1962, assuming they used technology of the time, the computational resources will not be directed to a nice presentation of information on the screen...unless you have unprecedented computational power.
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