Health & Wellness Show - Nov. 13, 2015 - Health and Wellness In the News


FOTCM Member
Today on the Health and Wellness Show we look at some of the latest headlines and connect the dots to get an overall picture of what's happening to our collective state of health here on the big blue marble. A new flu vaccine being introduced, ADHD, mycotoxins in your coffee, plastic in your table salt and creepy crawlies for dinner - all this will be explored and more in today's SOTT Talk Radio Network's Health and Wellness show.

Join us every Friday and 10 am EST as we explore the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world!
Just finished listening to the show, and I enjoyed it very much, had me chuckling at all the weird options these crazy so called health experts are coming up with. Shouldn't some of these people be scanned to see if they really have a brain.

Great show guys!!
Great show guys, really liked how you approached several topics presenting it in a holistic way.

The first topic about addiction really struck a bell. It never crossed my mind that addictive behaviours could be linked to states of loneliness and isolation and that social interaction would help solve it. I think I can relate to this as my period of addiction with gaming and food was strongest at the time I was living on my own and felt separated from the outside world, almost as if in a cage. This had a big impact on my mood and it developed into a pattern of addictive habits which I was only able to solve after a number years.

On the issue about vaccines, it's shocking how they are forcing school children to be vaccinated in the face of all the evidence showing how dangerous they can be, and if that wasn't enough, they are now considering classifying ageing as a disease so that they can stuff us with even more drugs and vaccines. :O

Debates around dietary guidelines are also hard to break as it's so ingrained in people's belief system. Diseases like Alzheimer, cancer and diabetes have been skyrocketing for the past 20 years while people have been eating the same diet, and yet most people and some within the medical establishment are unable to make the connection and understand that the modern day diet and most of what is labelled as healthy by the FDA is the predominant cause of these same diseases. And like you guys point out, genetics also plays a role in all of this. Epigenetic changes that took place in our grandparents from their diets are then transmitted down to us and affect our health and predisposition to several diseases. That's scary considering the impact it will have on the coming generations.

Thanks for shining a light on these important topics. Looking forward to another thought-provoking show tomorrow. :cool2:
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