Help me, i cant sleep. I get ''attacked'' each 30 minute of sleep.


A Disturbance in the Force
Thx for taking time to read this.
Its 3 am i cant sleep.

What happen is in my dream im getting goosebump (dream body) and then my arms get twisted and paralized like an handicape, and i start of falling.
There is animals mostly cat that get very scared of me and jump and run like hell.
Animals love me and i find this very special to have this in the dreams.
Then i sudently wake up in RL and i have chain goosebumps happening.
Please note that this dosent seem to be sleep paralisis at all as my RL body is never paralised but my dream body get.
This happen in 30 minute rotation.
In the dreams i try to meet a monk master to find a solution wich dosent work once i ask him.
The vision of cats being scared, they make human face scared, is horrible and the feeling of falling seem never ending. (this might be where the entitie feed)
I had a dream palarasis once where i wake up and fall trough bed for about 10 second, wich is horible but happen once and is done. And it was after a lucid dream wich make it more ok in my book.

After reading quite a bit on this forum i feel that this dream paralisis leading to fear and MAKING fear, seem new or strange, at least to me.

Im almost ready to go into protection stuff as this seem to be succubus thing, or attacks from beings, dracco, innorganic beings, demons, whatever they are called.
The chain goosebump started to stop now that im awake for about an hour. Funny that lights in my appartement are flashing now.. dosent feel secure.
I dont get why it repeat itselves so specificly with scared animals about my paralised arms.
The fact that those animals are scared AS HELL of me is the worst part of the dream, even if having my dream body arms twisting and paralized is very abnormal and unpleasent to me.

Please offer me any help.
Prayer, salt on doors and bed, diets (no suggar glutten msg?..)
My life isnt much relaxing and if my sleep isnt too im gonna go crazy and in the possibility that entities are feeding off me make me take this thing priority no 1.

As don juan matus says, the only important thing for a warrior traveller is freedom. Any goal is futile.
I wont go to bed yet i hope for a quik answer this is getting a bit too serious, with all this changing that seem to happen this 2012 periode..
Dimention shift or them getting closer to us... grr this is serious, at least, my sleep is.
This make me wanna live a life of impecability and work toward a safe afterlife.
Too many proof to me now.. too many

Sorry for rules i might have not respected as i quickly registered (i readed them fast)
i wanted quick help and this place seemed right.
Finnally after some time up i manage to get back to sleep.
It didnt happent again.
But my normal dreams turned lucid, the blurry face became clear and i saw 3 dream character with black eyes, wich turned normal once i focused on them.
I immediatly asked them if dream could be dangerous (innorganic being from don juan matus) but i failed to ask them if they where IB first.
They where speaking alot before i ask the questions and DJM specified to never lisent to them but only to when you ask questions first.
They didnt respond to dream being dangerous but i felt they where hambarased and tried resist to answer (dosent sounds ib there).
i was holding and shaking one to know, no weird energie happent..

Seem normal but kinda weird.
Alot of false awakening also, maybe due to the 30 min wake up asleep wake up whole night..

Thx for the read tho no reply. This morning im working and i feel good.
Peace everyone
Hi Warrior Traveller

I don't know how much I can help you here but as far as I know, dreams are often a mirror of ourselves and our life. Bad dreams can be the result of internal conflicts that are presented to you in various forms. Sort of like messages from within yourself.

So your difficulty to sleep and the bad dreams seem to me to be indicating something strong (mostly negative) going on within yourself. That happened to me frequently in the past when I was emotionally disturbed. I would dream of demons, aliens, ghosts etc. I've also had problems with sleep paralysis-like symptoms (not necessasiry the same as you though).

So my advice here would be to take time to read through the board to find anwsers but at the same time, I suggest that you stay open to all possibilities. You seem to think you might be the pray of one/various entities although it might not be the case as well (hard to say at that point) so if I were you, I'd try to take it easy, read, and not get too 'paranoid' if you catch my drift. It could do you more harm than good.

I would also suggest you to take a careful look at the Diet and Health section as it has been proved that what we eat can have a very negative impact on our chemical balance which can affect many aspects of ourrselves such as our emotional balance and sleep cycles. Keeping the carbs, gluten and msg away is surely a good thing but it is important you take the time to look at the data before making drastic changes to your diet as if done innapropriately, it could also have negative concequences.

Anyhow, welcome to the board! I hope you will find anwsers and be able to get better!

Take care!

Hello Warrior Traveler,

Glad you got some sleep. As JayMark mentioned, reading the Diet and Health section may provide you more information. As well, please take a moment to introduce yourself in the Newbies section. No need for personal information, just a bit about yourself.
If changing your diet doesn't stop the bad dreams and sleep paralysis, perhaps you need to see a therapist? I would experiment with cutting out gluten, dairy and sugar, first, though.
I also agree that diet can have a tremendous impact on the nature of sleep.

One other thing, are you wanting/trying to do the lucid dreaming thing, or are you otherwise attracted to it? If so, I'd suggest scrapping all of that. My experience with experimenting with it years ago was that episodes of sleep paralysis would coincide with these experiments. One I decided to stop with those things the sleep paralysis mostly went away. I still experienced it periodically, but then diet seemed to do the rest of the trick in stopping it.
First thx all for those heartly reply its nice not feeling alone xD

How about specific thing like paralisis in the dream?
How about your though on real being in other dimention or in dreams?
Scouts innorganic being, sucubbus, aliens, jinn, ... all imagination?
OBE real or imaginative? xD

Im pretty interested in them but they seem also dangerous.
Warrior Traveller, start with the basics, get your diet right for starts. Very important. All the dream stuff you could note impartially but your getting too emotionally involved in it, reacting to it, and just making things worse. You'll go nowhere this way, just more amplified noise to befuddle your mind. And has already been advised, see a therapist if the dreams your having still have such an affect on you when your diet and health get better.
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