Help with DIY Liposome PEGylation


A Disturbance in the Force

I've been working with DIY Liposomal "concoctions" for several years, now. I'd like to step up my recipes a bit and PEGylate, as well as possibly add Tween-80 (Polysorbate 80) to the mix.

I haven't read much or found a lot of information regarding people who've accomplished this. I've read several conflicting things, so I'm hoping to clear up a few questions.

1. I read that PEGylated liposomes are meant to be injected. Is this a requirement, or can they also be consumed?

2. I'd considering using Miralax, but I'd like to use whatever will be right. Anyone have any suggestion as to what to use?

3. I have an ultrasonic cleaner, and generally use a Vitamix for agitation. I'd like to have a stable, working solution, that doesn't require a full lab, but I'd be open to using more advanced techniques. Anyone have suggestions as far as the exact method I should use for creation of PEGylated liposomes?

4. Do I run any added risk or danger in using PEG + Tween 80? In other words, is there anything that I should be aware of during the creation or consumption of the final result?

Finally, I have made up my mind that I would like to do this, and while I don't have all the information yet, that is why I am in the gathering phase, here. I appreciate any comments that anyone has, but I'm hoping that this thread doesn't turn into something where people "flame" and insult on doing something without more knowledge. Again, that is why I'm gathering and attempting to get all the information possible before proceeding!

Thanks a lot in advance, for anything you might have! I'd love to hear people's experiences. From what I gather, a few people have already done this from home, which is a great relief! When I began this endeavour, there were very few people working with it or that had any information. I'm hoping that, being quite a few years later, there may be some more info out there! :)
Welcome to the forum phyrox.

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Hi phyrox,

I was considering PEGylation of vitamin C liposomes at some stage, but haven't done it. The problem is what PEG to use - higher molecular weigh or lower molecular weight. Finally I settled for 5000 (it being allegedly more stable), but again - I haven't tried it. I don't think that PEGylation is only good for iv - I wasn't planning to inject the stuff - just taking orally.

Maybe you could present the information you have gathered so far and we can take it from there!

Welcome to the forum!
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