Henry Makow - Useful Idiot or Disinfo?


FOTCM Member
A reader sent me a link to a Rense article by Henry Makow which really made me go "hmmmm.... the Rense gang are really showing their colors lately!"


Henry Makow on Rense said:
Movie 'Zeitgeist' - Illuminati Critique Or Psy-Op?
By Henry Makow PhD

Throughout history, paganism and true religion have struggled for the soul of mankind. This age-old battle is drawing to a close with a magnificent victory for paganism.
Right here we have a problem. Who says there is any such thing as "true religion" anywhere on this planet? Methinks, also, that Henry hasn't done his homework; he still labors under the illusion that "Paganism" is some kind of ignorant bear-grease-smearing bunch of head-hunters or something. He really ought to try reading the latest in Biblical research.

Henry Makow said:
For the naïve populace, this collective death march is masked as "secular humanism," and "modernism."
For the naive populace, Henry Makow is probably considered knowledgeable on these subjects. He is not.

Henry Makow said:
It is directed and financed by Illuminati central bankers, who are the leaders of cabalistic secret societies associated with Freemasonry and Communism. (see "Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony" _http://www.savethemales.ca/000275.html)

They wish to redefine reality so that the human race will serve them instead of God. This is the essence of the "New World Order."
What a load of hooey!

Henry Makow said:
In this perspective, it is hard to decipher the movie "Zeitgeist" (http://zeitgeistmovie.com/) which has received wide exposure on the Internet reaching beyond the conspiracy-conscious.

The film is divided into three parts.

Parts II and III are generally excellent exposures of the Illuminati-controlled banking system and the Illuminati-instigated 9-11 attacks. The film shows how the latter provided the excuse for fascism and how the Illuminati intend to enslave us.

The puzzle is Part I: a vicious, gratuitous attack on Christianity comparing it to the frauds of 9-11 and the Federal Reserve. The film argues that Christ was created in the mold of numerous pagan sun gods that predate him, and the historical Christ never actually existed. Citing Achaya S, Rimpoche and John Lennon, "Zeitgeist" intones a New Age mantra: "Religion divorces man from nature. It is slavery. Religious myths are used to control and manipulate society."
A "vicious attack"??! On what? Christianity? The "daugter" of Judaism and sister of Islam? The root cause of more deaths in recorded history than any other ideology?

Wake up, Henry, your ignorance is showing!

Henry Makow said:
This is essentially the pagan message.
Well, if it is, let's all be Pagan! I want no part of that filthy myth of Christ created by the Franks and Khazars.

Henry Makow said:
Since they want God's job, the Illuminati's primary purpose has always been to destroy Christianity. Another recent psy-op is Mother Teresa's confession (in letters) that she had grave doubts about her faith for most of her life. This story was front-page news in the Illuminati Zionist press where the Catholic Church is always fair game.

Is "Zeitgeist" also a psy-op? Why not hide an Illuminati message in an excellent anti-Illuminati documentary? After all, the 9-11 and Fed information is already out there. What better way to turn the young generation against religion?

I don't think this is deliberate on the part of the filmmakers. The Illuminati generally fund people who already are unwitting agents of their agenda.
You can say that again; people like Henry Makow.

Henry Makow said:
More interesting to me is why so many smart people have such a problem with Christ's teachings. Why does the Gospel of Brotherly Love arouse so much hate?
Good question, Henry. Perhaps you should ask it of yourself?

Henry Makow said:
Yes the church has been subverted and has discredited Christ. But surely we can separate Christ's teachings from the people who fail to represent them.
That's assuming that you - or anyone - even know that there was a man called Jesus, or what he may or may not have taught.

Henry Makow said:

Christ's teachings give the lie to Zeitgeist's claim that he is another pagan symbol. Unlike Christ, Horus et al did not express the Spirit of God.
Sez who, Henry? You? Other organized religion promoters who claim to have the "One God" and the "Only way to salvation"?

Henry Makow said:
Millions of people experience the Sprit of God directly.
Indeed, and most of them are Pagans (to your understanding, Henry), NOT Christians.

Henry Makow said:
They can confirm that Christ indeed is a messenger of God.
Yeah, people like George Bush, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Pat Robertson, and others who want to just "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"

Henry Makow said:
I am a (non observant) Jew and do not belong to any Christian church but even I can see this. So can Muslims and Hindus who also honor Christ.
Oh, spare me your disclaimers, Henry. You have just revealed your agenda.

Henry Makow said:
Before I talk about Christ's teachings, I want to speak about religion in general. Try not to zone out as you've been programmed to do.
No, because Henry will zone you out and program you!

Henry Makow said:
True religion differs from paganism in that it is essentially moral in character.
I need a sick-bag.

What do you know about morality, Makow? As Gurdjieff said about Morality:

Gurdjieff said:
Morality consists of buffers. There is no general morality. What is moral in China is immoral in Europe and what is moral in Europe is immoral in China. What is moral in Petersburg is immoral in the Caucasus. And what is moral in the Caucasus is immoral in Petersburg. What is moral in one class of society is immoral in another and vice versa. Morality is always and everywhere an artificial phenomenon. It consists of various 'taboos,' that is, restrictions, and various demands, sometimes sensible in their basis and sometimes having lost all meaning or never even having had any meaning, and having been created on a false basis, on a soil of superstition and false fears.

"Morality consists of 'buffers.' And since 'buffers' are of various kinds, and as the conditions of life in different countries and in different ages or among different classes of society vary considerably, so the morality created by them is also very dissimilar and contradictory. A morality common to all does not exist. It is even impossible to say that there exists any general idea of morality, for instance, in Europe. It is said sometimes that the general morality for Europe is 'Christian morality.' But first of all the idea of 'Christian morality' itself admits of very many different interpretations and many different crimes have been justified by 'Christian morality.' And in the second place modern Europe has very little in common with 'Christian morality,' no matter how we understand this morality.

"In any case, if 'Christian morality' brought Europe to the war which is now going on, then it would be as well to be as far as possible from such morality."
I want to be as far as possible from this morality you are preaching, Makow.

Henry Makow said:
It is concerned with what is true and good, what is right and wrong. It worships (serves) God; not nature, not the sun. It is basically a spiritual discipline designed to attune us to the Creator's presence and will.
You have already said you are a "non-observant" Jew and I guess you also haven't read the New Testament either; or at least have not read it very carefully. The apostle, Paul wrote:

For that which is KNOWN about God is evident ... his nature and attributes ... have been made clearly discernible IN and THROUGH the THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN MADE...

Certainly, there is a spiritual element, a spiritual discipline designed to attune us to the Creator's presence, and we find it in the teachings of the "highest and best Mother: NATURE."

The study of the world and all within it is a pathway to God available to all. This is also a precise statement that ALL that exists IS God, and therefore worth knowing and being open to without conditions. Paul further comments on those who substitute beliefs, "vain imaginings, foolish reasoning and stupid speculations," for true knowledge of God that can be obtained through study and observation of creation. He remarks that such people do not "see fit to consider Him worth the knowing." And we find ourselves facing the idea that refusing to learn, refusing to gather knowledge, to learn, to grow, is equivalent to refusing God!

Paul remarks: "in posing as judge and passing sentence on another you condemn yourself." And what is it to judge and pass sentence? To limit one's openness to knowledge, to ask questions with pre-formed opinions, assumptions and answers.

Henry Makow said:
By necessity, it is otherworldly, i.e. it rejects the priorities of this world, mainly power, money and sex.

Instead it teaches us to aspire to spiritual ideals such as truth, justice, peace, love and beauty as the ultimate reality. Love of God makes us seek these ideals.We know God when they are self-evident to us.

(The popular image of God -- a Santa Claus who watches over us and answers our prayers -- is the straw man atheists create. How easy to reject such a juvenile concept.)

We were put on earth to do God's will, i.e. implement spiritual ideals. If we don't, we bear the consequences and have only ourselves to blame.

We have no trouble recognizing when we are hungry. Our stomach tells us. But when we are despondent, we cannot seem to trace the problem back to our soul because we're not supposed to have a soul.

The soul is as real as the stomach and the proof is that our hunger for purpose, harmony and meaning is just as great, and much more durable than our hunger for pizza.

Spiritual hunger is what defines us as "human." Without spiritual ideals, the ability to distinguish right and wrong, we are little more than animals. That is what the Illuminati want, so they can enslave and destroy us.

When a culture no longer fosters a free discussion of what is true and good; when there is no longer a consensus and desire to achieve these ideals; it is marked for extinction.


"Zeitgeist" says that Horus and numerous other Sun Gods were born on Dec. 25, died on a cross, had 12 disciples, rose after three days etc. etc.

Did they also teach us to love our neighbor, that God is Love, that all men are brothers, and to treat others as you would have them treat you? Did they teach:

"No man can serve two masters...Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matt 5:24)

"Be ye therefore perfect as your Father who art in heaven is perfect."/ (Matt 5: 48)

"God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24)

"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.." (Matt 5:44)

Did they teach worldly denial and escape from the prison of the ego?

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Matt 16:27)


"Zeitgeist" seems to disguise an essentially pagan New Age message in a credible attack on the Illuminati. While decrying two Illuminati frauds, it is perpetuating a third one. Along with religion, it also assails nation and race in passing, 3 out of the 4 on the Illuminati hate- list. (No mention of family.)

Just because we reject the juvenile concept of God, we still have souls that intuit immanent Truth and Purpose. Hopefully viewers of "Zeitgeist" will recognize that faith in God answers a very real spiritual hunger.

"Seek and ye shall find." --- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (_www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site _www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com
Maybe he's been contracted to write something and came up with a big fat blank...

Laura said:
What a load of hooey!
Nicely put, Laura. That'd just about cover it!
Ouch, "Zeitgeist" really stepped on a sore toe it seems. When Christianity is shown to be a fraud, Zionists have a problem by default.

Good to know, just another reason to kindly offer this movie to all that ask for knowledge.
Laura wrote: That is, NATURE IS GOD/GODDESS.

Certainly, there is a spiritual element, a spiritual discipline designed to attune us to the Creator's presence, and we find it in the teachings of the "highest and best Mother: NATURE."

The study of the world and all within it is a pathway to God available to all. This is also a precise statement that ALL that exists IS God, and therefore worth knowing and being open to without conditions. Paul further comments on those who substitute beliefs, "vain imaginings, foolish reasoning and stupid speculations," for true knowledge of God that can be obtained through study and observation of creation. He remarks that such people do not "see fit to consider Him worth the knowing." And we find ourselves facing the idea that refusing to learn, refusing to gather knowledge, to learn, to grow, is equivalent to refusing God!

Paul remarks: "in posing as judge and passing sentence on another you condemn yourself." And what is it to judge and pass sentence? To limit one's openness to knowledge, to ask questions with pre-formed opinions, assumptions and answers.
That pretty much sums it up. I lost my patience with Makow quite awhile ago. In fact, my bookmarks have dwindled down to a precious few. I'm so grateful for the info available on this site. I have no time for all the rubbish spouted by well educated, articulate writers that refuse to take off their religious blinders and insist on forcing them onto everyone else as well.

Honestly, I was religiously programmed at a very young age, but as soon as I had the freedom to choose, the hypocrisy stood out in relief. There was just no way I could continue submitting myself to something so obviously flawed - no matter the repercussions. I sometimes wonder about those seemingly well meaning people who remain dedicated and blind to all the evil perpetrated by the church. Have they just become part of the feeding chain to an extent that they can't leave because they are afraid of losing their food?
Laura said:
What a load of hooey!
Oh, yeah, you could reply exactly the same way to most of Makow's articles - he has consistently displayed quite a startling level of bigotry, sexism, racism and ingnorance across the board. Every once in a blue moon he's written something that a person could ALMOST get through without recoiling - but not very often.
Thank you Laura so much. I saw that article too and was gonna critique/expose the insanity, tear his "pagan" nonsense to shreds, but you graciously saved me the effort and all the CARTONS OF SICK BAGS. Xtians and Zionists are sure out trying to prop up each others' fantasies all over the place these days. Makow's been a sicko for a while.

We live in a Foolish paradox, for while we have forever, we don't have much time. -old Fool
anart said:
...Every once in a blue moon he's written something that a person could ALMOST get through without recoiling - but not very often.
Someone on some other forum once recommended his writings to me. Must have stumbled on one of his more lucid pieces at first. When I returned to his site, he was extolling the virtues and benefits of his mail order bride. He wrote a book A Long Way to Go for a Date, that recounted his courtship with a young, poverty-stricken Filipina female...from a tribe that raised women to please and respect men as the head of a household. Ugh. His rants about the evils of feminism and the NWO were over the top. As for his place in Cointelpro, I lean towards Useful Idiot.
i would say hes an agent or a useful tool - either way hes not touching on alot of other truths

they are becoming trickier because they will even expose other agents and disinfo like he does with zeitgeist movement. the article he wrote about zeitgeist is mostly truth - and the main point is yes of course zeitgeist is another controlled opposition front group.

one thing i have come to realize in figuring out disinfo sites and people is - if they do not try to offer actual real ways to resist the new world order and how to actually abandon the matrix and live independent from the system - then they are more than likely a duped person into spreading the disinfo material, an actual disinfo agent, or they are only doing it for the money

look who they link too, and what kind of advertisements they push on their sites to make money. most of them link too so many other disinfo material while trying to make money off of it. this is highly suspect of being actual agents or funded and tricked by the agents to spread the material.

point being - you can talk all day about the new world order and expose many aspects of it - BUT WHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLY DOING TO RESIST IT AND EDUCATE OTHERS HOW TO RESIST IT?

i guess i cant edit my posts - wanted to add that henry makow has ZERO solutions or answers to his readers on how to properly resist

all he does is talk "about" it
MY tak on Henry

Aw… Henry he is an idiot

Henry Makow there’s a name you see a lot in the conspiracy world! So much that you really wonder if people publish to much...? I mean he does have a lot of facts linked together about the Anglo-Saxon supremacist conspiracy and Jewish supremacist conspiracy. But so does Lyndon Larouch doesn’t mean we should publish everything he says… Does it? Well you might ask what exactly do I mean… Well first look at his sources for info on the left and homosexuals. He pimped a film on political correctness made by cigarette appolgist which sighted a lot from David Horowitz and very little actual info on the subject and a film on intelligent design which had been given such horrible reviews for poor honesty that it was considered a joke! Well you might say that was forgivable… But he sights such extremely unreliable sources in his gay bashing that it is unbelievable like extremist Christian science websites which are basically laughable non-credible he even recently sighted Jesus-is-Savior the loony anti-catholic website! This you might say is completely stupid but his conclusions also have problimes… For instance his recent argument that the Occupy Wall Street was a banker ploy had serious errors… 1 Occupy Wall Street is legitimately against the banks, its prime aim is to regulate and control them! 2 he argues that Occupy Wall is Marxist even though Occopy member identify as capitalist mostly and want to regulate corporations, raise taxes on them and end their person hood not abolish them as is the communist would… Many Occupy people say they “would still like people to get rich and have rich people” they are not Marxist except in the biased mainstream media accounts. This is not the only thing he has said which raises alarm bells of disinfo agent or crank! Another thing he has argued is that gays were infected with the AIDs virus to advance the gay agenda! He starts his argument ‘Cathy O'Brien is an American who was a sex slave in the CIA-funded Project Monarch mind-control program.’

Her father sold her into the project as a child through a Michigan pedophile ring that was protected by then Michigan-congressman Gerald Ford. Cathy says, 'I never perceived his political influence, I only perceived him as another abuser like my father, because Gerald Ford also sexually abused me as a child and sexually abused me right on through my mind-control victimization. Gerald Ford is not a pedophile per se, he's what I refer to as tri-sexual: he'll try anything. Any age, anybody, anytime, anywhere, just as long as he had control because he had a perversion of power.'”

This is his basic argument for why Ford would empower homos… Fact Homosexuals were kept out of the FBI by a homosexual J Edger Hoover!

‘There is instead a more obvious explanation as to why gay men were targeted by vaccination program, and Cantwell acknowledges it. To set off a sexually transmitted pandemic you need highly promiscuous individuals. Szmuness required that his New York test subjects be 'highly promiscuous. In fact, the more promiscuous the better.'
And this is the Second part of the aurgument which is easily debunked with the fact that this is exactly what you would do if you were trying to spread an STD!

Michele Shemer would say this is a classic example of conspiracy theorist confusing fact with opinion with fact… So this is not only disinfo it is poison… It portrays conspiracy theorist as what Shemer and other debunkers claim they are. Rumor repeating nuts who latch onto anything! This is not the only cliam he has made which reeks for instance he also claims Saul D. Alansky is a Satanist because he says that Lucifer was the first radical, “because he rebelled against the establishment and gained a Kingdom of his own!” despite that this a biblical fact! Second he argues with no evidence that Alansky is a communist although S.D.A. denied belonging to any political group and uses this to claim Obama is a communist dispite that everything Obama has done is capitalistic or third way by normal standards. For instance Michel Friedman was the archatic of the current bailouts… Second he claims that Obama will not compromise because of Saul’s teachings even though that is a primary teaching and I can sight Palin fans to show that Obama compromises… That is why a lot people think he is weak! This sort of thing goes on through out his articles! Now let me tell you a theory, which I have come up with. Henry Makow is being promoted because he is killing support for anti-Zionism among the groups he attacks! One Gays, Blacks and Liberals are the strongest opposition to Zionism! Gays for instance just a quick conversation will with any will usually show a strong hint of anti-Semitism! So with Blacks and Liberals! Two he is very confused about life… He says that the fact that a feminist meeting was talking about “Imperialism”, “Capitalism”, and “Gay rights” proves feminism is a communist front! Problem all these things do effect women… Imperialism affect women because women are usually the first target of imperialist regimes because sexual domination comes first when oppressing an country and rape is a common act in war! Capitalism affects women because women have wombs and females need special help to keep up when they are preggers, second not all opposition to capitalism is socialistic… Look at the catholic church! And there are gay women! And didn’t Henry say that anti-Semitism is anti-imperialism so is he pro-Jewish! Just look at anything Henry says and examine it with simple logic and well known facts! He is crazy and this is exactly what the New World Order wants for opposition! You could get a lot more accurate info about the New World Order if you read Noam Chomsky and more of it! And don’t give me Chomsky is a Nine Eleven liar he just doesn’t like boat load of BS that come with the Nine Eleven Truth people like Missile Pentagon, Pod Plans and No Jews in the towers! He has said he does not think the Nine Eleven Commission Report was accurate! The worst thing about the Truth Movement is that it claims anyone claiming something different is evil! That is not what any movement needs and Henry definitely represents that sort of thinking! I maen if what he where saying is true then why did when I told the DCF that I had been picked on by some of the staff for being bisexual didn’t the Pink Homo SS swop in and start taking this place down and why have I been picked on by Heterosexuals so much if they are the ones suppose to in the closet now as Henry says! I don’t think Henry meets any gay people because I know lots of gays who have stayed together forever even though Henry says they break up after a few years… And Henry says they all are child molesters even though I had a great lesbian babysitter when I was a kid and I know tons of kids who had great child hoods and were raised by gays! Henry does not even seem to have met a gay man in his life! Henry just seems to be putting dangerous ignorance into a subject filled with and I would call this the most dangerous disinfo on the internet outside the Anti-Vatican movement!

David Brinegar is a small time writer who is currently working on a book called A Republic not a Democracy. Debunking the strange argument that the right has used against gay rights. He is also working on a series of vampire fiction and is currently going to publish Zaphira the Vampire: School yard murder! He lives in Florida and is currently unpublished!
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