Here it is...Web could be terror training camp: Chertoff

Mr. Premise

The Living Force

Disaffected people living in the United States may develop radical ideologies and potentially violent skills over the Internet and that could present the next major U.S. security threat, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Monday.

"We now have a capability of someone to radicalize themselves over the Internet," Chertoff said on the sidelines of a meeting of International Association of the Chiefs of Police.

"They can train themselves over the Internet. They never have to necessarily go to the training camp or speak with anybody else and that diffusion of a combination of hatred and technical skills in things like bomb-making is a dangerous combination," Chertoff said. "Those are the kind of terrorists that we may not be able to detect with spies and satellites."

Chertoff pointed to the July 7, 2005 attacks on London's transit system, which killed 56 people, as an example a home-grown threat.

To help gather intelligence on possible home-grown attackers, Chertoff said Homeland Security would deploy 20 field agents this fiscal year into "intelligence fusion centers," where they would work with local police agencies.

By the end of the next fiscal year, he said the department aims to up that to 35 staffers.
Yes, here it is indeed. This is all the Dept. needs to inculcate the masses with the idea that surfing the internet makes one vulnerable to "radical ideologies" and we'll have the sheeple soon in favor of restricting it's use. Be afraid, be very afraid of those who think differently that you, Joe 6-Pack. In the meantime, the dosiers will be stacking up to be used as "evidence" when they whisk those radicals away.

Wonder how long it will take from Chertoff's announcement until we see restrictions on internet use?

I can see the possible progression already.. first they block "radical" muslim religious websites, those who seem to be really nuts (I'm sure there are a few of those, and if not, they could quickly be created, shown to the public, and blocked). Then the websites of muslim sympathizers or those who are critical of the US/Israeli governments. Especially those who are upset at them for blocking access to the aforementioned websites. Then there will be some sort of mass email spam campaign initiated by government agents which basically encouarge people to stand up and join Al Qaeda or something and to "fight" the evil government that censors things. This can then be used to say "aha see, shutting down the websites isn't enough, the terrorists will recruit by email using spam campaigns". This can be the pretext to censor emails, and only allow "safe" or "authorized" emails to go through (which means, blocking all emails critical of government or supportive of muslims etc).

But even for more effect, right after the mass email spam campaign that pretends to be from al qaeda, have a bunch of greenbaums blow themselves up and maybe carry like a koran with them etc to be found later by the cops. This will be linked directly to the email spam campaign which will "prove" that the government is right, the internet IS dangerous and IS already being used to kill innocent people. This will be the final straw, and maybe the internet will be indefinitely "suspended" due to a grave national security risk as a result of those greenbaums going off due to the email campaign. They won't even use words like "shut down" etc, it will make it seem like something other than it is - maybe it will be cause an "emergency pause" on internet services or something.

It all sounds so easy and plausible, and actually doable, I'm surprised it hasn't yet occured!
I am not going to fear this one from Chertoff or any of these psychopaths
and their fear-mongering cronies. They already have the means to do what
they are doing and will keep adding more fear waging tools to their arsenal.

They already have backdoors into all operating systems in the planet, they have
Echlon, Talon, records of everything they need. They have satelites that can
record the echo off your windows, tap your phones (even when not activated),
can see your heat/EM signatures, and all they are doing is trying to spread more
and more fear and this IMO is just the latest of the "timely releases" of information
for public disemination with the obvious message: "Big Brother is watching you!",
so that fear can be spread around quite liberally. Just LOOK at the negative energy
pooling around, uuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm! FOOD!

They have over the course of history, changed and modified laws to suit their motives
and their plans. They can incarerate anyone they want, just change the law! Manmade
Law and justice is simply made to place a human being over another, in a hierarchial
structure which can be shaped in any fashion as desired and at will! The system of
balances of the 3 houses is total bunk. Clearly, ALL THREE HOUSES have been corrupted;
Bush and his cronies have clearly VIOLATED the law and congress retroactively exonerated
them! Well, gee whiz!! This action basically INVALIDATES the CONSITUTION OF THE
USA or ANY MANMADE LAW because these laws can be shaped and formed nilly willy
and no idiot should be made agree to be held bound to these bunko laws because it is
unenforcable except by a group of psychopath who clearly does not care about rights!
We the people have placed unbridled power in the hands of the psychopaths and we
are now doomed to repeat history just as fallen great civilizations have done, many
times before. The work of 4D STS manipulators have done very well for 309,000
years, OSIT.

Can't you see, how effective "they" are at playing with people's emotions and their
fears? Can you see how they play the fear cards with relgious attachments, ideology
attachments, political attachments, emotional attachments, ..., to get humans to attack
other humans for the sole purpose to provide the (negative energy) food for the 4D STS
beings? Heck, we 3D people are very ignorant indeed, because we simply cannot discover
for ourselves who we are, what we are, within, and our mission and so we have completely
lost our senses and reasons (knowledge) and do the blind bidding on behalf of the 4D STS
masters. Oh, what a clever plan! Ignorant people are like cattle, guiding themselves along
the fence on our way to the slaughter house!

So I guess the bottom line is, that we are here to watch and learn our lessons to really
control our emotions, to see how it works, to gain knowledge and awareness, and this
is all we need. The C's made that VERY CLEAR. Our our emotions and our fears, if not
carefully self-controlled can be portals of attacks by those STS forces seeking to destablize
us through our own weaknesses so that they can keep us as their food source.

FDR said:
I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impel. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.





No kidding! I can just about see it now:

They'll probably run a few programs on TV in concert with their various manipulation tendrils making people aware of the "problem". In England, there is a channel 4 show called Despatches, I've watched it several times, they cover latest scandals and risky problems, like just a while ago, they "investigated" how credit card details can be easily gotten hold of by various Indian companies, which got everyone's fear juices flowing nicely. I can just about see them doing a similar thing with this issue.
BIG, BOLD, fear inducing titles - Q in the slow, Doomy music - Few images of "Al-Qaeda" video footage - ba da bing, Ba da boom! Now everyone is aware and afraid of the problem, ever willing to give more of their free will away.
Once the internet has initiated the process of censorship, then it'll be very easy for the PTB to start cropping and cutting left, right and centre. And when this domino effect takes place, how long will it be until THIS site is considered "radical"?
Repression is great fertilizer. It strengths resolve, inovation, resourcefullness of all kinds. Do not forget that the environments,( all kinds: political, environmental, economic ) are all changing quickly. Large complex centralized structures have histically done poorly in such times. Who among the chipmunks will weep for the dinasaur?
The swing will move our way, and the deck will be cleared.

A curious synchronicity: The Russian Ministery of Internal Affairs sponsors a bill that aims for a total control of the Internet, to weed out terrorists and extremist organizations. The bill somehow turns up at the Duma( parliament) without any preliminary discussion and analysis, no one knew about its existence until today.
dant said:
Lynne said:
So folks, how much longer do you all think we have left?
Personally, it is highly probable between now and 2012 or thereabouts. :)
I dunno. I have serious doubts about 2012. Wayy too many new agers etc are anticipating 2012. The PTB are famous for their ability to disappoint all such anticipation and timing-based predictions. My guess is that there won't be one single world-ending event. It will be a staircase - we're already going down and have been for a while. So all those people waiting for a huge event may be very disappointed. What they will not notice is that the huge event was simply extended over a few years instead, and like frogs that are being warmed up one degree at a time, will boil alive and not even realise it. Shocks are bad for the PTB, shocks have a tendency to awaken people. But shocks that do not awaken, only put people into deeper sleep. So the PTB must be careful not to give such a big shock as to wake people up, but still need shocks to deepen the mass hypnosis and desensitize. I hope we can awaken people before they are so deeply asleep that only a HUGE shock (or no shock at all) could awaken them.
Lynne said:
So folks, how much longer do you all think we have left?
If the Nemesis asteroids hits us in the 2009-ish timeframe, that would be.. bad. If they miss, or some other miracle occurs, I would say that it is "open" :-)
Would any of you be so kind as to answer a question for me. The 2009 date for the comets arrival keeps appearing here. I have put in 2009 in the search engine and read through the articles trying to find the original post that it was in, and either my eyes were so tired that I missed it (which is a good probablitly) or it wasn't listed here on the forum. Where is the original thread that this date was mentioned?

Any help on this will be appreciated.
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