Hereditary psychopaths?


Dagobah Resident
Uri Avnery in "The Black Flag Is Waving" tags Jewish rabbis inciting the IDF gunmen as another species. The wording caught my eye. He is probably being rhetorical, but science may back him up. Is psychopathy a hereditary phenomenon?
Is the Jewish rabbinate a hereditary priesthood?

Uri Avnery said:
Among those suspected of war crimes, the rabbis have a place of honor.

Those who incite to war crimes and call upon soldiers, directly or indirectly, to commit war crimes may be guilty of a war crime themselves.

When one speaks of "rabbis," one thinks of old men with long white beards and big hats, who give tongue to venerable wisdom. But the rabbis who accompanied the troops are a very different species.

In the last decades, the state-financed religious educational system has churned out "rabbis" who are more like medieval Christian priests than the Jewish sages of Poland or Morocco. This system indoctrinates its pupils with a violent tribal cult, totally ethnocentric, which sees in the whole of world history nothing but an endless story of Jewish victimhood. This is a religion of a Chosen People, indifferent to others, a religion without compassion for anyone who is not Jewish, which glorifies the God-decreed genocide described in the Biblical book of Joshua.

The products of this education are now the "rabbis" who instruct the religious youths. With their encouragement, a systematic effort has been made to take over the Israeli army from within. Kippa-wearing officers have replaced the kibbutzniks, who not so long ago were dominant in the army. Many of the lower and middle-ranking officers now belong to this group.

The most outstanding example is the "chief army rabbi," Col. Avichai Ronsky, who has declared that his job is to reinforce the "fighting spirit" of the soldiers. He is a man of the extreme Right, not far from the spirit of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose party was outlawed in Israel for its fascist ideology. Under the auspices of the army rabbinate, religious-fascist brochures of the ultra-Right "rabbis" were distributed to the soldiers.

This material includes political incitement, such as the statement that the Jewish religion prohibits "giving up even one millimeter of Eretz Israel," that the Palestinians, like the Biblical Philistines (from whom the name Palestine derives), are a foreign people who invaded the country, and that any compromise (such as indicated in the official government program) is a mortal sin. The distribution of political propaganda violates, of course, army law.

The rabbis openly called upon the soldiers to be cruel and merciless toward the Arabs. To treat them mercifully, they stated, is a "terrible, awful immorality." When such material is distributed to religious soldiers going into war, it is easy to see why things happened the way they did.
As a Jew, reading this boils my blood. How can this type of mentality be not only condoned but PROMOTED???
The rabbis openly called upon the soldiers to be cruel and merciless toward the Palestinians. To treat them mercifully, they stated, is a "terrible, awful immorality."
Wasn't it only 60 years ago that Hitler's ideology was to be cruel and merciless towards Jews, Gypsies and other minorities in Europe. This seems to be a recurring theme though, "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

How can we, as Jews say anything about WWII or Hitler and still keep face or not look like hypocrites if the type of mentality listed in the article is allowed to occur. Crazy, fascist, war-mongers who are merciless to their enemies. Willing to separate mother from son, father from daughter. It doesn't matter that there are families on the other side of Gaza Strip similar to the ones in Israel, who want peaceful lives, who don't want to fear walking on a bus and being blown to bits, or have their house bombarded with missiles.

If we don't get our act together and start to realize that we are slowly becoming that which we hate, and who hated us so much, then we are doomed. There is no objectivity involved in this matter at all. These rabbi's are reminiscent of the SS in so many ways. Indoctrinating the Jewish People with ideas of hate and mercilessness. Attempting to create more isolation and separation between the two peoples. Demonizing Palestinians to the point where they believe its immoral to give them any mercy! And dont get me wrong groups like Hamas are similar. Inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate. It's this type of ideology and mentality on both sides which are putting the lives of innocent people at risk.

If there is one lesson I learned from reading the Wave and subsequent works, is to look at myself first before judging others. Because once you start, there is this realization that what you dislike in others, is usually what's already inside you. I do hope that people on both sides decide to lift that mirror up and really start to SEE what there doing before acting blindly.
DanielS said:
As a Jew, reading this boils my blood. How can this type of mentality be not only condoned but PROMOTED???
The rabbis openly called upon the soldiers to be cruel and merciless toward the Palestinians. To treat them mercifully, they stated, is a "terrible, awful immorality."
Wasn't it only 60 years ago that Hitler's ideology was to be cruel and merciless towards Jews, Gypsies and other minorities in Europe. This seems to be a recurring theme though, "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

Indeed. As a Jew and an Israeli this kind of mentality makes me feel ashamed. That's why it is important that every Jew with conscience will make an effort to voice their opposition to this poison.

DanielS said:
And dont get me wrong groups like Hamas are similar. Inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate. It's this type of ideology and mentality on both sides which are putting the lives of innocent people at risk.

Well, this issue is not exactly cut and dry or black and white. Especially when it comes to being exposed and influenced by pathological ideologies (where Israeli and Palestinian populations have the same vulnerability of being influenced by this poison) . But in case of Hamas there are several things that should be considered. It is a well known (and documented) fact that Hamas is a creation of Mossad. It plays a specific role in maintaining the myth of a Palestinian suicide bomber. So even if there is indeed a high chance that there are elements in Hamas (and maybe even in key positions of the organization) doing just that - 'inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate', they operate under instructions of the real manipulators by being either conscious or unconscious tools in furthering Israeli agenda. And if one keeps this in mind, one realizes that the act of stirring up anger and hate among Palestinians comes from the same direction.

Nothing as it seems. So by saying that 'groups like Hamas are similar' is basically missing a point and actually helping Israel to maintain the perception that there is an opposition between two sides. While in fact there are no two sides but only one - Israel and its plan to get rid of indigenous population of Palestine by way of deception.
Keit said:
So even if there is indeed a high chance that there are elements in Hamas (and maybe even in key positions of the organization) doing just that - 'inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate', they operate under instructions of the real manipulators by being either conscious or unconscious tools in furthering Israeli agenda. And if one keeps this in mind, one realizes that the act of stirring up anger and hate among Palestinians comes from the same direction.

Also their may well be militants within Palestine who are doing that, who don't have a very strong connection to Hamas at all, and perhaps none at all. But Hamas will no doubt bear the brunt of the blame with any attack that comes from Palestine, despite the fact their may be no true connection to the Hamas leadership. Some of these rogue militants could also very well be Mossad creations, but even if not, it does not matter because, as Keit noted above, their actions serve to further the aims of the psychopathic Israeli elite, either consciously or unconsciously.
Pinkerton said:
...their actions serve to further the aims of the psychopathic Israeli elite, either consciously or unconsciously.

Not to mention the psychopathic British and American elite... who want to get all the Jews back in Israel and "initiate the Eschaton" so Jeebus will return and they'll all get to rule the world!
Pinkerton said:
Also their may well be militants within Palestine who are doing that, who don't have a very strong connection to Hamas at all, and perhaps none at all. But Hamas will no doubt bear the brunt of the blame with any attack that comes from Palestine, despite the fact their may be no true connection to the Hamas leadership. Some of these rogue militants could also very well be Mossad creations, but even if not, it does not matter because, as Keit noted above, their actions serve to further the aims of the psychopathic Israeli elite, either consciously or unconsciously.

This is important to remember. The Israeli response is like that of an authoritarian parent. The parent hits the child, the child cries or fights back, and the parent hits it some more for doing so. The logic is basically, "Well, they're fighting back, and we have a right do defend ourselves and teach them a lesson." There's no understanding of human nature and thus no compassion in such an outlook. In the Palestinian resistance there will always be individuals who cannot grasp the idea that vengeance plays into the wishes of the Israelis and who hot-headedly make poor judgment calls. In a sane world these would be understood as such. But psychopaths stage, provoke and manipulate these situations for their own advantage. It's an unwritten rule that aggression is a justifiable response to aggression. So Israel either creates their own false opposition, manipulates the real opposition, or just makes use of any retaliation and then spins it as "self-defense". If people read ponerology, they'd understand these different pathways for "evil".

A quick attempt at a rundown:

1a) Instrumental Evil - This is psychopathic evil and an example in this sphere is black ops: creating a false enemy who is associated with real people. Once people buy that this enemy exists, their moralizing tendencies justify "vengeance" and thus war. This real aggression provokes a second kind of evil:

2) Reactive Evil - This is the moralizing, revenge-lusting evil that causes people to act on an unconscious level, often violently. Some people react to oppression with violence. In the micro-sphere these may be "crimes of passion" where emotions take over. The feelings of being wronged are easily manipulated by type 1 evil, as in the process of ponerization of groups that Lobaczewski describes. The violent acts of reactive evil feed back to instrumental evil again.

1b) Instrumental Evil - Psychopaths now have a "more real" enemy. They cause real people to do real things, thus confirming in the minds of others that these people really are violent. Truth is, it is the psychopaths who have made them so. And the cycle of ponerogenesis continues.
Keit said:
It is a well known (and documented) fact that Hamas is a creation of Mossad. It plays a specific role in maintaining the myth of a Palestinian suicide bomber. So even if there is indeed a high chance that there are elements in Hamas (and maybe even in key positions of the organization) doing just that - 'inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate', they operate under instructions of the real manipulators by being either conscious or unconscious tools in furthering Israeli agenda. And if one keeps this in mind, one realizes that the act of stirring up anger and hate among Palestinians comes from the same direction.

I had no idea this was the case. This sounds similar, if not exactly the same as what the CIA did with Al Qaeda. Fund, and train a militant group which in the end was used against the American people as a justification to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. Like you said, by stirring peoples anger and hate by manipulating events and creating an enemy. But if it's so well documented and well known, has there been any response to this in Israel by the people or the media? Or is it's being swept under the rug and not getting any mainstream media attention at all?
DanielS said:
[...]But if it's so well documented and well known, has there been any response to this in Israel by the people or the media? Or is it's being swept under the rug and not getting any mainstream media attention at all?
Hi DanielS, there are some excellent articles on SOTT that explain how Israel seeks to control the way the MSM broadcasters report on their actions. You can use the search function with operators, e.g. +Israel +propaganda will return articles containing both terms.

For instance this article is informative: How Israel 's Propaganda Machine Works

If you have a spare hour, this video on the topic is enlightening: Essential viewing: Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media and the Israel -Palestine Conflict
DanielS said:
I had no idea this was the case. This sounds similar, if not exactly the same as what the CIA did with Al Qaeda. Fund, and train a militant group which in the end was used against the American people as a justification to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. Like you said, by stirring peoples anger and hate by manipulating events and creating an enemy. But if it's so well documented and well known, has there been any response to this in Israel by the people or the media? Or is it's being swept under the rug and not getting any mainstream media attention at all?

Well, the evidence that US government and Israel are behind the 9/11 events is also well researched and documented, but you still will have trouble finding any remotely objective report about it in the world media. The same is with Israeli media. And in particular case of Israel their job is even easier because after years of thorough social programing and indoctrination of Zionist (and also religious) paranoid schizoid perception of reality (that Israel is in constant danger. And since this is the only safe place for Jews and the rest of the world is against us, we need to do what ever necessary to protect ourselves) most of Israelis are actually happy that they don't need to know all the answers. They just leave all the dirty work to their marvelous IDF.

IDF soldiers are seen as dear sons and protectors who are doing an incredibly hard work. And the only critique directed toward the leaders is that they are not doing enough to minimize soldiers' deaths on Israeli side. They are quite supportive of the war and occupation as long as their sons will return home alive. No real interest or concern if this is even justified. They say that we don't have a choice. It's either us or them - and obviously the answer they give is 'us - at all costs'.

Don't know if you saw the following video, if not - I recommend it. This video is a good demonstration that there are Israelis with conscience, but they are treated by the rest of the population as traitors. Also, in the same video a well known peace activist Uri Avnery mentions that there is no real need for several TV channels or radio stations in Israel, because it seems like everything is being written and prepared by one man anyway. There is no diversity or real freedom of opinion.

So in such environment, no wonder that a well researched information about the origin of Jews is only now being published in Israel. But even so - you won't hear about that in the media or newspapers - it will be talked about maybe in academic (more left wing oriented) circles. The rest are quite comfortable with their illusions.

But just a note about the mention of Hamas (and other groups that are included in the same 'radical Islam' category) even by Israeli anti-occupation movements as the real problem of Palestinians. Part of it is based on ignorance, but part of it is based on a human nature. I guess that even most of us here, active forum participants who have a goal on working on ourselves by stripping al lour lies and sacred cows, still have some areas that we don't want to touch. Sometimes the fear of the total destruction of illusion is too overwhelming. Because after identifying with the lie for such a long time we fear that this destruction may cause our own annihilation.

And as a Jew yourself you might know how strong are identification with the 'being a nation' and solidarity concepts among Jews. Suddenly realizing that everything you knew before, every tiny foundation of what you perceived as your nation is a lie, maybe just too much to grasp. Learning that your own government and its famous intelligence agency (Mossad) have a goal that is far away from protecting its citizens maybe to much even for the open minded.

But in my personal opinion, lot of it is still based on ignorance and total silence in the media. I am sure there are people in Israel who know everything we are talking about here, it just that you won't find them talking about it openly. At least I wasn't able to witness it.
Thank you for the links to the videos and articles, I watched and read all of them and have learned a lot of new information on the situation at hand. It was chilling though, the precision and sheer audacity of what is taking place in Israel. It's not that the situation is out of control, but how much control is being exerted that is scary. I watched the video and it was not surprising, yet extremely ... I don't know. It's hard to come up with a word to describe how I felt while watching that video. A mix of anger, sadness, regret, and a multitude of emotions ran through me. It's one thing to have a general idea of what's going on in Israel and Palestine, its another to know the finer details of how one group of people go about systematically eradicating another.

How layered and cruelly efficient this system of destruction is. So efficient, that it's capable of fooling its own people into engaging in genocide yet still believe they have no choice and HAVE to do this. When decent people become indecent, when good men become evil, yet still believe they are good. There is no justification in the actions of the Israeli Government, yet they make it out to seem that they are the ones being attacked. I have family and friends who condone these actions and believe that what's going on is necessary for our survival. That we have to defend our "home". That God promised us this land in the Bible. But I will never believe it. As long as we let ignorance and fear rule our judgment, we will never truly be free.

I guess that even most of us here, active forum participants who have a goal on working on ourselves by stripping al lour lies and sacred cows, still have some areas that we don't want to touch. Sometimes the fear of the total destruction of illusion is too overwhelming. Because after identifying with the lie for such a long time we fear that this destruction may cause our own annihilation.

I'm afraid this is true. We really have let psychopaths run our world to the point of warping and distorting our beliefs. These beliefs are so much a part of people that they wont let go and fight to keep them. The Israeli PR machine has done a fantastic job of turning most Jews into paranoid-schizophrenics that fear the entire world is out to get them, and the only safe place is in Israel. However, the Peace Protest in Tel Aviv is at least a glimmer of light in Israel. Jews and Palestinians, marching together for peace is something I hope continues to happen and starts to create a ripple effect that will affect change in the situation.
The thing is, what is going on in Israeli society is just the same as what goes on in other societies. The same percentages of people are psychopathic leaders, the same percentages of people are dumbed down followers, the same percentages of people are awake or awakening people of conscience who feel helpless in the face of the numbers of the others. The difference is that Israeli society has a particular focus and spotlight on it because of the whole "Judaism is the background of Christianity the mainstay of the Western World" thing. And the problem with that is that the whole story is a myth that has been used by pathological types for the last 2000 years or more to control the masses and engender support for genocide! Nothing new here!

When psychopaths are in charge and their control and "ideology" becomes overt, it forces a confrontation with one's essence and how you respond says a lot about you. If you haven't read Sebastian Haffner's book "Defying Hitler," you might want to do so. He has a chapter where he talks about how he observed this confrontation acting on many people in his social circle. There's another article that describes people in terms of "endoskeletons and exoskeletons". People with exoskeletons need a "strong moral authority" outside of them to determine their behavior and if that authority is psychopathic, that's how they will model their behavior. People with "endoskeletons" have an inner moral fiber that is based on eternal principles of humanity and when the outside authority is psychopathic, they refuse to be corrupted by it.

This "endoskeleton vs exoskeleton" thing does seem to be genetic. See Zimbardo's work and also the work on "Right Wing Authoritarian" types. IMO, Judaism and Christianity and Islam - the three main monotheistic religions - are just ideological masks for psychopathy.
It has been covered in the mainstream media, in Israel too, but in the usual way so that the real significance of the facts don't sink in. Just like with the CIA/Al Qaeda relationship, they put it in terms like, "we did it for a strategic reason years ago, then it got out of hand and the group now is working against us..." The standard explanation is that back some 25 years ago (I think that's the chronology), Mossad helped give seed money to Hamas to give an Islamic fundamentalist enemy to Fatah which was then Israel's primary opponent. What they don't say, both in this case and in the case of CIA/alQaeda is that when intelligence agencies create groups, these groups almost never "get away" from their control.

DanielS said:
Keit said:
It is a well known (and documented) fact that Hamas is a creation of Mossad. It plays a specific role in maintaining the myth of a Palestinian suicide bomber. So even if there is indeed a high chance that there are elements in Hamas (and maybe even in key positions of the organization) doing just that - 'inciting peoples fears and stirring up anger and hate', they operate under instructions of the real manipulators by being either conscious or unconscious tools in furthering Israeli agenda. And if one keeps this in mind, one realizes that the act of stirring up anger and hate among Palestinians comes from the same direction.

I had no idea this was the case. This sounds similar, if not exactly the same as what the CIA did with Al Qaeda. Fund, and train a militant group which in the end was used against the American people as a justification to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq. Like you said, by stirring peoples anger and hate by manipulating events and creating an enemy. But if it's so well documented and well known, has there been any response to this in Israel by the people or the media? Or is it's being swept under the rug and not getting any mainstream media attention at all?
Laura said:
When psychopaths are in charge and their control and "ideology" becomes overt, it forces a confrontation with one's essence and how you respond says a lot about you. If you haven't read Sebastian Haffner's book "Defying Hitler," you might want to do so. He has a chapter where he talks about how he observed this confrontation acting on many people in his social circle. There's another article that describes people in terms of "endoskeletons and exoskeletons". People with exoskeletons need a "strong moral authority" outside of them to determine their behavior and if that authority is psychopathic, that's how they will model their behavior. People with "endoskeletons" have an inner moral fiber that is based on eternal principles of humanity and when the outside authority is psychopathic, they refuse to be corrupted by it.

This seems very close to the idea of organic portals and Non-OP's in the Psychopathy sections. He seems to be describing, from your description, the difference between a "fully souled" individual and an OP. Not to say that ALL people with souls have a strong moral fibre, but at least they have that confrontation within themselves, somewhere deep down they know the deeper implications of their thoughts and actions, and those of others, but try to supress those thoughts.

Laura said:
This "endoskeleton vs exoskeleton" thing does seem to be genetic. See Zimbardo's work and also the work on "Right Wing Authoritarian types".

I actually saw a documentary a while back called 'The Science of Evil'. Philip Zimbardo was featured in the documentary, in particular his work in regards to understanding how good people turn evil. They documented his experiment, at, I believe it was Stanford University. He hired 10 regular college students, set up prison cells in the University basement and made 5 of the students guards and 5 of them prisoners. He specifically gave the prisoners numbers, not names, and the security guards dark shades so that minimal direct eye contact would be made. Now I believe this was only an 8hr a day experiment (like a job) and Zimbardo played the role of Warden. Within the first day there was a riot and the "guards" were using extreme measures to supress the prisoners. One guard in particular became the "Head Guard". Zimbardo himself noticed that he was becoming part of the experiment and not an unbiased observer and immediately stopped the experiment early. From what I remember, the results of the experiment spooked.

In another of the segments, two scientists were trying to prove that human beings have no souls, and in yet another they were describing what goes in African countries and the means by which Militant groups go about recruiting young children into their ranks. The most disturbing being the Militant groups recruitment methods. It's a chilling documentary, one that fits into the category of psychopathy for sure.
DanielS said:
I actually saw a documentary a while back called 'The Science of Evil'. Philip Zimbardo was featured in the documentary, in particular his work in regards to understanding how good people turn evil. They documented his experiment, at, I believe it was Stanford University.

Sott ran an excellent article featuring the work of Philip Zimbardo titled Environment of Evil. It really puts things in their place and, I think, is a must read.

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