"Herr Zimmer" (in a dream)


The Living Force

I wish to ask for your (collective) help in interpreting a dream of mine that I had a few days ago.

First, I should mention that I had this dream during a really special night, when I had (non-intentionally) to sleep outdoor in a physically insecure environment (with a potential of dangerous encounter), with additionally noises and lights during the whole night. So I stayed awaken almost the whole night (though I didn't have a way to know the hour).

So during this special night, I ended falling asleep, and I had a short but quite vivid dream : I'm discussing with a (Swiss/German-speaking) friend, I mention "Herr Zimmer" to him, and I explain that this means in German : "Mister the brother" (???) - or something like that.

When I woke up, the name "Herr Zimmer" was quite clear in my memory, I had heard it and even known its spelling during the dream. But I was also sure that it was the first time in my life that I heard such a name ! I wasn't able to link it to anyone/anything that I know of. Since then, I searched about it, so I remembered that in German Herr means indeed Mister and that Zimmer means room in German (I learned German at school for 5 years, but I almost completely forgot it besides a few words - it's the first time I can remember where I use a German word in a dream). And I discovered a few people named so, among them Hans Zimmer (a musician), and Marion Zimmer Bradley (the famous author).

Since I dreamt it, this dream has absolutely no meaning for me. But it was so vivid that it "calls" for understanding.
Would any of you have an idea about why this name (who is it ?) and also what means my explanation in the dream ? Thanks in advance !
(I should also mention that since the dream I wonder if it may be related to MK programmers, but without any real reason to suppose that.)
Bastian said:
First, I should mention that I had this dream during a really special night, when I had (non-intentionally) to sleep outdoor in a physically insecure environment (with a potential of dangerous encounter), with additionally noises and lights during the whole night. So I stayed awaken almost the whole night (though I didn't have a way to know the hour).

The first thing coming into my mind is rather prosaic ... Sleeping outside and being afraid you wished to be back in a room? ... Where the German comes from, our mind plays tricks ... I sometimes have French words floating around (also learned French in school, but otherwise have no connection to it).

Minas Tirith said:
The first thing coming into my mind is rather prosaic ... Sleeping outside and being afraid you wished to be back in a room? ...
:O I should have guessed that by myself !
Indeed, it's a good hypothesis. Thanks !

But what's strange is that during the dream I was quietly discussing with a friend of mine, without any feeling of danger around.
So maybe there is another explanation.
Where the German comes from, our mind plays tricks ... I sometimes have French words floating around (also learned French in school, but otherwise have no connection to it).
It's indeed tricky to use a German word I forgot for decades rather than, for instance, dreaming of looking for a shelter !

Well... the unconcious mind has its reasons that we can't guess.

Thank you again for your try.
A few months ago, I've stumbled upon Dr. Heinrich Zimmer, C. G. Jung's friend and J. Campbell's professor :

Hello Bastian, the word Zimmer had medical connections, older folk use a device for balance known as a 'Zimmer frame'.
As well as this there is a company which manufactures artificial joints such as knee replacements and they go under the name of 'Zimmer'. (My wife has one) Some of them are under recall.
I could not tie this into your dream though, although the lights and sounds might have simulated an operating theatre, as if you have connected to someone undergoing an operation via the aether.
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