High Radiation Levels/Big Boom Indiana


FOTCM Member
My son brought this story to my attention. Apparently high levels of radiation were recorded near South Bend, IN yesterday, June 7, 2012 - then later, "they" said it was a false alarm. The usual..."nothing to see here folks".

During the same time as this alert, residents and even my local news, reported a loud boom with houses shaking and trees falling in the same area -see video in attached link. Coincidence?

I upped my dose of vitamin C never the less, as I live down wind.


Added: SOTT has more on this story. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/246498-Developing-Nuclear-Cover-Up-Extreme-Radiation-Levels-in-Indiana-Prompt-EPA-Censorship-DHS-Hazmat-Team
Caught this on my facebook feed. It seems the story traces back to reddit: _http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/uqlq9/reddit_i_think_there_is_a_giant_nuclear_coverup/

Not sure if it's real or not since I feel like there'd be more videos on youtube, pictures from camera phones, etc, it could be an elaborate hoax.

Though with everything else going on it could be anything.
After reading most of the reddit thread on this story, I'm not sure what the heck is going on. I would feel way better if this was indeed an equipment malfunction and there is no high levels of radiation. :/
Has anyone seen anything reported by someone other than Anthony Gucciardi? So far he's the only one I see, all other coverage seems to use his articles.

I also found a YouTube video by user Dutchsinse that seems to recap and shows the websites with the radiation readings as well as checking online to see if there was any recent seismic acvtivity in the area: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwsVLmfZsxk

The video on Youtube of a news report about explosions and trees snapping in Missouri a couple of days before has been taken down, so I don't know if there's any other sources for that connection.

This strikes me as very curious all over the place. Hopefully, ya'll can continue digging. What would be ideal would be if we had a "man on the scene" so to say. But then, we also know the capacity of the PTB to cover something up and suppress everything if needed.
It seems to me logical that the radiation from Fukushima will reach North America.
If you want to know what's going on in your neighbourhood then you have to buy your own
radiation meter. They are not cheap!

Here is a small selection:

It is interesting not much clues coming out except speculation. I wonder this spike in meter came from meteorite blast of some special variety (sonic boom ) contributed for this issue.
People are not reporting sickness. that is the puzzle,
Helicopters and secret toys will fly irrepsective of the causes
only 2 meters measured the high radiation when one can get a meter for $400.- is it some sort of testing of alternate internet media influence ?.
Not enough data to make out.
I've been searching a little more this morning and had a strange experience with Google. I searched Indiana Missouri Radiationand then clicked the News link, to see if any of the indexed news sites had anything. I got several results, although only Digital Journal (_http://m.digitaljournal.com/article/326246) was the only relevant result. Then I opened a new window and performed the same search again and got zero results. After a few minutes, I got the original results again. Strange.

While poking around the web, looking for other sources, I came across a discussion on GLP that shows them documenting the readings:
Although I cannot tell who the people are who were posting the readings, they got pretty high.

I find it a little off putting when much of the information on the web comes from infowars, GLP and anti-globalist sites, all great places to spread disinformation.

Here's a Tv news story about the explosion sounds people heard the week prior: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-oV93obxWE

Still searching.

Laura said:
This strikes me as very curious all over the place. Hopefully, ya'll can continue digging. What would be ideal would be if we had a "man on the scene" so to say. But then, we also know the capacity of the PTB to cover something up and suppress everything if needed.

Interesting timing. I happen to be working in that area starting Monday, and will be moving to SW Michigan in the next few weeks. I have been following the events occurring in Michigan the last few months, and will definitely post any relevant information I find.
I noticed that Radiation Networks had an update on their website that explains why the other monitoring company, Black Cat Systems, also registered high readings:
Update: 6/7/12, 7:45 A.M: - False Alert: The alert level reading last evening appears to be a false alert from an equipment malfunction. Here is the station's report:

"out of control readings on the GeigerGraph screen from about 11:30pm local time that occurred while sleeping. My apologies to all. I have no idea what caused this. Shut down GeigerGraph and restarted. Readings from the Geiger were in the normal range (the Geiger operates on A/C). All cable connections are tight and not loose. Am speculating between the GFI and USB Adapter and some sort of voltage spikes. The uninterruptable power supply UPS had lost power and had died - a tripped GFI. I am not going to leave the system running while not at home until I can determine and fix the problem."

By the way, a handful of stations on the Radiation Network feed simultaneously to the Black Cat Systems network, which explains why a high reading was showing on their network at the same time. But Black Cat works in uR/hr instead of CPM, so their radiation level was lower because of the conversion factor between units of measurement.

More info on this story. http://www.sott.net/article/253583-Investigation-Continues-Into-Source-of-Strange-Michigan-Area-Explosions-and-Radiation-Spikes

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