High Strangeness


The Force is Strong With This One
I've just had a couple of glasses of wine to counter a migraine that has persisted for days, so bare with me here.

I thought "High Strangeness" was such an interesting, compelling read! I particularly liked Laura's conclusions about the client she tried to hypnotize who couldn't get past a certain point. The client was blocked from accessing her own memories in a very significant way---and it struck the author as very unusual. This is exactly what you would expect if someone had already been hypnotized not to remember, by those who are hyper sophisticated in the implementation of and understanding of hypnosis. After I read it, I put it down and did a "whewwww, I am so happy that someone out there is putting two and two together!.

Does anyone else on this forum sometimes wonder if they were accessed as a child or young adult, but can't quite remember, as if some kind of overlay has been placed over the experience? I can't 'quite' remember, but my vivid 'big' dreams, although rare, are very compelling as if they may have happened to me, or are meant by some benevolent force to guide me to an understanding of this situation. This might be a more appropriate question for other parts of the forum.

In summation....Thank you Laura.
LisaR's responses in other threads this evening have been:

LisaR said:
....and I'm out. I have just been asked if I think this forum is a good fit for me. Seems I have written something heinous, indeed--rubbed someone the wrong way! Youch!!! And to you Anart, all I can say is, "Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

I fully expect to be "banned before bedtime" I am sure I will join many many others in the ranks of the disappeared.
LisaR said:
Obviously, this forum is NOT a good fit for me. Your loss. Like Francoise, I was excited to see the breadth and depth of discussion on this forum but have obviously been found wanting. And you, personally Anart, have a LOT to learn about how to approach people. So go ahead....delete away!
LisaR said:
What I have observed is a brusque dismissive approach to someone who was eagerly presenting to you; people she admires, a link that was special to her. If that is how people are treated here on a regular basis I am out of here. The poster wasn't treated sensitively and when she reacted normally to that treatment, she was told she has pathologies. It has been clarified that we all have pathologies, true. However there is nothing in this poster's reaction specifically that is symptomatic.
LisaR said:
Thank you for kindly pointing out the redundant nature of the post i actually struggled to write. I took great care, time and effort to get my thoughts lined up in sequence. I attempted to put together something worthwhile. I have not read the Wave series in it's entirety. I want to get a better fix on the general character of the mods and admins and general tone of the forum, first. I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but you may as well be telling me to f--- right off. This is how it feels to be a new member, and be greeted with this kind of response. Am I sensitive? You bet. Too sensitive? Maybe.

Though I really loved High Strangeness and appreciate interest in psychopathy, it has to be made abundantly clear to me that this forum doesn't insist on 100 per cent conformity in point of view. It also has to be clear to me that mods admins don't fall into the trap of pathologizing those who simply disagree on some of the details.

If that criteria can't be met, I will exit, as I would exit a fundamentalist church that too easily demonizes and is on the look out for the slightest ideological infraction.

Good day--LisaR

So, I don't think there is really any need to respond to her post here, which was written after "a couple of glasses of wine", but clearly not her last glass of wine considering where she went from here: from "thank you Laura" to "I will exit, as I would exit a fundamentalist church that too easily demonizes and is on the look out for the slightest ideological infraction." :rolleyes:
I still can't get used as how those pople cannot see themselves.
The person looked almost manic with all the posting and the empty praise... just really Odd.
This is incredible. How distortion is very strong in her, and also I feel she is very angry. But surely this forum is not for her.
It is indeed fascinating to observe how people end up revealing their true nature, some faster than others. In any case, it's always a good opportunity to learn :)
mkrnhr said:
It is indeed fascinating to observe how people end up revealing their true nature, some faster than others. In any case, it's always a good opportunity to learn :)

A few glasses of wine often helps with that :rolleyes:

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