HISTORIC NEWS: Finally, EU Breaks Away from U.S.


The Living Force
UK's Jeremy Corbyn and now, Germany's Horst Seehofer is questioning foreign policy and the rising anti-Americanism in Germany.

HISTORIC NEWS: Finally, EU Breaks Away from U.S.

On Saturday, September 12th, United Kingdom’s Labour Party elected as its leader and their candidate to lead the UK, Jeremy Corbyn, who has been the most vocal British critic of the UK’s serving as the lap-dog of an aggressive imperialistic United States of America.

Simultaneously, the leader of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own Christian Social Union Party, Horst Seehofer, a man who, prior to his being appointed to be the Party-chief had been Chancellor Merkel’s Agriculture Minister, has now turned against Chancellor Merkel (who until now was the most powerful leader in all of Europe) and denounced her policy on the refugee crisis, and has now stated publicly that Germany should instead ally with Russia and against NATO on the entire Syrian war.

This public statement, which is really a sea-change in history, was reported Friday night, 11 September, in Germany’s leading magazine, The Mirror, Der Spiegel, and it represents the breaking-point in Germany’s foreign policy, finally yielding now to the rapidly rising anti-Americanism within Germany that results from America’s prioritizing America’s war against Russia as being a more important goal than the global war against Islamic jihad, which is clearly the most pressing threat to national security not only within Germany, and not only within all Western countries, but even within Pakistan and many other countries that have majority-Islamic populations, as well as in India, China, and other nations around the world.

Seehofer’s statement simply cannot be ignored by the Chancellor, because it comes from the leader of her own Party (“Christian Social Union” is the Party’s name in Munich and throughout Bavaria, but elsewhere in Germany the Party is called instead the “Christian Democratic Union”). She has mainly ignored German public opinion thus far and cooperated with U.S. President Barack Obama’s war against Russia, which Obama is waging via his proxies in Ukraine, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere. But Merkel now will have to bend; and this could end up breaking NATO itself, since NATO is the international military alliance that was originally against the Soviet Union and that then became against Russia as soon as the Soviet Union ended communism and broke up into Russia and the other nations of the former Soviet Union. That continuation of the Cold War, now against Russia alone, even without the former ideological excuse of there being communism, was initiated by U.S. President George Herbet Walker Bush himself. It was reluctantly picked up by then West-German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose protégée was Angela Merkel.
Germany should expect a major "terrorist" attack. That will help "keep them in line"...
rs said:
Germany should expect a major "terrorist" attack. That will help "keep them in line"...

In a way, the current mass influx of refugees predominantly from Syria is being used by the US, through its vassal state Turkey, as a way of increasing tension in Europe by fomenting further hatred towards the immigrants, leading to the rise of nationalists movements and putting more pressure on the European governments to take action and make politically undesirable decisions, like we just saw yesterday with Germany and subsequently Austria imposing border controls.

From the article, Is Turkey engineering the refugee crisis to justify 'safe havens' in Syria?

A sharp increase in the influx of migrants and refugees, mostly from Syria, into Greece is due in part to a shift in Turkey's geopolitical tactics, according to diplomatic sources.

These officials link the wave of migrants into the eastern Aegean to political pressures in neighboring Turkey, which is bracing for snap elections in November, and to a recent decision by Ankara to join the US in bombing Islamic State targets in Syria. The analyses of several officials indicate that the influx from neighboring Turkey is taking place as Turkish officials look the other way or actively promote the exodus.

edit: spelling
One can say it is encouraging, yet I think it is too early to say if it truly is a major change in Germany. Horst Seehofer is a right wing politician and the premier of the federal German state of Bavaria, a state with a population of 12 million people and bordering Austria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst_Seehofer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavaria

Since it is next to Austria, there is no doubt that he is acutely aware of the refugees coming in across the border and thus he is almost forced to act if he listens to his electorate. Perhaps he has been biding his time for the top job himself, in which case time will show if he IF elected chancellor will continue to talk about aligning with Russia and against NATO.

The empire will not just hand over a valuable vassel state, so if Seehofer continues in earnest with talking against the empire, one can expect dirt to be dug up about him or sudden health problems. He is 66 years old and the NSA will without doubt have X number of things to blackmail him on. If not there is always a 'sudden heart problems' which requires early retirement.
Aeneas said:
The empire will not just hand over a valuable vassel state, so if Seehofer continues in earnest with talking against the empire, one can expect dirt to be dug up about him or sudden health problems. He is 66 years old and the NSA will without doubt have X number of things to blackmail him on. If not there is always a 'sudden heart problems' which requires early retirement.

Couldn't agree more Aeneas. There seems to be new leadership emerging in Europe that on the surface are against the empire - im not sure if they are the real deal, and I guess only time will tell. But if indeed genuine, as you mentioned, the empire will definitely go into overdrive to ensure they don't succeed, or are removed from power.
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