Hollywood Conditioning


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
celtic said:
Also Another hit for the Cs take a look at this

Session Date: February 13th 2011
A: And that is only the core.

Q: (Psyche) Yeah, and the tail... (Andromeda) Anything else on Elenin? (Perceval) We'll have to wait and see? (Psyche) Are we going to see a return of the Black Death?

A: Extremely likely.

Q: (Galaxia) In Europe first? Where's it gonna hit?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Galaxia) Oh no! That's all I've got to say.

A: Those that have a certain genetic profile may suffer very little.

Q: (Andromeda) Is that any of us? (Galaxia) That doesn't sound like anybody is immune... like, "They'll suffer very little before they die!"

A: Smoking tobacco is a clue and an aid.

Q: (L) A clue to the genetic profile?

A: Yes.

Q: (Psyche) Oh, interesting. [everyone lights a cigarette and starts laughing] (Psyche) Everybody lights up! I feel like smoking! (laughter)

A: It is not just aliens that don't like to eat people that smoke! But from a certain perspective the viruses that cause such illnesses as the Black Death are "alien".

Q: (Belibaste) So it means that aliens like the Black Death virus because they don't like people that smoke? (L) What? (Psyche) No, you should read the article in the next issue of The Dot Connector magazine: "New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection". (L) If you look at it from a 4th density perspective, when something like the Black Death comes and there is global suffering - and when you read about it, the Black Death is just horrible - but if there was such suffering on our planet from something like that, 4D STS would be getting a rich feast of suffering which is what they feed on. So, an alien virus would be interactive with 4D reality by providing its food.

A: Close enough!

Q: (Andromeda) When will this start? (Atriedes) That's kind of a prediction... (laughter) (Galaxia) Soon, or long term?

A: 18 months to 2 years.

Q: (L) In other words, if Elenin or something else has something like that in its tail, and the earth goes through the tail, it can still take a year or so for it to precipitate onto the earth?

A: Yes

A mysterious bacterial outbreak occured in Europe and this is probably what the Cs are referring to.


Looks like Hollywood is jumping the gun, with 3 releases 2011, covering this very topic. I suppose it was just matter of time and easy to say that some psychopath's know, and are cashing in on the fear, and terror on the sliver screen before the plague and lizards do.

The Gerber Syndrome (2011) - Official Trailer [HD]

Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011) - Official Trailer

Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive 1080p HD Trailer
Yep. Saw Contagion today and all I could think of was this site. Unstoppable virus. Mob rule. Martial Law. Bad guy conspiracy theorist, and of course, easy explanation to explain what started it all...All too Hollywood!
After reading RyanX's article on tobacco, plagues, and comets, it must be some kind of damage control. The idea of comet dust bringing in virii is amazing. I didn't even think it could be true until I remembered that a virus is not really living, but something that has DNA that manipulates cells to replicate that DNA over and over again, which would make it more hospitable in extreme environments!

Mass media can be used to make people believe in or dismiss things. Perhaps these movies are setting people up to not believe in it? I am reminded of when The Matrix came out and people weren't even considering the idea that this reality could be behind a veil of sorts!
I've been very careful not to create "noise" but I had to post on this one.

I started smoking when I was 13, and in my twenties I was pretty much able to smoke at will, meaning I would constantly stop for days or weeks depending on what was going on in my life and felt way more control than addiction, in fact I enjoyed the thought of being able to control myself so well, one of the few things in life.....

Until a few months ago.

All of the sudden I started smoking like a fiend and NOT WANTING to stop on almost all levels, even though it began dragging me down physically and I was sleeping a lot more, I felt absolutely compelled and completely helpless over a situation that I had been in control of for years.

But something kept popping up in my mind, some sort of recognition that it was supposed to be happening. In fact I felt it was extremely paradoxical because I had been wondering about cutting down almost completely in order to be better physically fit for the challenges to come, 2012 and all. Yet this compulsion began so I finally decided to simply ride it out instead of fighting it and for the past few days I have been feeling it abate to a good degree but it still feels as if I am "supposed to" smoke. And the funny thing is that I only smoke one brand, if it didn't exist I probably wouldn't smoke at all and would have quit completely years ago when I rarely did, American Spirit is all I will smoke, I can taste just about every disgusting chemical in the other brands, they're quite disgusting tbh.

It was only after all this that I found an article on SOTT, I think, which brought up for the first time what Laura and the C's had to say concerning her smoking (In the conversation where she has quit for Ark and she is worried about her weight gain, etc.) and how she was actually not supposed to quit because of her body type but Ark wasn't the same and so on.

I have known for quite a while that the "Dangers of Smoking" and all the scare campaigns are pretty much the source of a lot of the health problems related with smoking as well as the addiction power and helplessness everybody is talking about these days..... No need to get into that here, I'm sure it's all been dealt with before and I don't want to argue about CT's, but it is very strange me having this thing happen to me right before I find LKJ and the C's.

I'm going to do my own searching but please, if anybody has anything interesting they would like to post or link to, please do so, I want to know more about this topic.

Hey everyone! This is my first post! Anyway, I find this topic quite interesting as I myself love quality films, shows, etc. I have noticed though that a LOT of movies, television shows, video games and books has been having a lot of the same themes lately. The three movies listed by c.a. are all great examples of the same plot, which entails some sort of epidemic similar to the Black Death wiping out the majority of the human population. Then you have movies, video games, etc. about some sort of world disaster happening whether that is from natural disasters or an alien invasion, such as a harvest. Then I turn on the television and find shows such as “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel and other similar shows. All of this makes me wonder though, why and why now? Why is it that all of this information is coming up now to the general public, especially when this change is about to be on our front doorstep in the near future as we see it? Are these pieces of entertainment actually more than just that, but in fact are say some sort of warning from entities such as the C’s. We saw warnings such as these with the crop circles but very few people actually took note of what they actually could mean. The film industry is a huge industry that the majority of the Earth’s population enjoys and loves to watch these works. With that said, could these movies be warnings or preparations of what could happen from beings trying to help us? Or could it be the other way around, to instill fear? Another focal theme I find feasible is could it be our government trying to either prepare us for when this change occurs so that there will not be as much chaos or is it again the exact opposite and aimed at inculcating fear in the general public?
Hey Johnny006, nice to meet you :) The answer to your question is probably extremely complex, especially since there are so many different levels of power in the media and government, with some maybe working at cross purposes. But, also, people go to movies for different reasons. Some people go just to "blank out" for an hour and a half, while others may be looking for something, for a story that will help put things in perspective. But for the most part I'd say that all of the media "out there" like video games and movies are generally disinformation aimed at maintaining the status quo; but in a world of lies what else would anyone expect? Just my thoughts.

Also, it'd be great if you posted a brief introduction here: You know, just a little bit about yourself and how you found the material, so we can get to know you better. Again, nice to meet you :)
findit said:
Yep. Saw Contagion today and all I could think of was this site. Unstoppable virus. Mob rule. Martial Law. Bad guy conspiracy theorist, and of course, easy explanation to explain what started it all...All too Hollywood!

I saw it the other day and it was like you explained. There really was nothing special, it seemed more like a fake documentary than even an action flick. Definitely programming people to believe the authorities, showing that they make secret plans but "it's for our good" in the end. Huge bashing of conspiracy with Jude Law's character being shady. Programming people to not listen to the alternative news because they have their own personal agenda and the government is pretty much in control even though it may be chaos at first.

The way that they show how the virus developed at the end was typical. Sott explains other means that viruses pop up, like the comet theory. And we also know how a lot of these viruses seem to be engineered in how they spread, like the swine flu from Mexico.

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