Holocaust 2.0: Coming soon!


Jedi Master
What a timely article! (Thank you for writing and publishing this.)

I had already come across the article about "Night Will Fall" and had watched the Hitchcock documentary that was available on You Tube. After that, I watched Schindler's list (for the second time, I first watched it back when it came out). So I was in a contemplative mode...

Then, yesterday on FB, an old friend (of mine) posted a graphic -

Upon a photo of Michael Moore were the words:
Dead Navy Seal Sniper was a "Coward"
Like and Share if you agree Michael Moore is an Idiot!

My friend's sister "R" made a comment, and perhaps I should not have engaged in the conversation, but I did, as follows:

"R": That guy is the biggest loser ever. Can't stand him.

Me: I think some of Michael Moores earilier work was pretty good (although he does seem to be getting more sensationalist by the minute). I have not seen the movie American Sniper and have not read much about it - I have only skimmed the occasional article on Chris Kyle's death, Mr. Ventura's lawsuit and this: http://www.inquisitr.com/.../american-sniper-portrays.../ (also published on SOTT)

"R": Maybe talk to his wife or read of her personal knowledge of the man. I don't think inquistr knew him well. Also, I would have no remorse for killing people who intend to brutally (or otherwise) harm our people, take over our country, and rule the world with their evil ways...and who have proven to murder and harm any of us they can. I met the guy. I beg to differ with inquisitr!!! I'd hate to have to depend on the Michael Moores of this world to defend us.

Me: What about the evidence presented in the article as to the lack of truthfulness of many of Chris's claims? I thought the article was well articulated and cited specific examples, stuck to facts, and was even forgiving (of Chris) in the end.

And Me again: When someone (like Chris) seems to have a lot of good qualities and is charming, it can be very difficult to see their flaws. We humans have a tendency to idealize or demonize people rather than see them as a mix of qualities...

"R": Yeah, not sure what Raw Story or First Look is, though, or how credible they are. I would say he probably did get joy from killing those bastards. I would, too, to be honest. I also imagine his father did tell them he didn't want him misrepresented, and I believe that they did not misrepresent him. I know his wife wanted to make sure, also, that the representation was accurate. I believe he was a very soulful person and had a huge heart and compassion for good people. So, they or him, himself, could call him a "hate filled killer," which is probably accurate, if they want...accurate when it comes to those sub human scum-of-the-Earth losers who don't deserve to breathe. I view that as hating evil and wanting to do everything possible to squelch it. We all have flaws, but I don't see his hating those slime buckets and taking joy in killing them as a flaw. I guess to each his own. I'm glad he did it. I'm proud of him. I think he's a huge hero. Oh, and you should DEFINITELY see it!!!

I chose to leave it at that and did not respond any further except to say I might see the film.

I had not even mentioned the point about Chris saying he enjoyed the killing, I had only mentioned his questionable truthfulness...hmmm.

I was struck by how "R" sounded so much like the Germans talking about the Jews during Hitler's reign and how this demonstrates the answer to the question of "How could so many Germans go along with the Holocaust, how could they let it happen". The really tragic part for me is that "R" seems to be in general a good and decent woman, very caring and sweet - at least in all her posts not related to this topic in any way. She would undoubtedly be one of those to ask the question as to how the Germans could have allowed the Holocaust to happen! But open up the topic of current events and this is how she responds. Apparently, she could not even see how she was indeed idealizing Chris (the American Sniper) and demonizing the muslims. Or how she was demonstrating the answer to the question.

And, so many of those around me (both on FB and in my physical reality) espouse similar opinions.

It all makes me think about how these responses relate to the "The 4Fs: A Trauma Typology in Complex PTSD" By Pete Walker (_http://www.pete-walker.com/fourFs_TraumaTypologyComplexPTSD.htm) and how these responses are manipulated by the PTB.

Briefly, the 4Fs:
Fight - Fight types are unconsciously driven by the belief that power and control can create safety, assuage abandonment and secure love.
Flight - They are obsessively and compulsively driven by the unconscious belief that perfection will make them safe and loveable.
Freeze - also known as the camouflage response, often triggers the individual into hiding, isolating and eschewing human contact as much as possible.
Fawn - Fawn types seek safety by merging with the wishes, needs and demands of others.

I think these 4Fs responses explain how so many people could participate in atrocities in general. And specifically, how the fawn response explains the Stockholm Syndrome (falling "in love" with the oppressor/bully) - you gotta believe it to make the oppressor believe it. Perhaps it is an underlying dynamic of the creation of "authoritarian followers" in general. In a society of fear, many will grow up to be such (OSIT). And, we have had a long history of fear in our culture.

Edited for clarity (I hope).
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