Holocaust Pornography


FOTCM Member

Copyright © 1990 by Andrea Dworkin.
All rights reserved.



You have to see it to believe it and even seeing it might not help. I've been sent it over the years by feminists in Israel--I had seen it--I didn't really believe it. Unlike in the United States, pornography is not an industry. You find it in mainstream magazines and advertising. It is mostly about the Holocaust. In it, Jewish women are sexualized as Holocaust victims for Jewish men to masturbate over. Well, would you believe it, even if you saw it?

Israeli women call it "Holocaust pornography." The themes are fire, gas, trains, emaciation, death.

In the fashion layout, three women in swimsuits are posed as if they are looking at and moving away from two men on motorcycles. The motorcycles, black metal, are menacingly in the foreground moving toward the women. The women, fragile and defenseless in their near nudity, are in the background. Then the women, now dressed in scanty underwear, are shown running from the men, with emphasis on thighs, breasts thrust out, hips highlighted. Their faces look frightened and frenzied. The men are physically grabbing them. Then the women, now in new bathing suits, are sprawled on the ground, apparently dead, with parts of their bodies severed from them and scattered around as trains bear down on them. Even as you see a severed arm, a severed leg, the trains coming toward them, the women are posed to accentuate the hips and place of entry into the vaginal area.

Or a man is pouring gasoline into a woman's face. Or she's posed next to a light fixture that looks like a shower head.

Or two women, ribs showing, in scanty underwear, are posed in front of a stone wall, prisonlike, with a fire extinguisher on one side of them and a blazing open oven on the other. Their body postures replicate the body postures of naked concentration camp inmates in documentary photographs.

Of course, there is also sadism without ethnicity, outside the trauma of history--you think Jewish men can't be regular good ol' boys? The cover of the magazine shows a naked woman spread out, legs open, with visual emphasis on her big breasts. Nails are driven through her breasts. Huge pliers are attached to one nipple. She is surrounded by hammers, pliers, saws. She has what passes for an orgasmic expression on her face. The woman is real. The tools are drawn. The caption reads: Sex in the Workshop.

The same magazine published all the visual violence described above. Monitin is a left-liberal slick monthly for the intelligentsia and upper class. It has high productions and aesthetic values. Israel's most distinguished writers and intellectuals publish in it. Judith Antonelli in The Jewish Advocate reported that Monitin "contains the most sexually violent images. Photos abound of women sprawled out upside-down as if they have just been attacked."

Or, in a magazine for women that is not unlike Ladies' Home Journal, there is a photograph of a woman tied to a chair with heavy rope. Her shirt is torn off her shoulders and upper chest but her arms are tied up against her so that only the fleshy part of the upper breasts is exposed. She is wearing pants--they are wet. A man, fully dressed, standing next to her, is throwing beer in her face. In the United States, such photographs of women are found in bondage magazines.

For purists, there is an Israeli pornography magazine. The issue I saw had a front-page headline that read: ORGY AT YAD VASHEM. Yad Vashem is the memorial in Jerusalem to the victims of the Holocaust. Under the headline, there was a photograph of a man sexually entangled with several women.

What does this mean--other than that if you are a Jewish woman you don't run to Israel, you run from it?

I went to the Institute for the Study of Media and Family on Herzelia Street in Haifa: an organization built to fight violence against women. Working with the rape-crisis center (and desperately fund-raising to stay alive), the institute analyzes the content of media violence against women; it exposes and fights the legitimacy pornography gets by being incorporated into the mainstream.

There is outrage on the part of women at the Holocaust pornography--a deep, ongoing shock; but little understanding. For me, too. Having seen it here, having tried to absorb it, then seeing stacks of it at the institute, I felt numb and upset. Here I had slides; in Israel I saw the whole magazines--the context in which the photographs were published. These really were mainstream venues for violent pornography, with a preponderance of Holocaust pornography. That made it worse: more real, more incomprehensible. A week later, I spoke in Tel Aviv about pornography to an audience that was primarily feminist. One feminist suggested I had a double standard: didn't all men do this, not just Israeli men? I said no: in the United States, Jewish men are not the consumers of Holocaust pornography; black men aren't the consumers of plantation pornography. But now I'm not sure. Do I know that or have I just assumed it? Why do Israeli men like this? Why do they do it? They are the ones who do it; women aren't even tokens in the upper echelons of media, advertising, or publishing-- nor are fugitive Nazis with new identities. I think feminists in Israel must make this why an essential question. Either the answer will tell us something new about the sexuality of men everywhere or it will tell us something special about the sexuality of men who go from victim to victimizer. How has the Holocaust been sexualized for Israeli men and what does this have to do with sexualized violence against women in Israel; what does it have to do with this great, dynamic pushing of women lower and lower? Are Jewish women going to be destroyed again by Nazis, this time with Israeli men as their surrogates? Is the sexuality of Israeli men shaped by the Holocaust? Does it make them come?

I don't know if Israeli men are different from other men by virtue of using the Holocaust against Jewish women, for sexual excitement. I do know that the use of Holocaust sex is unbearably traumatic for Jewish women, its place in the Israeli mainstream itself a form of sadism. I also know that as long as the Holocaust pornography exists only male Jews are different from those pitiful creatures on the trains, in the camps. Jewish women are the same. How, then, does Israel save us?
Maybe there is a commonality between Nazi and Zionist male sexuality? They do seem to hate women in a very violent and over the top sort of way.
Thank you for the link. It gives a shocking perspective of life in Israel from a woman's perspective.

From the same article:
In 1953 a law was passed bringing all Jews under the jurisdiction of the religious courts for everything having to do with "personal status." In the religious courts, women, along with children, the mentally deficient, the insane, and convicted criminals, cannot testify. A woman cannot be a witness or, needless to say, a judge. A woman cannot sign a document. This could be an obstacle to equality.

Under Jewish law, the husband is the master; the woman belongs to him, what with being one of his ribs to begin with; her duty is to have children--preferably with plenty of physical pain; well, you remember the Old Testament. You've read the Book. You've seen the movie. What you haven't done is live it. In Israel, Jewish women do.

The husband has the sole right to grant a divorce; it is an unimpeachable right. A woman has no such right and no recourse. She has to live with an adulterous husband until he throws her out (after which her prospects aren't too good); if she commits adultery, he can just get rid of her (after which her prospects are worse). She has to live with a batterer until he's done with her. If she leaves, she will be homeless, poor, stigmatized, displaced, an outcast, in internal exile in the Promised Land. If she leaves without formal permission from the religious courts, she can be judged a "rebellious wife," an actual legal category of women in Israel without, of course, any male analogue. A "rebellious wife" will lose custody of her children and any rights to financial support. There are an estimated 10,000 agunot--"chained women"--whose husbands will not grant them divorces. Some are prisoners; some are fugitives; none have basic rights of citizenship or personhood.
Anders said:
Thank you for the link. It gives a shocking perspective of life in Israel from a woman's perspective.
Hmm...sorry, but this is the first time I read that such sick things being performed here. It's not in any way a "usual" occurrence (I refer to the article) or can be described as a "shocking perspective of life in Israel". There are lot of other shocking things, mind you.

In 1953 a law was passed bringing all Jews under the jurisdiction of the religious courts for everything having to do with "personal status." In the religious courts, women, along with children, the mentally deficient, the insane, and convicted criminals, cannot testify. A woman cannot be a witness or, needless to say, a judge. A woman cannot sign a document. This could be an obstacle to equality.
There is an enormous number of humiliating things going on in religious circles. Secular majority of Israel population resents it and if something becomes public, condemns it in a harsh way. Religious people even scream about "Dos (orthodox) demonisation". Personally, I think it's not even close yet.
And yes, there are ridiculous things in Israel, like - you can married outside of Israel and be recognized by the state as a married couple, but when you would like to be divorced - it will have to go through religious court. And according to religious court your marriage wasn't done by the law of Moshe and Abraham, so you actually don't need a divorce because you never were married. Crazy, I know. This issue was brought recently to the public, when a couple who were married outside of Israel had to face religious court. A male wanted a divorce but female refused to give it. So I am not sure that the above quote is completely accurate or updated.
Israelis would love to have religion separated from the state, but apparently Zionists have an invested interest in such order of things.
Remember the article was written in 1990, so now this may not be something that is occurring...
Keit said:
Anders said:
Thank you for the link. It gives a shocking perspective of life in Israel from a woman's perspective.
Hmm...sorry, but this is the first time I read that such sick things being performed here. It's not in any way a "usual" occurrence (I refer to the article) or can be described as a "shocking perspective of life in Israel". There are lot of other shocking things, mind you.

There is an enormous number of humiliating things going on in religious circles. Secular majority of Israel population resents it and if something becomes public, condemns it in a harsh way. Religious people even scream about "Dos (orthodox) demonisation". Personally, I think it's not even close yet.
Thank you for your feedback. It is so true that the activities that happen in religious orthodox circles are at times utterly bizarre and that this counts for just about any religion.

The article could easily give the impression that those activities are special to Israel or to orthodox jews and I have not seen any info to show that that is the case or that it is more prevalent in Israel that in other countries.

I apologize for posting to hastily without pondering more about whether these activites were specific to Israel or just specific to certain psychopathic individuals and subcultures. More up to date information would be necessary in order to discern that.
Ponce said:
Hello friends.......... I always keep apart the "real-Jews" from the "Zionists" to me they are not and will never be the same.
Hello, Ponce - yes, this is absolutely true and is something that is stressed repeatedly here - and welcome.

The words holocaust and pornography shouldn't go together. There is a line people, and on this side of that line, "that's not even right".
anart said:
Ponce wrote:
Hello friends.......... I always keep apart the "real-Jews" from the "Zionists" to me they are not and will never be the same.

Hello, Ponce - yes, this is absolutely true and is something that is stressed repeatedly here - and welcome.
er... i see no post by any ponce in this thread. Are you responding to imaginary friends again anart? :P

I didn't want to enter the thread just from the title. I thought it would be like scenes from Shilder's List (sp?) where german officers were taking pictures of naked jewish people before they were executed and buried into mass graves. And now i read this? I don't know whether it's true, it's hard to believe. It's just as atreides says. But then again in the world we live in...
Irini said:
anart said:
Ponce wrote:
Hello friends.......... I always keep apart the "real-Jews" from the "Zionists" to me they are not and will never be the same.

Hello, Ponce - yes, this is absolutely true and is something that is stressed repeatedly here - and welcome.
er... i see no post by any ponce in this thread. Are you responding to imaginary friends again anart? :P
There was a Ponce, but apparently no longer. Practical example of the choosing of Non-being in action? ;)
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