Honduran Political ponerology via American lobbyist, Lannie Davis


Jedi Master
Anyone catch Democracy Now's newscast today? Amy Goodman hosted a debate between Professor Grandin, Latin American historian and Attorney Lannie Davis (representing Latin America Council for Businesspeople...kind of like a Chamber of commerce). This is a classic example of Political Ponerology at work to maintain the status quo for the elite by spreading disinformation, badgering not only Ms. Goodman, but also harassing the opponent, Professor Grandin. Anyone interested in witnessing this display of psychopathy can view it at http://www.democracynow.org/2009/8/7/honduras ; I believe they also provide it in transcript for those of us stuck with dial-up. (as a side, I'd like to thank Laura and the others who have educated us on this new science of evil...otherwise, I wouldn't have recognized the blatant use of para-moralism) Pay attention to how many times Davis uses the words "ideological rant".... I counted six. What a sick-O!
Wow, that was breathtaking. I feel dirty and violated having listed to Lanny Davis. What a scumbag!

Well, what can we expect? According to Wikipedia, he's "He is a senior advisor and spokesman for the Israel Project, and serves as a lobbyist for the Pakistani government" and is close to Sen. Joe Lieberman, serving as Treasurer (fundraiser) for Lieberman's "Reuniting America" political action committee. "Reuniting America" behind wars for Israel and Imperialism, I guess.
More on the "Israel Project" from Wikipedia:

Press Information

TIP provides information to well over 80,000 journalists by offering background material, press conferences, and one-on-one interviews with various experts and political figures. TIP has supplied information for thousands of news stories around the world. Critics of TIP consider this information to be of a pro-Israel bias and frequently lacking objectivity.[6] TIP also conducts polling and public opinion research.

Helicopter Tours

Part of TIP’s efforts in Jerusalem include providing helicopter flights for foreign journalists visiting the country, called 'Intellicopter' tours. Members of the media are given an opportunity to witness firsthand the strategic difficulties facing Israel as a result of its small size. The two-and–a-half hour tour is led by TIP’s guides who offer an analysis of Israel’s history and current security challenges. Journalists from over 300 media outlets have taken TIP’s intellicopter tour, and a large portion of news footage about the country is taken from this aerial view.

Media Fellowship

Every year The Israel Project offers the opportunity for college and graduate school students to participate in an internship focused on media advocacy. The fellows undergo intensive training, working with leading journalists and communications professionals to gain the out-of-classroom experience necessary to secure post-graduate career opportunities. Throughout the nine week program, fellows participate in all aspects of The Israel Project, from writing articles for publication to conducting interviews and organizing press events.

2009 Global Language Dictionary

The Israel Project commissioned a study by Frank Luntz on how to promote Israeli settlements to the American public. The study was marked, “Not for distribution or publication” and was leaked to Newsweek online. It recommends being positive, framing the issue as being about peace not settlements and to claim that the rejection of Jewish settlements is anti-Semitic and "ethnic cleansing". The document was based upon polling and focus groups. The document also lists arguments that don't work, in particular noting that religious, ownership and "scapegoat" arguments failed to sway listeners, the worst being the claim that Arab housing is being demolished in East Jerusalem because it fails to meet the building code.
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