Horton: a kidsmovie with a message of things to come?

Jeremy F Kreuz

Dagobah Resident

As I have a five year old son, I tend to watch more kidsmovies then others these days. The last one my son and I watched is called HORTON. (mainstream hollywood production). I found so much similarities with the information available and topics discussed here on the forum that I think it is worthwhile to have a look at this movie.

Horton tells the story of an elephant who lives in a jungle together with a cast of other animals. As he is the animal with the largest ears he hears one day from a grain of dust that floats through the air past him a cry for help. After his initial disbelief he realizes that, if there comes a cry for help from this grain of dust, there must be live on this object, infinite small but real. Convinced of this he tries to establish contact with the live on this grain of dust. (he starts to channel)

At this point the storyline of the movie pierces through the veil into the structure of the grain of dust and behold there is indeed live on it. We encounter a city inhabited by humanlike creatures that live a happy life unaware that they exist on nothing more then a grain of dust in the far bigger world of the elephant. Main character that is introduced to us is the mayor of the town. The mayor is a family man that is concerned about the happiness of the other inhabitants and sees his task to protect them and to take care of them. As of lately he is a bit worried as some strange ´signs´ are present in his world. There are unexplainable earthquakes, the seasons are a bit Topsy turfy and there a strange clouds (in the forms of vortexes) in the blue sunny sky. Of course nobody believes him that there might be something wrong, especially as the city is preparing a big party for 100 years of happiness. The people are represented by the towncouncil, a set of men that make sure the democratic rights of the people are guaranteed, most important their rights of unworried happiness and a live without questions.

The major is the person that receives the call from the elephant. Again after first disbelieve he starts to communicate (channel) with the elephant. He is shocked to hear that he and his people are living on nothing more then a grain of dust in a far larger world and more important that this grain of dust is so small that any event in the bigger world could have devastating impact on their world and lives. They could be crushed or eaten or drowned and the animals in the bigger world would probably not even notice what they have done (destroyed human live on this grain of dust). The major asks the elephant (who is willing and caring) to make sure that the grain of dust is brought to a safe area in the bigger world so that he and his people can go on having a happy life on the grain of dust. The elephant decides to accept the task and sets out on a journey in the bigger world to a remote area on a mountain top where he can secure the grain of dust.

the complications start:

nobody of the other animals in the bigger world hears the voices coming from the grain of dust and therefor nobody believes the elephant. They think he is crazy to claim there is live on a grain of dust. More there is the kangaroo who believes it is dangerous for the stability and the peace among the animals in the bigger world to claim that there is live that can not be seen or heard or felt by any other animal. The ideas of the elephant are dangerous, especially for the children. It could mess up their minds and the way they are educated.

same for the major in the little world: nobody hears the voices and nobody believes him. Also here the council of people thinks it is dangerous to pass on such information. It could threaten the happiness of the population and the planned festivities.

Both elephant and major are asked to shut up. When the elephant does not want to comply and still claims there is live on the grain of dust and sets out on his journey to secure the grain of dust, the kangaroo decides to do something and get rid of the problem. She hires the local hitman: psychopathic Russian vulture who wants to get rid of the elephant for Free. In the little world the major is radicalised and outvoted through democratic manipulation of the population by the council. Instead of heeding the warning call of the major and preparing for possible disasters it is decided that the party will go on.

With the vulture now chasing the elephant the effects of that hunt is felt increasingly in the grain of dust. The earthquakes increase and when the elephant gets onto higher ground it starts snowing in summer. The people seem to willing to listen to the major, but at the point where the major decides to perform a public channeling so that all can hear the elephant, the vulture in the other world manages to steal the grain of dust and cast it away into a see of flowers. Therefor the public channel is a failure and the major looses all credibility.

The elephant now starts his search for the grain of dust that is stuck somewhere on a flower in a field of thousand similar flowers. After searching in vain for days, ready to give up, he finds it back. contact is reestablished and now the whole of the population on the grain of dust is forced to believe him. At that point the kangaroo in the big world is informed that the elephant still continues his quest for a safe haven She now gathers all the animals, convinces them all of the grave danger for the children if the elephant continues to claim what he claims and agitated by her all animals now start a seek and destroy hunt for the elephant. This mob finds him soon and encircles him. Lead by the kangaroo the elephant is asked to deny his claims in order to safe his live. He refuses and preparations are made to boil him together with the grain of dust. In order to safe the people on the grain of dust and himself he now asks the people on the grain of dust to raise their voices together so that every animal can hear for themselves that they exist. They succeed in doing this when ALL of them together cry out in unity. Their common voice is seen as a soundWAVE that pierces the veil between the world and yes, all animals in the big world hear it. all ends well: the grain of dust is placed in a sacred safe place.

I cannot stop thinking that this movie prepares the youth for things to come and in subtle and less subtle ways manipulates their view on these events. Does the mayor of the town represents the government that will proclaim official contact? Does the council represents the moral majority that just wants to remain happy (theme of the new age love and light movement). Does the call for unity stands for one world government? Does the united voice pictures as a WAVE stands for the WAVE? Is the elephant the republican party that will channel the contact. Does the kangaroo stands for Australia. And the vulture of the Russian, happy to do the killing for free? Is the one who informs the kangaroo of the failure of the Russians by accident a bird dressed up in red blue and white (french flag?)? Do the hoards of monkeys that for the core of the mob represent the less educated easy to be manipulated masses? Looking at the movie and posing these and many more questions I must say that on most if not all I answer ´yes´.
I was wondering, how come suddenly this kind of idea in cartoon.
I watched , it was very popular here in cinemas.
Meri said:
I was wondering, how come suddenly this kind of idea in cartoon.
I watched , it was very popular here in cinemas.

I don't know that it's 'suddenly' - it is an adaptation of a Dr. Seuss book published in 1954. A few of Seuss' books have been made into movies lately.
Since the book was published in 1954, all kinds of things have been read into the story, by all kinds of people. During the author's life it was widely believed that he intended it to be "a parable about the American Occupation of Japan", although others saw it as "a critique of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his House of Un-American Activities Committee". Some in the scientific community see it as a wonderful allegory about "science vs ignorance". In the 60s it was interpreted as "the triumph of liberalism over fascism". Religious fundamentalists think it is about the power of "Faith" over "Secularism", or "religious persecution". Pro-lifers insist it is an allegory about abortion (against which the author to threaten to sue).

Personally, I like the conclusion of a recent review of the film:

"Horton remains a symbol of non-conformity, of protecting the powerless, and standing up for one’s beliefs."

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