Hovering plane over my local area/ North Houston, TX

Last night I saw the strangest plane I've ever seen when i was driving home from work. Not strange because the plane looked weird, but because the plane was hovering above the street I was driving on. I know this because my car passed under it. The plane was probably 500 to 1000 ft in the air above me and the road. I tried to get a better look at it as I was driving towards it. At first it just looked like your typical commercial plane, with red and blue lights on either side of the wing tips. As I got closer, I kind of saw what might be the body of a military aircraft, but I'm not for sure.

The strangest thing about the experience, besides the fact that it was hovering, was that I felt like it was watching me, and that it knew I was watching it, which made me feel somewhat frightened, but it did not follow me. There had been a concert that had just ended, so there was quite a bit of traffic on the surrounding streets, of the town I reside in, in the Houston area. Which meant there was a significant law enforcement presence in the area as well.

I did a little research on the net, and I discovered that others have seen these hovering planes, even in suburban areas like where I was driving. There are only a few possible answers to what this plane could be: an advanced military craft, possibly a spy plane or predator drone( due to the fact that the damn thing was hovering); a hologram( who knows what the purpose of that would be) ; or an ET craft of some sort, that is disguising itself as a human military craft, which I have heard of before( we all know 4d STS entities can make us see whatever they want us to see). Please reply if you have seen any anomalous craft or heard of this type of thing before. I'm curious for more info. Thanks
I actually read that article, very disturbing what the government is doing in my state, and other states around the US. But as fas as the plane: first of all yes I was moving towards it and passed under the plane easily going 35 mph. I stopped a little farther down the road for a second, to take a look. This plane was no doubt hovering, like it had wires attached to the ground, which it obviously didn't. And the plane was enormous!! This was no Cessna!! The body of the plane almost looked square like a military craft, but the length from what I could tell had to be over 200 ft with a wingspan close to that. It could have been a commercial pane, but I'm not sure why a commercial plane would be hovering over a suburban area, or any plane hovering, at that.
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