The eyes.
On awakening, one opens one's eyes.
Stay there. Calm down. Do not open your eyes. Breath and don't "go out" into awaken state.
One "goes out" from sleeping state by opening the eyes. I have feel how, when I open my eyes, literally "the world flows in" into me. And it brings all wordly stuff: Colors, light, objects (walls, wardrobe, the things in your bedroom), for not to mention problems, worries, responsabilities, etc.
Keep your eyes closed. Stay "in". The oniric experience will not be cut-off in a sudden manner and you will have precious seconds to arm the figures of the dream. When youre ready, open your eyes and run to the notepad and write it all down.
There is a problem here (for me at least): The alarm clock. Fortynatelly you do not need an alarm clock and your body naturally awakes. Thats cool, more chance to "catch your self" awakening, and so, to remain with your eyes closed, fighting the habbit to open them (even only a bit). More chance to conciently concentrate on the oniric events -while being "awake" but "pretending", if you want, to be sleeping still.
To defeat my alarm, I did excercises (which ultimatelly defeat the whole purpose to have an alarm clock -but there are circumstances, the which you know: Ok NOW I can skip the alarm, or OK I most wake-up now, etc): I would switch the alarm on, and stay there, staring at it, controlling the reaction of to get to quiet that annoying sound.
This so I could be able to, while sleeping, hear the alarm, ignore it and keep my eyes closed to rescue or arm the dream(s). As the alarm would still be sounding, I would reach a point where I think I can now move-on and open my eyes (yes, the world pours into me), and I go straight to writting the findings I was able to rescue and then I switch off the alarm.
hehe this sounds and looks a bit nuts: Ignore that. Also I found it excellent to "stalk" my self, in the sence of being able to rescue information while ALARMS ARE SOUNDING ALL OVER THE PLACE demanding my attention. I find it a bit hilarious, me holding a "secret fight" and excercising control while the world is banging me away.
Althoug it takes time and a bit of understanding what are you doign and why, to stare at the alarm clock without recting can be achieved and this is very useful when the alarms starts to awake you: The thing is not to move and not to open your eyes and stay calm, fighting for some seconds (!) to grasp a chance to achieve your goal.
It does looks and it does feels rediculous: Ignore that. Or laugh about your self. Just dont let it stop you.
Just keep your eyes closed long enough as for you to react about 1.- you were sleeping, 2.- you are already awake and 3.- the dream is going and you are to see it to "point" and trap some oniric material.
Write it down immediatelly.
All this while the alarm crys-out-loud! :)