How to break free from this prison?


A Disturbance in the Force
How to break free from this prison?
How to free myself, my soul, mind, body., Since there is a possibility of total confinement beings (mind, body, soul) zapomocą mono atomic gold. It is after all a tragedy.
I want to break free from this circle that repeats itself because the base taken away my consciousness.
how you can help. where to get help. how to get out. I already have enough. I want to be completely liberated, free, no restrictions, fulfill dreams, create worlds, to travel to other worlds, to be free being.
I do not know where to turn with this.
A good place to start is by reading The Wave series of books, and then others on the recommended reading list, whilst at the same time engaging with others on the forum.

I spent years trying to think myself sane and healthy until I found that nothing happens unless action is also taken.
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