bikernina said:
What you appear to be saying is the world is a terrible place now, let it go. Its beyond repair. Which sounds hopeless, literally thowing out the baby with the bathwater.
But, one and more of these children, particularly children born to aware, responsible and honest parents, may just come up with some solutions. Children can be encouraged in responsibility from day one. Its up to the parent/s. Let us welcome them with respect and honor their existence. Let us give them all the tools they will need to turn around these dark times.
It seems to me that it is important to keep in mind that the future is open.
bn said:
Furthermore, children are coming whether we debate it or not. If they know what is going on, they're already a step ahead. Aragon doesn't sound like he's living in a vaccuum. More parents-to-be need to be askiing these questions.
And there is the consideration that (Free Will) choice may have been made to enter this reality at this time.
bn said:
If all the awareness you possess, Hammer, at your current age, was instilled into an interested, adoring child, keen on your every word, imagine how much more capable of global solutions such a child might be?
Well, it might not be as simple as that, since humanity is mechanical - even children who are born with knowledge from previous lives lose that over time - there is the 'big forgetting' - there is sleep and the normal state of humanity is mechanical sleep - so - such awareness cannot be 'instilled' and even such knowledge may not be so easily ' instilled' - how many adoring children keen on your every word turn into adolescents who hate the sound of your voice?
However, I do understand your point and agree that if every child on the planet were told from the get go exactly what this reality entails, then the whole world would be different. Unfortunately, that is not how it is and there is likely a reason for that - we are trapped - and we are likely held as food of one sort or another and the 'farmers' wouldn't allow such a thing, since an informed herd is an unruly herd (or perhaps not a herd at all).
bn said:
The future will not tolerate a chaotic problem/solution mobstyle ego game, but a solutions-only environment.
Not really sure what you mean by this. How can you know what the future will and will not 'allow'?
bn said:
Any child of the present can see there are problems.
How can you say such a thing? Most children of the present cannot see past their TV screen or their video game - so I think you may be taking what you hope to be true as the truth in this instance.
bn said:
They will see worse before it gets better.
As we all will and it might not 'get better' for anyone in this lifetime.
bn said:
But a child enouraged to take responsibilty will never see anything as an unsolvable problem, rather they will see situations where the truth has not been applied and go about the business of applying it.
In a sense, this is true, but do you think 'applying the truth' is a simple thing in this world today? In what instance do you see this working right now - on a societal or global scale? The reason I ask is that you seem to not be noticing that the entire globe is controlled by psychopaths in power. How does a child of today go about applying the truth? I agree wholeheartedly that it is a wonderful idea and that it would make all the difference in the world, but I suppose my question is how do you think we get from 'here' to 'there' - where such a thing could even happen?
bn said:
All problems are all about denial of responsiblity and solutions based obsfucation of truth always fail.
I would tend to generally agree - in a world without psychopaths in power - however, we do NOT live in that world.
With that said, if cataclysms follow the human experiential cycle, then it seems that if all of those capable of seeing where we are headed at this point, which is without question a tumultuous place, can utilize every day to become more aware, more conscious, more empathetic and more invested in the Truth, then a difference might be made.
I also think that the idea of a non-linear effect might be the key - we cannot know what effect our efforts will have at this point - all we can really know is that if we do nothing, we will die, and probably much sooner than we envisioned as children. All we can do is stand up for the truth in our own lives to prove that there are human beings on this planet who value nothing more than the truth - the 'solution' may not be anything we've previously imagined it to be and if all there is is lessons, then what better way to learn.
The raw fact of the matter is that psychopaths have driven the world to the edge of a precipice from which we will likely not escape - especially with the vast majority of normal humanity wholly unaware of the situation and choosing, every day in every thing, lies over the truth.
Aragon, I suppose, for me, the hope comes from the fact that until I finally started to figure out what was really going on, absolutely nothing mattered. Now, the Truth matters - and that is a difference that is difficult to verbalize. If our lives have meaning, then it is in the learning - so - perhaps heading forward determined to continue to learn and to stand up for the truth will make a difference - and consider that this child comes into this situation will full knowledge of what is upcoming - and with a chance to learn what could not be learned otherwise. fwiw.