How to repolarize self from STS to STO?

What steps can effectively reformat inner self to start thinking in STS terms?
I think you meant STO. There is no quick and easy way to "reformat the inner self" towards being more STO. It requires doing the Work, networking, taking STO type actions in everyday life even if they seem "small".

A big part of the Work is "deprogramming" ourselves, such as letting go of limiting beliefs. This and other things like certain meditations expand our awareness, so we can perceive both ourselves and the world more clearly and on a deeper level. Some type of emotional healing or self-therapy is also usually necessary.
Mostly I can describe self like 2/3 STS and 1/3 STO. I've seen many discouraging traits of STS deep in self, and it's getting worse with time.

What steps can effectively reformat inner self to start thinking in STS terms?
In one of the threads here on the forum, I wrote about my attitude towards changes. I also wrote that due to my age, I don't know if I will be able to make even the slightest change. Considering what C says, I see myself as a man filled with prejudices.
You are not alone.
I have the same problem and the path to change is not easy, but the mere awareness that you know... that you are trying to analyze it, that you want to move forward, is already progress.
We live in 3rd density and whether we like it or not we will be STS. We can try to change it, but our world, the environment, the people around us (even if they are not aware of it) all influence us and drain us into being STS.

Throughout the day, various scenarios appear in my head that show me in different situations. Most often, these are situations in which I argue with people because their thoughtlessness or behavior bothers me. I often find myself generating negative emotions on my own. It was here that I learned to stop these hypothetical scenes in my head - because I understood that they serve no purpose and appear out of prejudice.

Start with simple and small things. Don't be discouraged by anything and eliminate what makes you not yourself.
In such situations, I often tell myself - I don't want this.
This is not mine.
Mostly I can describe self like 2/3 STS and 1/3 STO. I've seen many discouraging traits of STS deep in self, and it's getting worse with time.

What steps can effectively reformat inner self to start thinking in STS terms?
One way fmo. is daily practice of mindfulness meditation- simply placing ones attention on the breath, and staying with it-
different points physically to observe the breath going in and out-- the belly rising and falling - or the breath entering the inside of the nostrils and going out down the outside of the nostril- I got alot of these these from theravadan buddhist tradition-
Vipassna Vipassana Meditation: What It Is, Benefits, & How to Practice It

when the thoughts etc appear and they will !! note them watch them and then return your attention back to the breath- it requires practice !! rather like training a puppy on a lead !

its not a quick fix !!! thats why its called meditation practice- it requires practice !!!. when the attention is resting on the breath its much easier to observe thoughts arising/sounds/sensations /daydreams etc - through regular practice its quite possible to gain valuable insight(KNOWLEDGE) as to how the sts based script operates ! Equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies.

thats one approach that has/is really asisting me - needless to say there are many forms of meditation practices - but ultimately if there woth thier salt this will in volve stilling the mind and develping equipoise !

the other key components ime are bring/cultivating loving-kindness self and others /truthfulness /generosity/compassion abstaining from sexual misconduct as well as intoxicants !
Mostly I can describe self like 2/3 STS and 1/3 STO. I've seen many discouraging traits of STS deep in self, and it's getting worse with time.
Look on the bright side, you are finally seeing objectively! Only 1/3 left to go!

(Yes I’m being flippant, but there is a time and place for everything and my purpose is for perspective) The metanoia thing thing does seem to require a complete realization of one’s bankruptcy. To remagnetize in the best way is through a total melt down. Kinda sucks from an STS perspective but there it is.

It’s challenging but funny too. It pays to embrace with joy and amazement the mechanisms at play in the machine. To finally see our programming. You can’t outgrow anything until you become aware of it. Yes this destroys our pretty self-image with which we can flatter ourselves and that can be uncomfortable. Get used to it. It’s a steep staircase at times and it may require becoming indifferent to many personal things.
nice resource

Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts and Emotions​

transcription and podcast -brief description--“Intrusive” thoughts and emotions arise repeatedly with enough intensity for them to be disturbing or distracting, even though they aren’t objectively relevant or helpful as they’re arising. In this episode its describe how to use Buddhist practice to reduce the intrusiveness of irrelevant or unhelpful thoughts and emotions by decreasing our identification with the content of our experience and increasing our identification with our natural, spacious awareness.

Mostly I can describe self like 2/3 STS and 1/3 STO. I've seen many discouraging traits of STS deep in self, and it's getting worse with time.

What steps can effectively reformat inner self to start thinking in STS terms?
In my opinion the answer is very simple, to be STO candidate one most live, with honor and integrity. Compassion and empathy will guide you to make the right choices, and of course acquiring knowledge is crucial on your life journey.
Observe your actions and reactions as objectively as you possibly can without ego or wishful thinking clouding the picture. Knowing what your deep inner motivations are will help to see if you are acting or reacting in a way that is self serving or benefiting your immediate network as a whole. Ask yourself “what is my underlying motivation in this situation?” with brutal honesty towards yourself.
Practicing not reacting in the moment to certain situations and giving yourself space to decide how to respond in such a way that isn’t stealing energy from others or letting energy be stolen from you also helps.
These are a few strategies that I have been working on for a long time. Sometimes I feel embarrassed at my previous reactions and mistakes, but we are all here to learn and grow.
You don't have to do anything, because if you do something with the intention of..., it will be STS.

Once you have decided something in a situation, you can then analyze it.

Another thing is that you have the criteria and knowledge to be able to analyze it in the sense of your question.

Being this or that is a profound choice for each of us and will only be authentic if it is spontaneous.

If you try to guide it is no longer a genuine choice.

Easy huh?
You don't have to do anything, because if you do something with the intention of..., it will be STS.
Setting an intention is not the same as anticipating an outcome. In fact, the mastery of intent is an integral part of the Work.

For example, you can set your intent to be present in the moment (instead of dissociating), without expecting any particular outcome.
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