Hullo & Poems


A Disturbance in the Force
Hullo, I am a newcomer here. Napoleão is how Napoleon is spelled in my native language, Portuguese, and has been one of my sobriquets in school. Curiously, nobody knows who created it, and I don't personally regard myself as a revolutionary mind. Even less a mind inclined to bloodsheds and waging wars.

Well, as a first post, I brought forth a poem to accompany it. A poem made on January of this year, at home, in circumstances unknown, but I assure you it wasn't under the effect of booze or heavy (or even "light", for that note) recreative drugs. I simply conceived and wrote it down.

I didn't muse on any matter in particular, as it was a poem made basically with words and their connection to one another, but different people have given it different interpretations. They are all valid I guess, as we must give an inner meaning to everything we read, so that it can become part of us.

Later I found it ressonated much with a photograph by Pieter Hugo:

The poem's called The Mark Of Cain,

They tear a hole in your heart
They set your brains apart
And convince you
The least thing you are
Is being smart

And from nowhere in life
You could possibly re-start
It all over again

The absolute impossibility
Of living a life
Free of pain -
Home and sheltered from
The ever-pouring rain

They attempt to grab
Your soul and maim
The plan of progress
You've sought to attain

They stain with blood
Your bed, where you've
Safely lain
Till they've ripped apart
Your entire concept of life
All over and over again.​

Hi Napoleao,

I just wanted to encourage you to post an intro in the newbies section. It doesn't have to be long, just a little about yourself and how you found the forum.
I thought the poem was great and then, when I saw the picture, it resonated on an even deeper level. Thanks for sharing, Napoleao.
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