This article has a strong anti-fat slant, but still sort of interesting.
Given that "overweight" people have lower death rates than those with an "ideal" BMI, a somewhat different picture is painted, perhaps?
New research suggests that humans may have a previously unidentified sixth taste sense — for fat.
Researchers of the new study also found that people with a high sensitivity to the taste of fat, paradoxically tended to eat less fatty foods and were less likely to be overweight. [Note: they mean overweight according to Body Mass Index]
"Our findings build on previous research in the United States that used animal models to discover fat taste," Russell Keast, one of the researchers of the new study said.
"We know that the human tongue can detect five tastes — sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami (a taste for identifying protein rich foods). Through our study we can conclude that humans have a sixth taste — fat."
Given that "overweight" people have lower death rates than those with an "ideal" BMI, a somewhat different picture is painted, perhaps?