The Living Force
I had a very interesting hypnopompic dream that I will share here. I think it may help me to write it down.
It started in my apartment and everything was very neat and organised. Then, I took in a little boy that his mother had been neglecting and realized that he had never had a bath and was filthy.He was abut three. I put him in the tub and then my mother was in the other room screaming and acting crazy. He pushed her out the door. Then, my Nana, who appeared out of nowhere, said she was leaving and was not going to talk to me again because of the way I treated my mother. I was shocked because I would never have thought my Nana would do that. I was thinking about running after her, but then I remembered the little boy was all alone in the bath tub. When I got in the bathroom, he was drowning. I saved him and finished his bath. Afterwards he kept messing in his pants, although he should have been potty trained, and I had to keep giving him a bath. I was starting to feel very incapable of taking care of this little boy, and somewhat resentful to boot. The last time he had an accident I got very angry, and he asked me why I was getting so mad. The boy seemed not quite right, in that his mannerisms were jerky and off kilter. His speech was off as well.
Out of nowhere appeared a man, and music started to play. The song was Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul. The man was singing, then when it got to the female verse I opened my mouth and the most powerful feminine singing voice came out. I was shocked. The lillte boy started jumping up and down with glee and clapping his hands. Then, a blonde woman appeared out of nowhere and starting singing in a more powerful voice than mine, and well followed her through a door.
When we got to the other side of the door, there was three naked women with alabaster skin and platinum/white hair that were on rocks in a lagoon. It was a brilliant scene. There was very bright moonlight, and the water was very still and calm and sparkly. There were two women in the lagoon who looked just like the other three. The three on the rocks were singing acapella.
" I just love my pretty white self, my pretty white self, my pretty white self. I just love my pretty white self as I bathe in the water of the moon" . ( That's it verbatum, as I cannot get it out of my head :) )
The woman on the left side of the lagoon in the water was crying, and one of the other ones stepped down into the water and pushed her under and she came back up and was smiling. The woman on the right side of the lagoon, was crying also. Another woman came down into the water and rubbed her hand over the woman's belly and all the past relationship pain came up like a movie screen and showed why the woman was sad. She was pushed under the water and came back up smiling. All the while they are singing in the background the words above over and over. The little boy is now looking very healthy and happy and has on a top hat and tails and is just dancing and clapping and smiling from ear to ear.
I walked up to the edge of the lagoon, and put my hand into the water. I could feel it. I mean REALLY feel it. Then, I caught a glimpse of my reflection, and I looked just like the other women.
The music here was in stereo and clear as a bell. I have never had any other dreams where I heard music before.
Every time I see myself in a dream though, I always have that hair that is so much not like my real life brown hair. That has been that way since I was little. This is also the first dream I have ever had where there is water that is pretty and calm and not a tidal wave,hurricane,or a river that I am drowning in, so that part was pretty dang nice.
It started in my apartment and everything was very neat and organised. Then, I took in a little boy that his mother had been neglecting and realized that he had never had a bath and was filthy.He was abut three. I put him in the tub and then my mother was in the other room screaming and acting crazy. He pushed her out the door. Then, my Nana, who appeared out of nowhere, said she was leaving and was not going to talk to me again because of the way I treated my mother. I was shocked because I would never have thought my Nana would do that. I was thinking about running after her, but then I remembered the little boy was all alone in the bath tub. When I got in the bathroom, he was drowning. I saved him and finished his bath. Afterwards he kept messing in his pants, although he should have been potty trained, and I had to keep giving him a bath. I was starting to feel very incapable of taking care of this little boy, and somewhat resentful to boot. The last time he had an accident I got very angry, and he asked me why I was getting so mad. The boy seemed not quite right, in that his mannerisms were jerky and off kilter. His speech was off as well.
Out of nowhere appeared a man, and music started to play. The song was Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul. The man was singing, then when it got to the female verse I opened my mouth and the most powerful feminine singing voice came out. I was shocked. The lillte boy started jumping up and down with glee and clapping his hands. Then, a blonde woman appeared out of nowhere and starting singing in a more powerful voice than mine, and well followed her through a door.
When we got to the other side of the door, there was three naked women with alabaster skin and platinum/white hair that were on rocks in a lagoon. It was a brilliant scene. There was very bright moonlight, and the water was very still and calm and sparkly. There were two women in the lagoon who looked just like the other three. The three on the rocks were singing acapella.
" I just love my pretty white self, my pretty white self, my pretty white self. I just love my pretty white self as I bathe in the water of the moon" . ( That's it verbatum, as I cannot get it out of my head :) )
The woman on the left side of the lagoon in the water was crying, and one of the other ones stepped down into the water and pushed her under and she came back up and was smiling. The woman on the right side of the lagoon, was crying also. Another woman came down into the water and rubbed her hand over the woman's belly and all the past relationship pain came up like a movie screen and showed why the woman was sad. She was pushed under the water and came back up smiling. All the while they are singing in the background the words above over and over. The little boy is now looking very healthy and happy and has on a top hat and tails and is just dancing and clapping and smiling from ear to ear.
I walked up to the edge of the lagoon, and put my hand into the water. I could feel it. I mean REALLY feel it. Then, I caught a glimpse of my reflection, and I looked just like the other women.
The music here was in stereo and clear as a bell. I have never had any other dreams where I heard music before.
Every time I see myself in a dream though, I always have that hair that is so much not like my real life brown hair. That has been that way since I was little. This is also the first dream I have ever had where there is water that is pretty and calm and not a tidal wave,hurricane,or a river that I am drowning in, so that part was pretty dang nice.