I don`t get it.... why not destroy evil?

If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Nice thought! But when you consider that you're up against Lizzie's, greys, psychopaths, OP's, and a structure of evil that has been around thousands of years, toxic food, air, medicines, and let's not forget electronic harassment (to name a few)...where would you even begin?
I believe the short answer is balance. There can be no light without darkness. Furthermore, we chose free will. We wanted to experience physical pleasure (sex essentially). Read Riding the Wave Chapter 3: “Dorothy meets the Frog Prince…” I believe that’s the section where we walk through the door. I think that should flesh out the story of how we made the choice to live in an STS world.
Nice thought! But when you consider that you're up against Lizzie's, greys, psychopaths, OP's, and a structure of evil that has been around thousands of years, toxic food, air, medicines, and let's not forget electronic harassment (to name a few)...where would you even begin?
Sorry, I was asking if in principle this is a legit STO path? Becoming a warrior saint who protects the free will of others by destroying evil or this kind of thinking just feeds into an STS dynamic?
" supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others " , same meets same....
How so? It`s evil to destroy those who take pleasure in harming or enslaving others? Are we just to stand idle? The C said that in 4D there are battles because the 4D STS influence must be resisted.
Sorry, I was asking if in principle this is a legit STO path? Becoming a warrior saint who protects the free will of others by destroying evil or this kind of thinking just feeds into an STS dynamic?
Sorry about that. The problem is, by destroying evil/others, you are in essence no better than them. They have the free will to be evil, it all comes down to choices (or soul orientation).
The most we can do is gain knowledge about who/what we are up against and be a shining example of the opposite (of them). It's tough enough to get others to even see or acknowledge that there is evil, never mind getting them to make personal changes to their own behavior.
Be the change you want to see (is my point, really).
If being STO is about supporting the free will of others why not destroy those entities who would subsume the free will of others for their own gain?
Then where is 'Learning' for the souls and What is the point of 'existence' of the 'Universe'.

As per C's soul's can't be destroyed. Ultimate STS destiny is blackhole ( physical equivalent) , ultimate STO destiny is 7D.

What is Soul or its capabilities widely vary according to its lesson profile of life and planned learning profile (1D to 6D).
Suppose this group decides that you are a danger to, as you say, free will.

Would you be okay with us destroying you?

Perhaps some conscious entities who see only themselves as important would readily destroy anyone who interferes with their plans.

Perhaps other conscious entities who see all conscious entities as equally important would not do so unless their survival or that of others who are equally important to themselves (in their perception) is in jeopardy.

There is a line from a Clint Eastwood movie:

"Killing a man is a very hard thing to do. You take away from him everything he has and everything he could have had."

People interpret that line in material terms, but there is much, much more to it than that.
Sorry about that. The problem is, by destroying evil/others, you are in essence no better than them. They have the free will to be evil, it all comes down to choices (or soul orientation).
The most we can do is gain knowledge about who/what we are up against and be a shining example of the opposite (of them). It's tough enough to get others to even see or acknowledge that there is evil, never mind getting them to make personal changes to their own behavior.
Be the change you want to see (is my point, really).
So the only thing you can do in order to be STO is be passive and accept evil to let people who would use and abuse have their lessons? Wait to be raped/enslaved/slaughtered by those that made themselves strong. Don`t get me wrong is good to be moral but isn`t it immoral to be passive and weak?
if you will, "ultimate destiny is 7D" , all gets recycled , sts gets cut short at 4th.
Well, my dream destination used to be Greece, but now it's 7D! (Nice to know there's a place where my narcissistic ex's can't follow me lol). Is it bad if I picture them starting from scratch, grunting in a cave and wondering what's for dinner?
Yeah, that's likely bad. Umm...I wish them well.
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