I got to hang out with Bob Dylan last night (in my dream)


I had this surprisingly explicit dream this morning that gave me some sort of urgent appreciation of life cause (FWIW).

I was shopping in NY, at some book, record, video store and as I got up to the counter all excited at my finds about to be purchased, I heard this guy commenting over my shoulder about what I had on the counter, and I turned to look and see who it was and discovered Bob Dylan. He was commenting, "those are some pretty meaty purchases you got going there." And embarrassed that some presumptuous nature of mine was showing in the ambitious depth of the material I was going after, I nervously commented well 'I hoped that some of its truth would come shining through.' I asked whether he'd gotten into any of the titles, one of which was a book about a NY family that was living a sort of Anne Frank existence, on the run from apartment to apartment in a constant bid to dodge authorities who were after them because they had hard evidence about the perpetrators behind 9/11 and were effectively disseminating it. Dylan said 'no, but that he'd heard about and seen the true story book I had about the NY 9/11 truth telling family but that he couldn't yet get to it.' I made my purchases and Bob was leaving having satisfied his browsing without anything in hand so we exited at the same time and hit the street with an awkward possibility of a conversation hanging in the air. We started shuffling down the street in the same direction, I said, 'it seems a pretty atrocious reality to see dawn amidst all the human potential.' He said 'yeah, pretty disturbing.' I said, 'yeah, with all the inspiration in the air, and human capacities just beginning to rear divine potential', he said 'no doubt there, man's pretty blinded by his own power, but for sure there's some answers blowin'. And I caught the allusion to the song, and we kept shuffling, and he kept talking, going into his verses and he started going into:

[quote author=Bob Dylan "Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar"]
Try to be pure at heart, they arrest you for robbery,
Mistake your shyness for aloofness, your shyness for snobbery,
Got the message this morning, the one that was sent to me
About the madness of becomin' what one was never meant to be.

And we kept walking and talking (me mostly going, "uh huh") and ended up at a coffee shop and he was saying:

[quote author=Bob Dylan "Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar"]
Put your hand on my head, baby, do I have a temperature?
I see people who are supposed to know better standin' around like furniture.
There's a wall between you and what you want and you got to leap it,
Tonight you got the power to take it, tomorrow you won't have the power to
keep it.

Thanks for the visit Bob!
It was cool MC, and I'm glad if it finds resonance with anyone. First cool dream I've had in a long while and very vivid. Finding the book on the NY 9/11 truth family living like Anne Frank was a whole episode of the dream absent Bob. And those verses of "The Groom's Still Waiting At the Altar" song coming to dominate the dialog was wild. I was an evangelical Christian back in high school when Dylan got saved, and so his "born again" era music has always remained accessible to me despite my belief systems and his both moving on. I actually think those 3 albums - 'Gotta Serve Somebody', 'Saved', and 'Shot of Love' (which has the "The Groom's..." song) - represent one of the high points of his career and was glad to see the gospel choirs release the covers album of that era several years ago. My preferences for his work now roams through the early career catalog while regularly coming back to 'World Gone Wrong' but as my belief system has found ground in Gnosticism I find I'm able to listen to the born again era albums in entirely new ways. I also wonder a lot about the elite artists out there and how they're making friends with themselves in light of 9/11 truth.

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