Y° Serg
My flying friend may be doing OBE, if i well understood his "position".
I just don't
And about the second paart: imagine the "spots" not moving, ISS yes, they would finally pattern so like a over-atmospheric mark out, (in french jalon). So like another earthgrid, outside the atmosphère.
I say that because it seems to me they appear rytmically and ISS evolve at the same speed, usually. So, I'am not sure at all they move, even slowly, and the travel of ISS is cutting the pattern they form, more evidently at end of video. No ?
I have heard about some "nano" (oups)-satellitic self-regenerating formation around the earth ( Project Camelot_ SKYNET _ AI, Nanotech & the Terminator -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0yvHKx5lkY )
(if I well understood...), and that's why i propose this explanation (for the video)
On the same UFO-topic, i easy admit not having any remembering of any ufo-sighting,I am just sure our ancesters where nearly so clever as us (really just so ? No, may be more, with less "Noise"), we could say another intelligence of lifes, and they graved what we saw, what they where told about in caves, (so lively), they did what they could, and for a long time. I am not sure it could have been for celebrity... few days before a possible cerebral black-out from any cometo-planetary system that would have come trought the earth electric stability. The discharge coming next would have make some reformating of the
usual humain brain. (May be hopi'elders "evenement")(May be the reason the french "gaulois" are frightened of falling sky...)
hope you follow the "pitch"...