I saw something I can't explain last night


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night around 10:20 PM I went out on my back balcony to have a smoke before getting the distiller ready to make distilled water overnight and turn in to go to sleep. As I smoked I was looking at the sky and stars, as I often do. When I looked to my right toward the West, I noticed something strange. There was something flashing in a weird way. At first I thought it's a star, but as I stared at it I saw that it's 2 lights very close to each other that look like stars, only a little bigger and that were doing a weird rhythmic flashing and moving ever so slightly side to side.

After my smoke, I went and got binoculars and watched it for a few minutes. Then got my camera and zoomed in all the way with the ISO set on 5000. By this time it had moved lower in the sky and was slowly going down below the roof line of the part of my building that bends around the corner and continues on the side street. I still couldn't figure out what the heck it was. When I first saw it, it was about 6 or 7 feet above the roof line and when I looked through the camera, it was less than a foot above the roof line. And then a couple of minutes later it was lower and I couldn't see it anymore.

When I looked through the binoculars, the 2 flashing/blinking lights were definately moving side to side, but very small overall motion. Toward the end, right before it was going to disappear behind the building, something else that looked like a small plane flew from South to North slowly but with no sound -- and it looked quite close. There was a blinking white light and it could have been a plane but seemed to be flying a little too slow and didn't have any sound at all.

I don't know what I saw, but I remembered that I'd seen the weird star-like lights a couple of years ago in the same spot, just a bit higher in the sky (and possibly ever so slightly bigger, if I remember correctly) over two nights. One night it was there for more than twenty minutes, and I showed it to my brother. We kept looking at it, got binoculars again and couldn't figure out what we were looking at again.

I also remembered that over a month ago, me and my brother were on the same balcony sitting smoking and talking, when I saw a fireball flash in the southern sky going from east to west. It was the size of a soccer ball, deep orange and lasted for about 2 to 3 seconds. I never got around to posting about it, so I thought I'd just mention it in this post.
I'd been meaning to post an update about this and I coincidentally read another thread just now, so I posted there.

For those interested, you can read the update (and the other thread):

I just had another strange encounter and posted it here:

I was just out on my back balcony having a smoke. I was watching two stars to see if anything unusual about them. Nothing unusual that I noticed. And then a third "star" appeared quite small and faint, moved for about 8 seconds across the sky and then just disappeared. It just vanished. :huh: I thought I'd report the latest weirdness....
SeekinTruth said:
I was just out on my back balcony having a smoke. I was watching two stars to see if anything unusual about them. Nothing unusual that I noticed. And then a third "star" appeared quite small and faint, moved for about 8 seconds across the sky and then just disappeared. It just vanished. :huh: I thought I'd report the latest weirdness....
Satellites often look that way as they move into and out of an area in which they can reflect the light of the sun to viewer on the ground - just a possibility, of course.
Thanks for the suggestion, anart. I didn't think of that. It really looked like a faint star except it was moving at a pretty good pace and appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into thin air. It did give me the impression that it was quite far away, FWIW. But it might have been a satellite, as you said.

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