IBM is building a Computer which will Model a human Brain


The Force is Strong With This One
Can you think of a subject that might implode your brain as much as this one!!!!!! This burn my AZZ more than anything that might grace the pages of any human magazine on the face of the earth , this really burns my ass!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blue Brain is an IBM computer built to simulate a human brain. It’s powered by 2,000 microchips, each acting as a single neuron, that enable it to execute 22.8 trillion operations per second. Based at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, the project launched in 2005 to much controversy and skepticism. Modeling the complexity of the brain in a computer is considered a holy grail to some, and hubris to others. The Blue Brain Project isn’t an attempt to build an artificial intelligence, although it could someday inform such an effort. That’s because the scientists are hoping to use the machine to understand physiology, brain chemistry, and even intelligence and consciousness. The project’s stated goal? “To reverse engineer the brain.”

Already though, Blue Brain has simualated the brain’s neocortical column, containing 10,000 neurons and 30 million synaptic connection. “The column has been built and it runs,” project director Henry Markram told Seed Magazine. “Now we just have to scale it up.” In two years, Markram hopes to have modeled a complete rat brain that he will then load into a mobile robot. From SEED:
When listening to Markram speculate, it’s easy to forget that the Blue Brain simulation is still just a single circuit, confined within a silent supercomputer. The machine is not yet alive. And yet Markram can be persuasive when he talks about his future plans. His ambitions are grounded in concrete steps. Once the team is able to model a complete rat brain–that should happen in the next two years–Markram will download the simulation into a robotic rat, so that the brain has a body. He’s already talking to a Japanese company about constructing the mechanical animal. “The only way to really know what the model is capable of is to give it legs,” he says. “If the robotic rat just bumps into walls, then we’ve got a problem.”

Installing Blue Brain in a robot will also allow it to develop like a real rat. The simulated cells will be shaped by their own sensations, constantly revising their connections based upon the rat’s experiences. “What you ultimately want,” Markram says, “is a robot that’s a little bit unpredictable, that doesn’t just do what we tell it to do.” His goal is to build a virtual animal–a rodent robot–with a mind of its own.

But the question remains: How do you know what the rat knows? How do you get inside its simulated cortex? This is where visualization becomes key. Markram wants to simulate what that brain experiences. It’s a typically audacious goal, a grand attempt to get around an ancient paradox. But if he can really find a way to see the brain from the inside, to traverse our inner space, then he will have given neuroscience an unprecedented window into the invisible. He will have taken the self and turned it into something we can see.
These are some good articles for anyone who wants get a general understanding of the project :)

But the question remains: How do you know what the rat knows?

And therein lies the problem...
How do we really know what the rat is doing/thinking?

Although lets say for arguments sake they figure it out and make a "rat", will they actually achieve the same when trying to model for a human?
Will 3D ever truly understand the human mind/consciousness, let alone 1&2D ?
A new documentary was released recently about the blue brain project. with inside footage and interview of the project director.

documentary link: _

This company is doing a 10 year documentary on the Blue Brain Project. They released a first installment a couple months ago. Every couple of months I find myself checking back up on the Blue Brain Project when I happen to remember it. I enjoyed this video a lot. I think it's quite amazing transferring the chemical structure, the parameters, the rules of interaction, of these individual neurons into a processing unit, and then hooking them together. I don't know much on the subject of computer science and networking but it intrigues me.

Also after watching the video I'm wondering what really are the motives of this markram guy. behind the facade of helping others and curing brain disease, it could be he hopes to live for ever or to transfer his brain on a computer. For a scientist I am pretty amazed at the things he thinks he will be able to do in the near future concerning the blue brain project. He seems to have no objection on breaking the barrier on the subject of what is consciousness. no objection to creating "human" computers. He claims the technology will become so advanced, a computer could clone a living human without killing or transferring the data. A computer could build a theoretical model of the persons brain based on perhaps behavior or other indicators or samples. I think he is also very into the science of understanding the brain. perhaps that is his driving motivation. I just find it hard to believe this is all about curing brain disease for him. more like the selling point. I wonder how it gets funding.

related to this subject, I really found this in-depth input from the C's interesting:

C's said:
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things about that from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint. Q: (L) That's not a pleasant thought.

One of the questions I have concerning the project is how the brain would interface with the world. This is a common question in the comments of the video which I linked. My current line of thinking is that the computer being a brain could really "learn" any kind of interaction device or system it is given, so interface with the real world would not pose so much of a problem.

like if a human looses eye-sight or becomes deaf, we can always learn to "sense" or communicate with whatever apparatus we have left. stephen hawking would be an example of this.

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