Csayeursost said:
To my understanding, in order to be able to authenticate, enough information must be present to identify taken together, meaning that the system - if not such from the beginning - can be modified to store it. So there is no way to prevent - at any rate, in a future version thereof - a system that can preserve it and send it off to wherever. For that matter, the old paper system could be made to do so.
There are several issues here. One is the actual authentication, which yes, relies on being able to take (as a MINIMUM and usually NOT sufficient) password and other information about the user in order to establish identity of the user. In many newer architectures this process is separated from the service that is using the authentication, in what is called "federated security". In other words, you login over here, and then use that identity over there. As long as the service provider trusts the identity provider all is well, and then the service provider never gets the password or other credentials. There are variations of this where the service never really gets a username or anything that can be used to identify the person in real life. Instead it just gets a token (like "32fgh289") and an assertion that "whenever you get this from the identity provider you can be sure it's the same individual". This provides a level of anonymity for the user as it relates to the service provider, and yet the service provider can still be sure that whatever is shared (such as communication and records) will always be shared with the same user. This type of authentication would, for example, be very useful for this forum, as there is no need to know "who is who", other than that the user always is the same physical person.
As for how the service provider then stores usage information about when the service is accessed, and such, that has to be regulated in law. Sadly however, right now there are new laws in place in our country that places such requirements on the NETWORK operators rather than the service providers, meaning, it doesn't matter if they try to be "good". Some operators refuse to follow this law, on purpose, saying that the other laws on personal integrity take precedence. There is also a huge upshot in use of anonymizer services.
The only aspect I can think of that could be improved would be that part of the identification carried by the citizen, which instead of a personally identifying card could be a fairly unique (and non-guessable/non-viably brute-force-able) string of data not in itself identifying to the person - not centrally stored upon being issued - which upon being combined according to some algorithm with a number analogous to a social security number would yield either a passing or failing validation. But if both of these are sent to the server, the server could centrally store and relate the data-string to the number and so make it personally identifiable! So in the end even that would turn out the same.
That is handled by existing PKI's (where the user has a secret key and the identity provider has a public key), so that's ok. The main question is where to store the secret key for the user. Currently "soft certificates", meaning "files on disk", are being used mostly, but that is a HUGE risk considering that sooo many Windows machines are hacked. Having them on a physically removable media, such as a card, is much better from a security standpoint. Although, my personal favourite is to keep them in cellphones, which we all carry around anyway.
As far as I can see, ability to strongly authenticate implies ability to - if not already there from the beginning - retrofit the system (on the server side) to do so in the future. But as for the paper solution, the same thing applies - only it is somewhat clumsier, as with the rest of the process. So the only difference there - apart from convenience - ends up being speed and the absence of forced ID-cards. OSIT.
Just so we agree on terms here, "strong authentication" usually means using "multi factor authentication", meaning, to authenticate yourself you need a password ("something you know") and a card or cellphone or other gadget ("something you have"). This is much much more secure than just password or card separately: I can steal your password and login as you, and I can steal your card and login as you, but if I have to do BOTH that's much less likely. Funnily enough there is software out there that allows this to be used by systems without having to change them at all (as long as they use LDAP for authentication, which many do), but it's OpenSource and the maintainer has had a rough time personally and so isn't working actively on it. Quite sad really. If only there was money to develop that, it would be a really nice way to do it, and very very cheap too.