This morning, just before I awoke, I was having a very short dream about three identical little girls of no more than three years old. They were all dressed in identical pink floral sundresses with matching frilly hats and they stood side by side with their backs to me. Just in front of them and facing them (and me) was a young black boy about 8 to 10 years old and he had one arm up and outstretched as if "conducting" the little girls.
I woke up directly after dreaming this "image" so the dream had no explanation whatsoever other than the boy expressed some mild but marked frustration in between letting his arm down once and then raising it again to continue. I'm not even sure frustration would be an adequate term as it was more or less a discontinuance because something wasn't right and then a restart to try it again, though it's hard to say what "it" was - the girls didn't have musical instruments or anything and I didn't hear any singing though it seems singing was implied (or maybe talking, as in reciting or something).
I can't imagine the meaning of this dream with the identical girls being conducted by a boy and I think it's mildly strange that their "conductor" in my dream, was black - not that it matters but I can only recall having one other dream in which a black person was present, a man, a very beautiful man in fact, with some sort of foreign accent. He was very tall and well-built with a very smooth face and strong handsome features and he was very patient and kind, in a virtuous way, not like a superficial "nice guy" that might turn out to be a criminal - in that dream I was a very small child, about the same size as the girls in this dream, and he spoke to me very earnestly and his "name" in my dream was Tony. At the time I dreamed of him I wondered if it was possibly someone I actually knew when I was very small, but this short dream last night I can't "identify" the boy at all - the outfits the girls were wearing are similar to one worn by one of my granddaughters when she was a baby and I'm also expecting my third granddaughter in a few months, but the boy is a total mystery.
I woke up directly after dreaming this "image" so the dream had no explanation whatsoever other than the boy expressed some mild but marked frustration in between letting his arm down once and then raising it again to continue. I'm not even sure frustration would be an adequate term as it was more or less a discontinuance because something wasn't right and then a restart to try it again, though it's hard to say what "it" was - the girls didn't have musical instruments or anything and I didn't hear any singing though it seems singing was implied (or maybe talking, as in reciting or something).
I can't imagine the meaning of this dream with the identical girls being conducted by a boy and I think it's mildly strange that their "conductor" in my dream, was black - not that it matters but I can only recall having one other dream in which a black person was present, a man, a very beautiful man in fact, with some sort of foreign accent. He was very tall and well-built with a very smooth face and strong handsome features and he was very patient and kind, in a virtuous way, not like a superficial "nice guy" that might turn out to be a criminal - in that dream I was a very small child, about the same size as the girls in this dream, and he spoke to me very earnestly and his "name" in my dream was Tony. At the time I dreamed of him I wondered if it was possibly someone I actually knew when I was very small, but this short dream last night I can't "identify" the boy at all - the outfits the girls were wearing are similar to one worn by one of my granddaughters when she was a baby and I'm also expecting my third granddaughter in a few months, but the boy is a total mystery.