Dagobah Resident
(it's a series of photographs, so click on picture to see the following)
I just saw this pictures on facebook shared with comment from Shahd Abusalama, who I follow on FB
(she has this blog too: https://palestinefrommyeyes.wordpress.com/ )
She wrote as a comment to the pics 9 hours ago:
Of cause it is nothing new, but nevertheless truly horrible to witness...
(it's a series of photographs, so click on picture to see the following)
I just saw this pictures on facebook shared with comment from Shahd Abusalama, who I follow on FB
(she has this blog too: https://palestinefrommyeyes.wordpress.com/ )
She wrote as a comment to the pics 9 hours ago:
Look at these pictures that record how the 5-year-old Mohammed Reyad Ku injured during yesterday's demonstration in Kafr Kaddum, a village in between Nablus and Qalqilia. The Israeli Occupation Forces called Mohammed to come closer and he did in panic. After all, he's just a child. Then they attacked him aggressively. Under the Israeli Occupation, no one is immune of their life-threatening weapons. Age or gender or whatever doesn't matter and doesn't deter them from shooting or abusing. Being a Palestinian is the only offence they need to legitimise to themselves taking someone's life or bounding anyone to a life-long disability, and then they justify it under the name of 'maintaining security' or 'self-defence'.
Of cause it is nothing new, but nevertheless truly horrible to witness...