Hi, I'm sorry if I make some mistakes in my English because I come from different parts of the world. With the Balkans - Macedonia
In the past few months and to be more precise in 2010 than last summer I noticed that the number of people with upper respiratory problems dramatic increased. especially in children's population. Every human that I know have major complications with the respiratory system. Effort I know if there is something in the water or air. temperatures are very high for this time of year here. It should be about -10, but they are 10, and that maybe all these diseases increases. I also noticed a higher activity with Chemtrails. There are some days when the sky is like a board with white lines through them. Something strange is happening. People are starting to be more awake, they begin to refuse the vaccine, beginning to ask questions. Strange and crazy things happen. Any ideas from any comment on this? :(
In the past few months and to be more precise in 2010 than last summer I noticed that the number of people with upper respiratory problems dramatic increased. especially in children's population. Every human that I know have major complications with the respiratory system. Effort I know if there is something in the water or air. temperatures are very high for this time of year here. It should be about -10, but they are 10, and that maybe all these diseases increases. I also noticed a higher activity with Chemtrails. There are some days when the sky is like a board with white lines through them. Something strange is happening. People are starting to be more awake, they begin to refuse the vaccine, beginning to ask questions. Strange and crazy things happen. Any ideas from any comment on this? :(