"I'm just Following orders "


FOTCM Member
On the 20 February 2012 the deputy Sheriff arrived at another Irish family's home to repossess it and give the keys to the bank in Co Laois. Thus putting another Irish family onto the streets.

That was awesome, loved the Irish accents btw.

The assistant sheriff's pathetic attempts at arguing "it's not my business to question someone higher than him," etc. Was expertly defeated, by the guy in green using logic, and knowledge of the law.

:clap: :thup:
bngenoh said:
That was awesome, loved the Irish accents btw.

The assistant sheriff's pathetic attempts at arguing "it's not my business to question someone higher than him," etc. Was expertly defeated, by the guy in green using logic, and knowledge of the law.

:clap: :thup:

Yes, it really brings home the point of why "they" want us dumbed-down. It is so much easier to control those who don't have a clue about the law, constitution, etc.
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