it has happened before , but not as a result of a bill being passed or not, immigration is a tough subject to analyze,more in the US , more after 9/11,since the psychopathic factor of the reality in which america lives today became dissimulated with-in an infected ideology of patriotism, it is not tolerable anymore for the "good americans" you could be a terrorist , a mexican , a Chinese... ,there's always a contemptuous way to refer to the rest of the world, in some cases you feel totally unwelcome to the US,in some cases they make sure you feel different,they make sure that you feel like a criminal, they make sure that you see how privileged they are of not being foreigners, this off-course indicates the level of objectivity , and the egotism that prevents them from actually see the facts of the whole "withe" people being immigrants themselves , but in any event , in a lot of cases , most immigrants receive inhuman treatment by employers whom control them by the fear factor of "calling immigration services on you.." is a tacit way to do it , in most cases, for immigrants that "illegal" job they have represents the means of surviving for ,in most cases kids , or family in 3rd world countries.
that kind of case has happened ever since immigrants fell in to the hands of opportunist employers that make and save lots of money by hiring illegal immigrants, not only that but by the illegality of the contract which in most cases do not exist at all , are not obliged by law to be human with them , this off course does not include all northamericans , not all employers , and not all illegal are coming to the US as their last option , some do come with the intention of committing crimes , actually these guys have a better luck, have a lot more fun and have it a lot easier in the US.