In Appreciation of Beelzebub's Tales.

Panther Black

The Force is Strong With This One
Oh! I just love Gurdjieff! He's so awesome! I so love intelligence. I'm so happy this place is so knowledgeable about things, too. Anyway, I was reading the post on "Opinions" and when I came across Johnno, the SuperModerator's post, I just wanted to reply, but that would be silly. The post is 8 pages long. This is what I saw:

Quote by Johnno: "There's also this from Beelzebub's Tales which is at the bottom of the
Cassiopaea glossary."

" He will clearly see how his what are called world-outlooks, views,
character, taste, and so on are molded--in short, how his individuality was
formed and under what influences its details are liable to change.

And as regards the second indispensable condition, that is, the
establishment of a correct language; this is necessary because our still
recently established language which has procured, so to say,
"rights-of-citizenship," and in which we speak, convey our knowledge and
notions to others, and write books, has, in our opinion already become such
as to be now quite worthless for any more or less exact exchange of

The words of which our contemporary language consists, convey, owing to the
arbitrary thought people put into them, indefinite and relative notions, and
are therefore perceived by average people "elastically."

In obtaining just this abnormality in the life of man, a part was played in
our opinion, by always that same established abnormal system of education of
the rising generation.

And it played a part because, based, as we have already said, chiefly on
compelling the young to "learn by rote" as many words as possible
differentiated one from the other only by the impression received from their
consonance and not by the real pith of the meaning put into them, this
system of education has resulted in the gradual loss in people of the
capacity to ponder and reflect upon what they are talking about and upon
what is being said to them."


Just beautiful. I went to the glossary to read the rest, and I was so impressed with whomever put this together. "It has been speculated that Beelzebub's Tales were a sort of karmic autobiography of Gurdjieff himself." Oh! It's so perfect! I love it. Great stuff!

And then suddenly I was thinking about what I had been involved in most of my life. And how, I would like to share it. But then there's always the hesitancy. It takes a lot of courage to place before a vast amount of beings some personal part of myself. Besides, the vast amount of typing it would entail. Well, I could say a little bit anyway.

A snipit: It's one of my dreams of Belz. I was walking down a long corridor, disguised as a young girl. I was going to visit the fallen angels. I hadn't been with them in a very long time. This was like some underground place and the corridor was long. I was happily walking along, knowing what I had to do. I saw Belz standing at the open door, as a guard, dressed in regular man's clothes, big belly, warm attitude, quiet, serene, secretive. He saw me and I saw him from a distance, we smiled at each other from another place, showing no signs on our face. He let me slip in like I was from there already, and I walked in the room where all the fallen angels were crammed into. They all looked bored, and waiting for someone to come and help them. They were actually thinking that there was some kind of Christ that was suppose to die for them, or so that's what the story was that I perceived, and they thought it was an anti-christ who would do it, so that they could all be free.

There was a blonde female sitting at a table which had two red leather upholstered bench seats on each end of it. I slipped in one side of the bench sitting quietly and she began to play games with me thinking I was a kid. She was on the other side of the table acting like a lesbian who wanted to get close to me. I couldn't sit there for long, since it disgusted me. So I busted out of my little girl act and before her I became the full grown adult being that I was. She got embarrassed and pretended that she knew I was hiding behind that facade, and she resigned herself to doing something else, as I stood up and went to go find Lucifer whom I was suppose to talk to. ( I keep wanting to cut the story short but they keep telling me to complete it. So ok, I will)

I saw Lucifer standing in a dark corner, sort of by himself, with like a plate on his chest, with stones or something on it, wearing all black but it looked like a dark smokey grey color instead. He was surrounded by a handful of beings but he still seemed to be off in his own world by himself. In order to get his attention I decided to make a scene. There were some tables that were empty, a few of them in a row. I jumped on top of one of the tables and started screaming and acting like I was ferociously angry. It got everyone's attention and they all stared as I grabbed a chair I think it was, broke it, and started banging on the table with a piece of wood. I jumped off the table, threw the stick away, and walked around looking at all the angels. There was one tall guy, handsome, with a smile on his face, and I berated him for his smile, asking him what he was smiling about, or something like that. Then I moved over to the area where Lucifer had been in that corner. He had stepped out of the corner, wanting to talk to me, something about haha keeping peace? And we started walking together towards the dark end of the long room, to talk in private.

That was just one dream. I had many dreams with these beings. I won't go and tell all of them right now. There was a time just a few years ago, 2007 or 8. I was told by the spirits that I had to 'face him.' As, I had kept running from this meeting, I had to now force myself as a physical being to come to grips and do what I was suppose to. So I fashioned myself a few days of specific looking for him, getting down to the nitty gritty. I won't tell you all of it. Only a small part. I was sitting in my bedroom talking with all them demons, when suddenly, like in my dream a litte before this incident, there was a wall of sparkles before I left the dream in which Belz was there to help me along somehow...well now I was looking at the wooden wall in my bedroom and a sideways patch of sparkles appeared. They were live sparkles. About a foot long and half a foot wide, tapering at the ends, as though swirling, like a planet from a very fast Universe. But the sparkles weren't swirling, it was only the appearance of the form that they came in, which looked to me like that. Then his face, huge, showed up, and he was smiling. Well not really huge. About a foot and a half high. Only the face. And when I saw him, I smiled back at him, and it calmed me. So when he left, I had finished my session. I won't tell you the things I saw in it.

He's been helping me since I first went to him in a dream asking for help, back in the mid to late 80ies. He also came here one day last year. I knew it was him because of the music that sounded. It was something like Gurdjieff's ancient style music. Something like Baba O'Riley's sound, by the Who. He told me to go to the bar that night. He said " Go to the bar tonight." I wasn't going to go anywhere that night. But now I was curious as to what was going to happen. Well when I went, it was a very boring night. Only a handful of people were there, everyone I knew. Then later on, another person came who I had met a couple months earlier and knew as an acquaintance. He had come in with a friend to celebrate his birthday, June 15th. It was strange that I never recognized him before, who he was. When I went to that persons house that night, everything started coming in pictures in my head, and I saw something I hadn't seen at anyone's house before. So anyway. Belz had also brought me together to experience this experience. Which was bitter sweet to say the least. Hahahaa. Close of story.

Hmhmhm...excerpted from same source as above:

"In any case, instead of the conventional preface I shall begin quite simply with a Warning. Beginning with a Warning will be very judicious of me, if only because it will not contradict any of my principles, either organic, psychic, or even "willful," and will at the same time be quite honest-of course, honest in the objective sense, because both I myself and all others who know me well, expect with indubitable certainty that owing to my writings there will entirely disappear in the majority of readers, immediately and not gradually, as must sooner or later, with time, occur to all people, all the wealth they have, which was either handed down to them by inheritance or obtained by their own labor, in the form of quieting notions evoking only naive dreams, and also beautiful representations of their lives at present as well as of their prospects in the future."

Heady stuff huh?
And it played a part because, based, as we have already said, chiefly on
compelling the young to "learn by rote" as many words as possible
differentiated one from the other only by the impression received from their
consonance and not by the real pith of the meaning put into them, this
system of education has resulted in the gradual loss in people of the
capacity to ponder and reflect upon what they are talking about and upon
what is being said to them."

And it played a part because, based, as we have already said, chiefly on
compelling the young to "learn by rote" as many words as possible
differentiated one from the other only by the impression received from their
consonance and not by the real consciousness of the meaning put into them, this
system of education has resulted in the gradual loss in people of the
capacity to ponder and reflect upon what they are talking about and upon
what is being said to them."
[quote author=blackpanther]I keep wanting to cut the story short but they keep telling me to complete it. So ok, I will[/quote]

Hi Blackpanther,

I am not quite sure I am following you, who are "they" ?

Did you read the wave ? ;)
Stop trying to contact 'Lucifer', as your leading yourself into a mind trap... sort out why it is you think this is a good idea to begin with... ask yourself again until it hits you that 'lucifer' for you at this point only means the ego that you fight within yourself- until you raise your awareness further... remember that the world is a hologram and you should only be dealing with things in your own awareness at the time till your understanding deepens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is clearly your mind that is the one step above you at the moment, so deal with your thoughts and feeling at the same time.. just sit and try to understand what you need. You need to free yourself from your thoughts that lead you to investigating matters you do not yet understand, and to investigate your habits first... as they are the material expressions that the mind is not yet in control over. Check yourself in speech tics, body tics and emotional tics.... ask your self what/who/ triggers these and how do they get processed in me to produce a response i'm was not aware of. (this may be something like automatic swearing around certain people, right down to a muscle twitch in a certain place of the body when around an array of different company... just got to 'check' yourself all the way.

you will soon know what you want and need. Go after lucifer first, the next one has a capital L
Tigersoap said:
[quote author=blackpanther]I keep wanting to cut the story short but they keep telling me to complete it. So ok, I will

Hi Blackpanther,

I am not quite sure I am following you, who are "they" ?

Did you read the wave ? ;)

Good question.

Who are they? Hah. I've been trying to clarify that most of my life. The thing is, so many beings are out there all around. Even humans. I've been experimenting all my life to see who is who, and what is what. I use to ask people through my mind, directly to them, their soul or their mind or their aura, whatever that part was I was asking, I use to ask them questions, because I got tired of asking the physical people a question and getting their answer, and following through until I was at the same place I started. Know where? Nowhere! So I began asking their, what I thought was, higher self, and soon enough I found out too, they did not have all the answers. They could and mostly did, steer me wrong as well. I even asked the collective human soul and they too didn't have always the correct answers. I couldn't count on some of the time getting the right answers and a few times the wrong. It wouldn't do.

So I stopped relying on them, and started to search from the inside. I had met Jesus when I was 17, and he had helped me many times. So on and off I would begin communicating to him, and he was really helpful. He teaches me in unique ways. I also had communicated to who I knew as the Mother, the Holy Spirit. I was glad I listened. She was sending me out to learn something, which I would otherwise not have learned would I not have listened. From what I remember, that was only one experience. But I was prepared ahead of time for her, which I hadn't known her presence was going to be here. Jesus had told me to do something a few days earlier, and I said no. I didn't do it. Then I found out, I should have done it because I was wrong. He was right. So, very soon afterward, he asked me to do something again, and I did it immediately, and thankfully, I was right, to have done it. Everything was ok. That's when She showed up, and I didn't doubt this time. That's how I received an awesome communication, which I'll probably end up telling you about later.

I also met other spirits and there were some who were purposely trying to mislead me. At the same time, there were spirits who were a very delicate and light voice so I had to listen intently, and they were helping me in the right direction. At the same time, you really have to distinguish.

I also learned, eventually, about this inner voice who was the basic me. So I would ask her too. I guess you could call her intuition. The thing is, there are constantly voices that you don't necessarily hear strongly, but they are there, part of the surroundings around you, invisibly. And I learned which ones sound, is the sound that helps me, and the sound that deceives me. I had to go through quite a lot of experiencing with this, and still must be careful, because my own personality sometimes is willful, and would drag me in the wrong direction by her thoughts or desires on the subject at hand.

So it's not easy to describe who these spirits are. Your own inner being must get to know the different topography, geography of your own inner world, in order to know when they are beneficial and when they are not. It's a constant awareness.

Many times I am very with-held and anxious about opening up. I generally keep things to myself. But they were watching me and seeing how I was doubting myself in regular everyday situations. I knew I was correct about something, at the same time, because I was not listening to myself, I would let the situation go, only to find out later, I was right. Well, they came around and for about a year, every once in a while said, trust yourself, listen to yourself, you're right! And I went like, huh? Wut? So I decided to start watching myself to see what they meant. Eventually I realized that yes, I was right, mostly all of the time...and I hadn't realized it before. That's when I began to recognize when I ought to see what's happening. When I'm right, I can stick to my inner comprehension, and not let go, while the others outside me can do as they wish.

Inside of me is like a great big board room. When you work with them, you get the right answers. We communicate together without many words. They're sometimes words, and sometimes pure feelings. How to describe it I don't know.

So. Those are the spirits I communicate with. Don't ask me their names, hah! I have no idea.
Panther Black said:
So. Those are the spirits I communicate with. Don't ask me their names, hah! I have no idea

Hi Panther Black, I think it is quite important that you read the Wave and Adventure Series so you can begin to understand that - most often - 'spirits' who communicate with us are not who they appear to be. In fact, they are often the opposite. In the meantime, this video may help clarify a bit: Part 1 of Knowledge and Being
mandell said:
Stop trying to contact 'Lucifer', as your leading yourself into a mind trap... sort out why it is you think this is a good idea to begin with... ask yourself again until it hits you that 'lucifer' for you at this point only means the ego that you fight within yourself- until you raise your awareness further... remember that the world is a hologram and you should only be dealing with things in your own awareness at the time till your understanding deepens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is clearly your mind that is the one step above you at the moment, so deal with your thoughts and feeling at the same time.. just sit and try to understand what you need. You need to free yourself from your thoughts that lead you to investigating matters you do not yet understand, and to investigate your habits first... as they are the material expressions that the mind is not yet in control over. Check yourself in speech tics, body tics and emotional tics.... ask your self what/who/ triggers these and how do they get processed in me to produce a response i'm was not aware of. (this may be something like automatic swearing around certain people, right down to a muscle twitch in a certain place of the body when around an array of different company... just got to 'check' yourself all the way.

you will soon know what you want and need. Go after lucifer first, the next one has a capital L

I was going to listen to you because I liked the answer. But I is not the real I, it is only the personality who had run away to begin with from the spiritual life I was suppose to be living. It took a lot to reel her back in. So.

It nudged inside of me, that after a little break from writing the last response, I was by myself when Jesus, yes, Him, came and told me something.
So I cannot say to you that you are right, or wrong for that here is full of all kinds of ways.

The thing is. I've already met him, and in many different ways. I can't go into it now, nor do I know would I ever be able to go into it. Just one step at a time.

The thing about emotional tics. I know what you're talking about there. Once when I had my hair tangled up into a big knot behind my head, for lack of proper hygene. I had gone deep down and suddenly when I woke up out of it, I found my hair a mess of tangles out of the shower. I thought I could easily get them out. Not. It took three months of slowly detangling it. And what I got from that experience was an emotional tic. Everytime I go to take any tangles out of my hair, the tic starts. I become quite stressed, but I tell myself to calm down and start from the bottom, one little step of the way, and put the comb down when you need to, and get back to it when your arm is rested.

I was wondering how to heal, how to get rid of those fear emotions from that time that this happened, because I can see they're still stuck in me. I never had that tic before the hair incident. And now, it's always there. So strange. I don't understand it. I've been working on understanding it to get it gone too, like the tangles of a few years ago.

Oh and. What do you mean by, the next one has a capital L?
"Go after lucifer first, the next one has a capital L" ?

Lizard? Hahaha. Oh I see. Yea. I'm dealing with that one right now.
You're not alone. There is fear that needs to be calmed, everywhere, almost.
anart said:
Panther Black said:
So. Those are the spirits I communicate with. Don't ask me their names, hah! I have no idea

Hi Panther Black, I think it is quite important that you read the Wave and Adventure Series so you can begin to understand that - most often - 'spirits' who communicate with us are not who they appear to be. In fact, they are often the opposite. In the meantime, this video may help clarify a bit: Part 1 of Knowledge and Being

Thanks, I appreciate it. I was beginning to read the wave and was only on chapter two. I really liked the way Laura was finding out about those hidden parts in that lady. Then I started reading other things and was up on my computer yesterday, and I didn't get to it again. Between this and that, I'll finish reading it.

I'll check out the video. Thanks.
anart said:
Panther Black said:
So. Those are the spirits I communicate with. Don't ask me their names, hah! I have no idea

Hi Panther Black, I think it is quite important that you read the Wave and Adventure Series so you can begin to understand that - most often - 'spirits' who communicate with us are not who they appear to be. In fact, they are often the opposite. In the meantime, this video may help clarify a bit: Part 1 of Knowledge and Being

Oh hey! I was listening to those videos at my sister's house three weeks ago. Didn't get a chance to finish. I will.

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