In brief...


Dagobah Resident
Hello there,

I write because I can not give meaning to certain experiences i've had. I do not expect them to give me a concrete answer. Only information where I can read something related. I can identify certain things, but I lack information. And I have many things to read. Something symbols, emotions, colors in dreams. I do not know, something of the sort.

I've been avoiding all kinds of negative expression, and I had more control over myself. I can't do the diet, not yet. But I am avoiding all food that makes me wrong. I follow my instincts, so to speak. I read the labels on everything I buy because most of the food here is a treat of gluten. However, i noticed positive changes in my health. I must incorporate the diet as soon as possible to give the body and not just remove. And my mother is in pain throughout the body, headaches (all the life) and sick of everything. I have made known all about the gluten, milk, bread, etc. The gluten is their daily food. I can not keep talking to a wall. It's that simple.

I start with this one, which was the most striking.

A dream, where there was an old woman, with white eyes. With eyes to a Gray , perhaps as a hybrid. smaller than of the eyes of a Gray and And where should be the Iris, only had a circle of black dots in the form of drops. Happily, she told me: "You will see the paint finished of her."

The dream was a quest for "Her", but I do not know who exactly is "Her." I never saw, only that it was "hidden" or waiting of something. Then I began to mourn, and wake up from sleep, within sleep. And I see da Vinci's painting, "Vitruvius." Only it was not exactly his painting was an illustration of mine, where I sought to express the soul and union with the whole. Also on this figure came out a picture of an atom, but the atom is multiplied into itself, inwards. And he had more rings around it. Many more. And a message that said, "The details of life."


I dreamed I was following a brown woman, dressed in white. I know this woman. I looked at the black sky, something I worried, I knew there was something strange. She walked to the beach at night. But never saw it enter the sea, because every time I would go over the sea, the night became more and more obscure. As a tunnel. I see a wolf, and I pulled back, stating with howl avoiding that I got closer, preventing something. But it seems that I lost track of time, and was lying on the sand, waking up and watching as something amounted to the center of a blinding light. The wolf takes me and drags me out of the light. When the wolf had me on his back. I could see another person, far away, lying on the sand, and a light over the person. cone-shaped, came out of the darkness. An total darkness, but not it was the "night".

and quickly, change the dream (It frustrates me when this happens.)

I am in a hallway and there are 3 thieves. You get nervous and shot me, the bullet goes down my face, and lodges in my ear. As a magic trick, i take it off of my ear and the bullet has a form of round 5-pointed star and something like gold, but dirty worn. The thieves give me apology, and i talk to them, I am teaching them. An Arab and two blondes.They were dirty, like vagrants. But one is surprised by what I said, and the blond telling me about a planet, the first 3 letters are ANT or AMT. When I left the place, entered an elevator and see myself in a mirror, I was a male brown, with gray eyes and fine features, but a child and in white robes. I felt I had a great knowledge but i could not access it. I walk into an elevator, and could not close. Then I hear a howl, and ghostly cries. I get scared and i run to close the door manually. In the mirror, i saw a puppet dressed as a harlequin.

The reasons that brought me to write this:

When I feel the bullet go my face, an external voice, tells me "Inplante". And that voice, when I'm talking to the blonde he says, "are dirty". when I hear this voice, I stop of talking with the three men, precautions, knew he should keep quiet and say nothing more. They were fooling me. They were not completely "poor, dirty and needy." But they, had saved me from the person who shot me.

I've been reading about blood lineages, and anything related to "if you play with mud, get dirty", but I'm not entirely clear, I lack information. Arlequim is related to demons, hell, even the king of hell. A character born of popular beliefs concerning hell. The mask, hiding their true intentions, you could say.


3 nights ago, before this dream, i was again paralyzed. And I saw a kind of gray, stabbing me, with despair and fury, saying, "Kill me." Certainly, i felt a pain in my chest, something cold and sharp. I held her hands, had control of the situation. I did not want to hurt him. I refused to do what he wanted.

I've held dreams where i die, spears through my body, bullets hitting my body. But I've never felt anything, nothing. But I can feel when an alien enters something in my chest?

----------------------- And finally...

A few weeks ago, during the morning. I was paralyzed again and if he was awake. Then I heard a voice, as if to come in and out of my head. Like when someone sorprendre from behind and whispers in your ear, but this had a void, an echo. It was not my voice at all. It was another voice in my head, I've never had anything like this in my life. With a malicious tone, laughing, and with a profound challenge and mystery, tells me: "Let's see, if you are prepared for this darkness". Immediately i hear a loud growling behind me, i lacked oxygen, but i was able to control fear. As i could, i perform the breath of E.E. So, step the event.

Thanks for the feedback.
The only small thing I can say is, I agree. I have not had pain in a dream unless something is happening to me while dreaming. As an example, I dream someone is stabbing me with a pin and wake up to see something in my bed causing the pain. I dream I am freezing and feel cold in the dream and wake up to see the fire has gone out and it is very cold in the room. Otherwise, like you said, things happen to my body in the dream yet I feel no sensation. Your telling of this dream has given me ideas about dream interpretation and I am beginning to remember some dreams from my past with a different perspective. I think you have discovered an important tool to use in dream work.
opossum said:
The only small thing I can say is, I agree. I have not had pain in a dream unless something is happening to me while dreaming. As an example, I dream someone is stabbing me with a pin and wake up to see something in my bed causing the pain. I dream I am freezing and feel cold in the dream and wake up to see the fire has gone out and it is very cold in the room. Otherwise, like you said, things happen to my body in the dream yet I feel no sensation. Your telling of this dream has given me ideas about dream interpretation and I am beginning to remember some dreams from my past with a different perspective. I think you have discovered an important tool to use in dream work.

The brain is not going to show you, something that you not have lived. They are records of your brain, existential circumstance in your life. One day you stuck with something and the brain, recording the experience. While you sleep, you stuck with something and the subconscious goes to the bank of images and sensations stimulated by the past experience. And there you have the picture with sensations and all.

As a computer keeps track of each click or command. Add the file and when you return to perform the same operation, the computer already has a copy to facilitate the implementation of a faster way. When we acquire knowledge, we remember too. Cass said that everything is stored within us. Practically, those "dreams" hidden, will emerge along with your feelings and experiences blocked.

.... I think, i found part of the answer to my post :lol:
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