Indian Researchers claim ET Life Discovery


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

article said:
India claims to have found three different species of bacteria living in the Earth's very thin upper atmosphere, at heights of 40 km above the Earth's surface (approximately 24.8 miles).  Many scientists are hailing the bacteria as extraterrestrial as they exist in a foreign climate so far from Earth.  Regardless of their designation, if their presence is verified, they would mark a new era in the study of life in extreme environments.

They used a research balloon to make this "discovery". This seems very similar to what the C's hinted at and what SOTT has been suggesting for years considering the progression and manipulation over time. "They" know there's plenty of life out there, and now they're introducing it gradually to the populace:

C's session 96-08-11 said:
Q: (L) OK, what's the scoop on this Mars Rock? (T) That's kind of UFO- ish!
A: Vague as can be!
Q: (L) Is it the Mars Rock that's vague as can be, or is it my question?
A: Latter
Q: (L) OK, latter, my question. Is this rock from Mars?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How long have they known that rocks from Mars are on the planet?
A: 12 years.
Q:(T) About the same length of time it took them to analyze the soil samples that they got from Mariner probes. (L) OK,
Why all of a sudden are they revealing, or releasing this information about this Mars Rock? In such a big and manipulative way? (T) You just said it!
A: You have already figured it out yourselves.
Q: (L) Well, Sheldon Nidle, the author of 'Becoming a Galactic Human'...
A: No.
Q: (T) Not Sheldon and the Galactic Humans! (L) Well, I know they said no, but Sheldon has made an announcement
which was put out on the Net...
A: No.
Q: (L) So, there's not going to be a massive UFO landing between August 29th and December 31st of this year? (T) Only if you go and see Independence Day!
A: No comment!
Q: (L) Well, I just... (T) That's what the press secretary says for Clinton: no comment! 'Can you describe this woman?'
'No comment!' (L) Is that so pusillanimous as to not deserve a comment? OK, well, so we won't have to worry about
Sheldon Nidle's aliens coming and taking over... (T) They can come and take Sheldon away! (L) Well, OK, but is this
Mars Rock, and is this opening of the doors concept, is this leading up to some definite, overt interaction with aliens? (T)
They told us, we know it, yes!
A: Gradually.
Q: (T) That's what it's all about. They're opening it up, and they're going to take the money... If they want to go to Mars
to look for civilizations and stuff, which they're going to lead up to, and back to the moon here, and all this, and they're
going to make Hoagland feel really good, because he's right! They've already done that!
A: Notice how you heard nothing about the Mars Probes until the rock announcement?
Q: (T) This is the new stuff? (L) Is this right?
A: The excavation robot spacecraft. One Probe is already on its way, another to follow. No further explanation about
"loss" of Mars Explorer.
Q: (L) What did happen to the Mars Explorer?
A: Blacked out. You see, 'Too risky.' And too much too soon, due to pressure from Hoagland and others.
Q: (T) My own opinion is that they've already been there, and they know what's there.
A: No. Microbes are easier to swallow than humans in togas!
Q: (T) Cleopatra and Antony are not going to go over real big this week! Especially with the Bible scholars. (F) And the
scientists! (L) I want to throw in a quick one about this plane crash. Several people have written and asked me. We've
discussed it ourselves. There are all of these plane crashes, with the possibility that we are actually in some state of
conflict, and that we just don't know about it. It was suggested that they've been shot down by the Lizzies, or something
along that line?
A: No.
Q: (L) OK, well, then forget it. OK... (T) Back to Mars. OK? (L) Forward to Mars.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) OK, you just mentioned that somebody from this planet already launched a Mars Probe. A new Mars Probe, that
no one in public knows about. Because it's never been talked about. So, it's a secret probe. Who does it belong to?
A: Was secret US government.
Q: (T) Was it something that one of the Shuttle missions put out?
A: No.
Q: (J) When did it go up?
A: September of 1995.
Q: (T) Last September, a year ago. So, it's gone for a year. It takes it a year, two years to get there? Maybe not that
long. So, it's over half-way there at this point.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What's it going to do?
A: Next year.
Q: (T) Next year for the next probe?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is this going to be one of those public ones? A publicly announced one?
A: They both are.
Q: (T) What is the purpose of these probes?
A: Excavation to display living organisms.
Q: (T) Display? (L) Yes, for public consumption. In other words, not only do we have a rock now, that shows evidence
that there was... (T) Oh, display, as when they find it and dig it up, they're going to show it on camera! (L) Yes! (T)
Connie Kourek will interview it! (L) Right! (F) First they said they found no evidence, then they said it was inconclusive...
Now, who the hell knows what they found! In revealing things, we'll start with fossilized life, and then move on... (L) So,
they're going to display the discovery of living organisms on Mars to take the next step to acclimate...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, this process is going to be something of an on-going thing, and that all of these people who are
cranking around about, you know, alien landings...
A: No faces, though.
Q: (L) There's not going to be any 'Faces On Mars?' They are not going to show us...
A: Won't be revealed, what do you think happened with Mars Explorer?
Q: (L) Well, what did happen with the Mars Explorer? (T) Now, now, now, let me...
A: Hoagland forced their hand.
Q: (T) What do we think happened to the Mars Explorer? I think they switched channels. They just moved it from one
communication post to another, and it's doing exactly what it's supposed to be doing. And they did it in such a way, that
the NASA people really didn't know what happened, so that when they were asked, they could say, 'We don't know
what happened to it!' Because they really don't know what happened! (L) When we're talking about attack, as we were
before, as in plane crashes, the Olympics, all these different things - this dealing with these Mars Explorers - is all this
stuff, or most of this stuff, coming from the 4th density manipulations of human minds, rather than...
A: Yes.
Q: (L)... rather than actual, physical entry and doing of deeds? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK, so what these people are doing with this Mars Probe, with all of these things, they're being manipulated to do
these things, and there's obviously an objective. What is the objective?
A: Too complex.
Q: (L) Too complex. So, it's not just control, there's control for a reason.
A: To explain to you.
Q: (T) Because there's 4th density, fifth density and sixth density reasons involved.
A: Just 4th.
Q: (T) I have a question. They're going to display live organisms, like, how did they put that 'Living organisms'? How big
are these living organisms going to be? How advanced?
A: Teeny-tiny.
Q: (T) So, we're still talking about microscopic organisms here?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) So, they won't wave at us!
A: But these will be alive. Can't you see the progression here? "Don't want to scare Grandma Sally Bible Thumper/Stock
Market Investor!"
Q: (L) Do you have any more for us tonight?
A: No. Goodbye.

Of course, you can't expect the PTB to not switch it up a bit along the way and throw some curve balls, it's just what they do. So here's an interesting one - bacteria at 40km in the air. This allows for a good possibility they are from outer space, but they leave room for a "controversy" to avoid scaring anybody, a sneaky damage control of sorts:

article said:
A lively debate is occurring as well over the origins of the bacteria.  Some scientists are arguing they originated on Earth, being tossed into the air by volcanic eruptions or other events.  Others are arguing that they could have arrived from space. 

A few questions come to mind. Have we sent a research balloon to look for bacteria at 40km in the past? If not, why not? Could it be that it wasn't "time" yet? It just seems like such a simple task that doesn't even require expensive rockets or anything, just inflate a balloon with some instruments on it - why only now?

Or perhaps the dramatic influx of rocks/iceballs/other stuff from space in the past few years has increased the amount of bacteria in the upper atmosphere? So perhaps it wasn't always there to be easily found until we started getting new friends from the Oort Cloud?

Anyway, they're probably going to let this "stepping stone" simmer in our collective minds and make microbes from Mars a lot easier to swallow - probably soon. As the C's say, stay tuned!

Thank you for your post. It made me think about all the many things that the PTB have controlled and managed to keep from all of us. When I read your post, I too had the question pop into my mind, 'Why now, when it comes to this balloon test'? It all smells a little fishy to me. Your connecting this to what the C's have already discussed was very helpful and informative.

Thanks again for pointing this out for everyone to see.

SAO said:
It just seems like such a simple task that doesn't even require expensive rockets or anything, just inflate a balloon with some instruments on it - why only now?

It is indeed a good question.

it reminds me of this event a few years ago. A red rain after a possibly meteoric sonic boom contained unknown bacteria. It is possible that this particular study follows that event?
The event has been wikipedied :

And the author's paper can be freely downloaded at :

Here is the abstract:

abstract said:
A red rain phenomenon occurred in Kerala, India starting from 25th July 2001, in which the rainwater appeared coloured in various localized places that are spread over a few hundred kilometers in Kerala. Maximum cases were reported during the first 10 days and isolated cases were found to occur for about 2 months. The striking red colouration of the rainwater was found to be due to the suspension of microscopic red particles having the appearance of biological cells. These particles have no similarity with usual desert dust. An estimated minimum quantity of 50,000 kg of red particles has fallen from the sky through red rain. An analysis of this strange phenomenon further shows that the conventional atmospheric transport processes like dust storms etc. cannot explain this phenomenon. The electron microscopic study of the red particles shows fine cell structure indicating their biological cell like nature. EDAX analysis shows that the major elements present in these cell like particles are carbon and oxygen. Strangely, a test for DNA using Ethidium Bromide dye fluorescence technique indicates absence of DNA in these cells. In the context of a suspected link between a meteor airburst event and the red rain, the possibility for the extraterrestrial origin of these particles from cometary fragments is discussed.

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