Information about Astrology?


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi, I am a beginner never having investigated astrology, and apparently I ran a search on the forum but there was only one post I managed to find without any reply. Can anyone direct me to links of information to astrology that is relevant to this forum, Laura, or the Cass? I understand the basics of astrology (12 signs and each personality traits), but I would like to understand more about the history of astrology and whether it is true or not. I've done a thorough research through and found many journals criticizing astrology, but have yet to find one research that is "pro-astrology". If anyone with lots of knowledge in this subject can assist, I'd appreciate it as I'm deciding as to whether I should research about astrology for my English course.

I enjoy reading - click astroflash
my experience with my own chart has been that my birth chart has been very useful
but any prediction (transits etc..) has been less than zero...
On that site you gave wodasi, after reading the front page nonsense, I dunno how you can take any other part seriously.

I clicked on AstroFlash and instantly saw another totally nonsense statement:
"Astrology is the highest art for analyzing human behavior, and smart people use it. "

There are a few problems with that statement. First, Astrology is very very far from being the highest art for analyzing anything. Second, after stating as a fact all that new age nonsense on the front page, the writers are definitely not something I'd call "smart people" by any stretch of the imagination. And so when someone who is so clueless about what "smart" is and who clearly themselves is not terribly smart claims that "smart people use it", that tells me that it actually means the opposite. In other words, it seems like nothing more than an empty manipulative commercial. Just some thoughts.
Hi There,

Just thought I'd contribute my own 2 cents, not necessarily representative of the views of other forum members. I have been using astrology as a means of getting to know myself for about 15 years. I've come to the conclusion that the system has been corrupted, like most self knowledge systems available, but it is still possible to glean a lot of useful information. Delving into astrology involves studying mythology, archetypes, and cyclical patterns, all of which, in my opinion can be very useful. Personally, I have found many correlations between astrological transits, and my experiences. I have found that I can often reduce conflicts in my outer experience by contemplating how a particular transit could be played out before it occurs. At the same time, I never assume anything is going to occur, but just focus on closely observing my interior and exterior world. Often times, the result of doing this is that I get in touch with unresolved thoughts and feelings within myself and open up to positively integrating them, thereby alleviating the need for outer conflict to draw my attention to them.

I think that the only way to successfully use an incomplete or, corrupted system is to be open to intuitive insights and constantly question one's conclusions. I don't ever assume that any astrologer can give me an accurate reading, no matter how much experience they may have. I think the best way to gain something from astrology is to really study it and learn how to make your own interpretations. Then you can test them by observation, and revise them. It's also very interesting to document your memory of particularly intense periods in your past, and then go back and see if there were any significant astrological influences at the time.

That said, there are a lot of charlatans out there, but there are also some particularly insightful astrologers. Liz Greene is one of the latter, in my opinion. You can find some of her articles at, where they also offer a variety of free charts, as well as paid readings.

If you're interested in finding proof as to whether the movement of cosmic bodies can physically affect human, plant, and animal life on earth, I suggest reading 'Supernature' by Lyall Watson, which might help put things into perspective.
Looks like Miss Isness beat me to it. :) is a good resource. Its a non-flakey site. I've found that I am affected by the current 'astrological weather', if its not taken into account, along with all the other dross trying to derail a person's attention.
That does look quite good. It has a very nice Jungian analysis of Astrology. I've often thought about looking into the Jungian personality type aspects of Astrology but never got around to it. Now I don't have to, they even used a personality type diagram that is close to the one I like to use.
Nautilus said:
...I would like to understand more about the history of astrology and whether it is true or not.
Some time ago I found an interesting article about astrology. It talks about some sort of primordial horoscope preserved in Byzantintine tradition. This is like a birth chart of a perfect man against which our individual characteristics are considered.

There is a understanding held by some esoteric and/or traditional scholars, that astronomy is a deviation from astrology; like chemistry from alchemy. Both were more like, sciences of the soul.

It has been said by Rene Guenon, that the laws of the movement of the heavenly bodies are physical translations of metaphysical principles. (from This understandig lies in conclusion that everything we see, here in the 3rd realm, are symbols expressing something else in a vertical axis.

From Gurdjieff we have an idea that - "Astrology deals with only one part of man, with his type, his essence - it does not deal with personality, with acquired qualities. If you understand this you understand what is of value in astrology" (from ISOTM)
First off, thanks for the replies.

Rauno said:
...From Gurdjieff we have an idea that - "Astrology deals with only one part of man, with his type, his essence - it does not deal with personality, with acquired qualities. If you understand this you understand what is of value in astrology" (from ISOTM)
Rauno, can you further elaborate on this?

And to Miss Isness: What mythology, archetypes, and cyclical patterns can you suggest I start reading from? Since you have many years of experience, might you suggest what information I should read?
Hi Nautilus,

One of my favorite astrology books is 'Mythic Astrology - Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope', by Ariel Guttman & Kenneth Johnson. I've had many books over the years, but most have gone by the wayside as a result of moving house frequently, so I can't recommend others at the moment, except perhaps 'Parkers' Astrology' by Julia & Derek Parker, for a good, basic overview.

Hope it helps, and let us know how the research goes...

After studying Astrology for about 20 years (in varying intensity), one of the great things I would like to say about it is that, for me it widened the scope for understanding human interactions. More specifically, it encouraged a greater capacity for tolerance and clarity, as well as a tool to potentially reduce knee jerk reactions to other people, based on feelings alone.

A personal chart can indicate ones own inner realms of tension, which can have a propensity to be instead projected onto other people. By understanding my own chart, I can consciously be attuned to this inner dynamic, work to identify the "me" from other people. This I see as being one step potentially, toward noise reduction in human interaction, and one step closer to understanding.

I heard this recently:

MUMBAI: Astrology has been debunked by most world scientists including India's renowned physicist Prof. Yash Pal. However, it is "science" in India.

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