Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue


Jedi Master
Excellent op-ed by Andre Vltchek that calls out the information warfare going on with the issue of Ukraine, but it also provides a larger geopolitical context to it by tying in other similar situations in the past. A good read.

Thanks for the link, moksha. There are a couple of points in the article that particularly hit the nail on the head. The psy-ops are being implemented everywhere that is still not totally under the boots of the empire.
My pleasure :)

The most interesting part of this piece for me was the revelation by Noam Chomsky that the "United States is self-immunized from any prosecution" LEGALLY! I didn't know that - it was mind blowing.

a snip from the relevant section:
...When the US joined the World Court in 1946, the US basically initiated the modern International Court of Justice, which it joined but with the reservation that the US cannot be judged by any international treaty - meaning the UN charter, the charter of the Organization of American States, the Geneva Conventions. The US is self-immunized from any trial on those issues. And the Court has accepted that. So, for example, when Nicaragua brought a case against the United States at the World Court for the terrorist attacks against Nicaragua, most of the case was thrown out because it invoked the charter of the Organization of American States, which bars interventions strongly, and the US is not subject to that and the Court accepted it."

But then I guess that is to be expected - to the victor (WW II) goes the spoils, including setting up rigged global structures like the international criminal court. Still, I expected this to be mentioned more often by the likes of the late venezuelan president Chavez or even Putin.

BTW the links in the article from other authors are quite good to. Pepe Escobar is one of my favourites.
Thanks for sharing, moksha! It was certainly never mentioned in school that the US was essentially exempt from prosecution for any of its international war crimes!
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