intense soul-sucking dream


A Disturbance in the Force
Hello all,

I am new here, so hopefully I'm doing this right. I had a dream the other night that was unlike anything I've ever experienced (or that I remember atleast). I will try to keep it short and to the point. I was laying outside in some unknown field in the nighttime. It was very dark. I'm not sure jay I was with anyone I may have been but I don't remember who it was.

This is when it gets interesting - I remember an enormous amount of ravens or some similar bird all of a sudden flying towards and right over me. They weren't just black though they were purple and black and transparent-y. I felt a rush over my body as this happened as the flew down towards me and then right over and passed me. The next thing I remember is these birds changing their form. They changed into a number of ghost or ghoul like shapes but kept the same color. I don't remember them saying anything but what I felt was unbelievable. Initially it felt like I was being pulled on both sides. And then I felt the most powerful sensation from the center of my body, like they were sucking my spirit or my soul right out from within me. I have no idea how long this occurred for but I woke up right at the end or in the middle and parts of my body were tingling.

It was one of the most powerful things that have Ever happened to me. It was weird because looking back I would think I would have been scared but I really wasn't... Any ideas of what's going on here??

Also, see the attached image. I have been getting these marks for over 5 years now. The white circular one is a biopsy that was done 2 years ago when I asked the doctor what they were. He had no idea just wanted to make sure it was t cancerous. The bright purple very round and apparent one in the middle is new, I've just noticed it recently. The one above it and below it are quite old as well as the one that the biopsy scar is over.

I have found a little info on these marks over the web, that I can rate to... How true is it? What's going on?

- thanks, a newb


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I had to make the image smaller so it could fit. Those are direct in the center of my left forearm.
I'm no expert, but from what You have described I'd assume it was abduction experience of 'etheric' (I mean non-physical) variety. What you remember may be severely distorted or false memory. Good hypnosis practitioner could help remember what really took place. :/
Thank you for the input, it is much appreciated. Is this something I should be worried about?
burns, just noticed that it was your first post on this board. Forum guidelines here suggest that your introduce yourself first in newbies section.
And welcome to the forum!

burns said:
Thank you for the input, it is much appreciated. Is this something I should be worried about?
If it is true (and we still don't know for sure...), it may be more or less of concern depending of objectives of this abduction/interaction (which are also unknown). Better try to investigate circumstances of the event and try to remember as much as you can. Certainly no point to be afraid.
So, my advice would be for You to be moving along a path of remembrance of who You are and what are You doing here (mean on Earth), continue learning and searching. Because you have been attracted somehow to this forum and I also doubt abductions are performed for no reason.
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