Interesting animals


A Disturbance in the Force
i just had a very moving dream and thought about writing it down so i don't forget it again, so here it is.

i dreamed about being held/trapped in a very big terrarium which was connected to an aquarium, as it is with dreams i had no idea what i was doing there or how i got here but i knew that the place was part of a very big facility. there were only security doors which could not be opened from the inside, so although determined to get out i was completely lost.

There were all kinds of strange animals around resembling known ones but somehow different, e.g little apelike creatures without legs which could talk to me. They explained to me that it was their world and they found it fabulous there, being able to play around all day long and having fun (there were all kinds of animal playground stuff around like in a zoo). These apes where amphibian and could also go into the aquarium but they said it was dangerous there and they did not go there. There were bigger animals like rhinozeros and apes around as well but they were completely lethargic and i could not talk to them. The plantworld was also amazing, extremely colorful and completely exotic to me.

In the end i decided to ignore the warning and inspect the underwater world. For some reason i had no issue with breathing there but i did not worry too much about that. The underwater part was gigantic in size, i could not make out any perimeter. The water was full of jellyfish which illuminated everything, the plants there also irradiated some kind of reddish light, it was quite gloomy but still absolutely beautyfull. I moved into some corner which was not illuminated and got the shock of my life as a giant eye opened in front of me. I could see that it was some kind of giant squid which looked not so friendly to me, so i started to flee from it but sure enough it followed me. While fleeing i accidentally brushed an underwater plant/flower which dispensed something into the water and created an underwater fog, i thought i could use that to my benefit to lead the squid astray. Then things changed to third person view and i saw me trying to escape while brushing all the plants to increase the fog. Meanwhile i (third person) could see that the squid just averted the mist and went to the place where i was heading too, this place happened to be a tunnel which the squid blocked with its mass.

As i approached it, not seeing it because of the mist and me looking in the other direction the squid made room for me, not touching me at all, letting me through and closing the entrance again behind me. The third person me was convinced that this was a trap and i would be done with. The perspective changed back again and i realized i was in a blind ally with a watergate on one end and the squid at the other.
Then something unexpected happened. While looking at me the squid completely sealed of the tunnel and somehow moved the water out, like an organic waterpump. This didn't seem to be too healthy for the squid but the dream didn't care to fill out the details here but i knew it would die in the process of doing this. The squid knew that it could never escape this place but knowing i was a land dweller it very well could give me the chance to escape by removing the water from the waterlock making it possible for me to open it.
So i opened it as soon as possible and closed it again behind me. On the other side i was outside under the sun again. It is hard to describe how i felt, so completely happy to be free again but on the other side so very sad that the squid killed itself to rescue me. Actually it made me cry (which i nearly forgot i was capable of) when i woke up thinking of this and remembering looking into that big sad eye.

I do not think that there was much meaning to it but i will think about it for a while. It is hard to describe the emotions of a dream and its intensity correctly but i guess most people who tell their dreams know that it usually sounds much less real than it felt.
Sometimes i have lucid dreams where i can control most things and know for certain that it is a dream but this was not one of them.

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