Dagobah Resident
As some of you might know, Sweden politicians have just passed a law to log every single packet that comes into their country for the inspection of the government under the "security" pretext. Apparently they are scared that internet is being used by "terrorists" to attack them (while being a neutral country this makes no sense whatsoever).
They bought a computer to make the logging, it happens to be the 5th faster in the world, only it was bought 2 years ago for this purpose solely.
Swedish internet traffic will be effectively capped to 1Mbps, and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING will be logged, incoming and outgoing.
But that's not all, they'll also log every SMS message, MMS message, Phone call, Cellphone call, and they now have the ability to log every change of position in your cellphone's GPS (Through GSM I suppose).
This law comes in effect January 1st, 2009.
Needless to say, this is something that should worry each one of us, not only as hackers, but as citizens of our governments and the demands they must follow from us, this is only the first glimpse of what is coming.
I suggest you reading materials like George Orwell's 1984, A Brave New World, Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 501, Philip K. Dick's work like A Scanner Darkly, etc.
but most of all, get to read history, as the shortening of liberties in the name of security always precede some kind of revolution.
Get to know your rights, have every single phone of your congressmen available, get involved, apathy will enslave you.
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Benjamin Franklin
check this links for more information:
Source : _http://www.blackhat-forums.com/index.php?showtopic=6589
Looks like every country is slowly implementing solutions for mass control purposes :O
I just found this document:
On 27th page there is a list of countries that are already sniffing traffic