Interpretation of Dreams


Jedi Council Member
Sorry for my bad english...
I often wrote my dreams. I understood this: all the dreams express a future potential. We have difficulty in interpreting their meaning because we try to interpret in a representational way. The dream is interpreted in a emotional way. Given that all future is potential, the representational image is going to be the one of past. From there it is necessary to refer in to the French psychiatrist Jacques Lacan on the meant and the significant. Let us take the example of a car of train.
What we see from the outside and the meant, it is the representational artist of the dream, what what is inside it is the significant and the real contents of the dream, the emotion. So to interpret a dream, it is necessary to decipher its contents and it's of no use to tell or to write it's dream, if we do not describe it's emotion. It's not the packaging at which it is necessary to look but its contents. The emotion is connected with an image of past, because it's over there that it formed and not in the future. Our dreamlike images will be the one always of past real-life or got (tv or imagination). Our fears our phobias our fantasies our joys of real life, are analyzed dissected in our dreams to reveal us the possible roads to be taken or not to be taken.
Kisito said:
Sorry for my bad english...
I often wrote my dreams. I understood this: all the dreams express a future potential.

Not quite. As the C's said:

960428 said:
Q: (L) What was the source of the dream where this was
stated to me quite clearly?
A: Dreams are the best forum for disinformation that exists.
Q: (L) Okay. I can see that. But, at the same time they are
also one of the best ways to get information from the
subconscious and the higher conscious, is this not true?
A: We have mentioned dualities a lot!!

So, some dreams may be significant and some dreams may be leading you astray - they are not all the same and they should not all be seen as "expressing a future potential". 4D STS can easily implant dreams - so - as with everything it is discernment that matters, and that can be very difficult to come by with something as personal as a dream.

k said:
We have difficulty in interpreting their meaning because we try to interpret in a representational way. The dream is interpreted in a emotional way. Given that all future is potential, the representational image is going to be the one of past. From there it is necessary to refer in to the French psychiatrist Jacques Lacan on the meant and the significant. Let us take the example of a car of train.
What we see from the outside and the meant, it is the representational artist of the dream, what what is inside it is the significant and the real contents of the dream, the emotion. So to interpret a dream, it is necessary to decipher its contents and it's of no use to tell or to write it's dream, if we do not describe it's emotion. It's not the packaging at which it is necessary to look but its contents. The emotion is connected with an image of past, because it's over there that it formed and not in the future. Our dreamlike images will be the one always of past real-life or got (tv or imagination). Our fears our phobias our fantasies our joys of real life, are analyzed dissected in our dreams to reveal us the possible roads to be taken or not to be taken.

You are speaking in absolutes about a topic that is not absolute. I think it would benefit you to consider that you might be wrong in this instance. Have you had a chance to read the Wave Series in its entirety yet?
Of course it's possible that I'm wrong. It's as well that many of my dreams are premonitory, maybe I'm an instrument of 4D or maybe that my interpretations are made by the feelings and not by the forms? Effectively this transcription of C is very relevant, I had already read it, but maybe not well enough integrated into my value judgment. I adore that to I am told that I'm wrong even if I'm not still convinced of it, but it allows me to look and to think and it's really funny :) thank you for your answer anart.
Hello Kisito,
It's not really a matter of "jugement de valeur", it's about critical thinking and being cautious. Dreams can be influenced by everyday events, memories, past-life memories, they can be picked from somebody else's thoughts. They can also be prophetic, and yes, they can also be suggested by malevolent entities. Our memory of dreams can also be reconstructed when we wake up according to some unconscious bias. So how to tell?

The best approach IMHO is cautious one, neither believing nor not believing. One takes notes, try to see if the dream corresponds to some internal dynamics, and if it is prophetic, only the future would tell.

Knowing the different biases that may affect our dreams, associating all of them to only one single explanation can only be self-defeating.
Here's a post on dreaming fourth way perspective:,20602.msg210999.html#msg210999

Basically, repeating what has been said here already. There are MANY sources of dreams, and it takes discernment to tell which are which.
anart said:
Kisito said:
Sorry for my bad english...
I often wrote my dreams. I understood this: all the dreams express a future potential.

Not quite. As the C's said:

960428 said:
Q: (L) What was the source of the dream where this was
stated to me quite clearly?
A: Dreams are the best forum for disinformation that exists.
Q: (L) Okay. I can see that. But, at the same time they are
also one of the best ways to get information from the
subconscious and the higher conscious, is this not true?
A: We have mentioned dualities a lot!!

Laura once said, "The best disinformation is a lie wrapped in truth." And, the C's said: "Remember, there is much disinformation to weed through." Meaning that we'd use our discernment and reasoning skills (like others have said), and not being "attached" to any one thing, especially to any dream elements.

There is a thread that is relevant on disinformation (and can be applied to dreams): Overview/History of Channeling and Disinformation.

And, there is an article entitled "Dreams and Disinformation" by Laura:

From the first link directly above, here is a portion that can be relevant:

There are over 500 references to the word "dream" and its permutations in the Cassiopaean text, as I have just discovered, and a brief overview shows that dreams, like everything else, can be of a dual nature. We can have those that are communications with the higher self, other selves, the universal mind and so on; and we can have dreams that are a direct result of an idea that is being implanted to lead us astray; and we can have dreams that are "memories" of "abductions," or the screen memories implanted to cover the real activities of abduction, AND we can have prophetic dreams not to mention dreams of past life experiences and maybe even future life experiences! So, it seems that, like everything else, we have to use our minds, our experiences and our instincts to choose what interpretation is appropriate. As the Cassiopaeans have said, nobody said this was gonna be easy and "no pain, no gain." We have to exercise our thinking, our judgment and our conscious will to make them all strong and the best way to do this is to ask questions! The C's made a remark in answer to a question that was not exactly about dreams, but the answer was so appropriate, I think that it applies in all situations:

A: These are the questions that prompt reflection, reflection prompts analysis, analysis prompts conclusions, which builds knowledge, which fosters protection!!!

As for dreams expressing "future potentials," I just finished reading one of J.W. Dunne's works (An Experiment with Time) and it was interesting to see that some dreams can express future dynamics, but really, not all dreams (although Dunne didn't say that as he was strict on all dreams as either being precognition or retrocognition) and it's not so cut-and-dry like saying "this is a dream from the future."

For example, there can be one single dream "scene" with several "images" (one can be from the future, a couple can be from the past, and others can be based on unconscious issues) and many different dream scenes with a single constant "image" or dynamic (usually an unconscious issue). Another example is a dream of most intensive scene when one would assume to be from the future that one will personally experience but it turns out (in the future) that one was reading a novel (or watching a movie) to which that specific scene was played out for a first time (a novel that one would be "emotionally invested" in).

There are so many possibilities that are mixed in the dreams.

For what it's worth.
There are basically two types of dreams:

1) ''our'' dreams (our brain projects imagery on the visual cortex as if it were a movie screen)
2) ''implanted'' dreams (outer forces/energies transmit ''realities'' on our visual cortex as if it were a TV screen)

A highly improbable, disturbing dream (let's say: in a dream you try to kill your mother),
is probably an ''imposed'' dream, the only purpose of it is to disturb your inner peace.

Physiologically speaking:

As for the phase in which dreams occur: (REM) phase,
it's a redundant shock for our organism. It's when our bodies release stress hormones,
and our brain emits beta-waves (the same ones it emits when we are awake).

Melatonin (released by the pineal gland; or Ajna in Vedanta) suppresses the REM phase, and promotes the deep dreamless sleep phase (NREM),
when our brain emits delta-waves.

There is nothing mystical about the REM phase / dreams.
NREM (delta-wave) phase is what we should strive for.

In Vedanta this deep dreamless sleep is considered a starting point to explore our consciousness.
Yoga-nidra is based on it:

So, we've, as a race, have been manipulated to look for answers in wrong phases of our sleep.
REM sleep / dream phase of sleep has no practical value (except in the case of PTSP when experienced but surpressed traumatic memories can come to the ''surface'',
be it in the case of physical torture, psychical violation, UFO abduction)...

We should focus on delta-wave phase. It's a phase in which we have no ego,
which is the total opposite of lucid dreaming (a process in which we function as slaves to our ego: ''we have control everything, even our dreams'').
Hello Medulin, welcome to the forum :)

Do you think that these two categories of dreams are influenced the one by STO and the other one by STS? Your neurological explanation is interesting, but it doesn't indicate me the various types(chaps) of dreams and why we dream (the whys and wherefores). Freud indicated(appointed) the dream, as a repulsed(repressed) desire. For me this desire is certainly a lack, but not only of what was lacking to us in past, but especially what misses us to be in the future. These feelings of past are for many of - them of the repulsed(repressed) desires. This is why I join Jung, who considered that the dream was not only a hidden wound, but also a powerlessness(impotence) to solve a problem. And it's problem it's the future which we cannot solve, because it's not still present.
Cs asserts that there are many disinformations in the dreams, it means that there are also future realities.
Maybe some of you already look at what I posted yesterday, if not, you should take a look at my experience from this post, it really has to do with what you are talking about:,29819.0.html

Peace :)

Mod's note: The link has been activated since it is a great website. ;D
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