Just an anecdote about this video -- I was watching it yesterday and thought the footage was pretty interesting, so I showed my daughter after picking her up at school. She then sat down to eat a snack and said, 'Do you remember a couple of years ago when you showed me a UFO? We were driving at night, and you showed me how three lights made an outline of a big triangle in the sky, and the triangle blocked out all the stars. It was huge, and I thought it was really freaky.'
After she said it, I did remember that, although vaguely, but I thought it was really weird that I hadn't thought about it since then and that the memory wasn't more outstanding. I do remember that I knew what to show her, because I had seen the same thing a few months before. I know the giant black triangles are actually kind of a standard UFO to see, if you see one at all, but its one of only two concrete experiences that I've had as far as I know.