Invasion dream.


Jedi Master
Im stood with a bunch of people, and suddenly someone points at the sky. I look, and its a message. (A massive light projection) Its bright and its MASSIVE. At first i think its the moon, and then take a secound look. I cant remember the exact words, but it read something like "You are being held here prisoner, we are here to help". (It had a human looking face next to the words)
Everyone is just gobsmacked, as am i. Like.... what the hell! (It felt so real, i can even remember the fear i felt in the dream just writing about it, its sending goosebumps on my whole body).
Then..... more messages appear.

Suddenly massive mother-ships start to appear in the night sky, like they have been hidden in some kind of 'cloack form'.
Then smaller ships (I had the feeling in the dream these were used by the negative alien forces here on earth) attack the mother-ships.
I can clearly remember the sounds of the spaceships firing their lasers (Or whatever they use).

A massive battle ensues and people are just stood there totally awestruck.
I shout "Shoot those bastards down" - in the dream i knew (or thought) that we were being held prisoner by aliens on this planet, and i was cheering on the 'invaders'.
Wow, it was so real. This one was last night.

Edited - Added 1 line.
Hi melatonin
Check out this thread I just replied to, seems a lot of people are having similar dreams - so I'd suggest some mass beaming is going on.,28018.0.html
Thanks Redfox, just by coincidence i was reading that thread as you replied to this.

I totally agree about the beaming. Im gonna do a search on here and read more about it.

I had another last night.
(2 nights on the row)

Im stood in a town, (Not sure how i know this, i just do). Theres a few of us stood near a bus-stop, and suddenly a massive noise to the right. Again..... everytime stands there gobsmacked, frozen to the spot. 2 massive white crafts following each other fly past, flying down low before rising upwards. Then they start firing at us. Dream ends.

Edited to add:- Strange that the first night the invaders were 'good guys' and last night 'the baddies'.
melatonin said:
Edited to add:- Strange that the first night the invaders were 'good guys' and last night 'the baddies'.

The massive ship that appeared (unclocked) in the sky in my dream was presenting itself as the good guys too - I knew otherwise.
If there is beaming going on, then perhaps something 'massive' is about to appear, and 'alien' idea that will 'save us all'?? Feels like conditioning for some planned event that is about to happen, not an alien invasion - but plans of the psychopaths. A global economic 'rescue' package perhaps?
Its such a mind-mosh, i wouldnt even like to guess RedFox, but its intresting to consider the possibilitys. I spend alot of time wondering what exactually is happening during dream state, and the more i think, the more confused i get. What you suggested there is just another angle that i have never thought of. :cool2:
Hey melatonin, just posted a similar dream I had in case you're interested:,28018.msg350262.html#msg350262

Thanks Moska.
Ill check your thread out. Only just saw your post as i came back here to say id had another one.

Again, a massive noise overhead, and (Im stood with other people inside a building) = we look out of the window and two ships (Huge things) fly past at incredible speed. We are scared, and im not sure if we already know something mind-boggling is happening outside.
Then i look across to the left, and i see tall buildings. Its in the night and i see lights on in some apartments.
Suddenly (Seen this in many dreams before) - loads of anti-aircraft fire from the ground at these ships.
Its frightening just typing this and recounting the feeling i had in the dream. Felt so real.

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