Iraq spends 5 billion dollars on US defence deals


FOTCM Member
For some reason this story made me want to run around outside shouting expletives...
Iraq spends 5 billion dollars on US defence deals

The US military announced on Saturday it has struck deals with Iraq that will see Baghdad spend five billion dollars on American-made weapons, equipment and training.

So let me get this straight. After 8 years of looting and plundering Iraq, they establish a proxy "Iraqi government" which then obligingly opts to spend the last pennies in the coffers on a load of US made weaponry. And not ONE mainstream media outlet had the cojones to even suggest that this was just a little on the far side of a conflict of interest.

I sit here, utterly disgusted.
And there's this, in the "Guiding Principles for U.S. Post-Conflict Policy in Iraq Report of an Independent Working Group
Cosponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University" circa January 2003.

The legality of post-sanctions contracts awarded in recent
years by the current Iraqi regime will have to be evaluated. Contract
holders may resort to legal means to assert their rights even
under circumstances of regime change. Prolonged legal conflicts
over contracts could delay the development of important fields in
Iraq and hamper a new government’s ability to expand production.
It may be advisable to pre-establish a legitimate (possibly UN
mandated) legal framework for vetting pre-hostility exploration

It remains to be seen how eager a new Iraqi leadership will be
to welcome back foreign direct investment. In the past, Iraqi oil
technocrats have favored a return of such capital.However, the experience
of Kuwait after 1991 should temper expectations of a windfall.
After hiring Western firms to put out its oil-field fires and repair
surface facilities,Kuwait’s parliament has routinely voted against
contracting with foreign firms for oil-field development, despite
a loss of production capacity that has been experienced over the
last three years. Given Iraq’s desperate economic situation, its
leadership may not have the luxury Kuwait had to try to go it alone.
But with a new government and greater plurality of views, Iraqi
oil nationalists could pursue a variation on the Kuwaiti approach.

Iraq and OPEC.

The Working Group is unconvinced that a
new Iraqi government will quit the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) as some have speculated. As a founding
member of OPEC, Iraq will experience a strong historical pull to
remain within the organization. As important, if not more so, is
the fact that producing outside of an OPEC quota will not necessarily
bring increased resources. Every producer must balance between
restraining output to create generally higher international oil
prices and expanding individual production capacity to seek higher
revenues through rising market share but potentially at lower
overall international price levels. Operating outside of OPEC will
not necessarily garner increased profits, as Iraqi oil decisionmakers
are also well aware of the fact that Saudi Arabia may
punish Iraq by flooding the market with its own oil, if Iraq
chooses to quit OPEC.

In short, the US via it's friends in Iraq now has a seat on the OPEC board. Note pre-war contracts were with France, Russia and China.

There was a story about Monsanto, Cargill and World Wide Wheat GM wheats being the only wheat to be used by farmers that stunk to high heaven.
Hi All,

I think we all knew at some level, that these kind of things were bound to happen. Only those who bought into the lies about why we needed to invade and take over Iraq, will be able to stomach what comes next! We all know that it was not about 'Freedom for Iraq and its people'. As sick as this makes me, I am not at all surprised to see the truth starting to come to light.

I searched to see if I could find other 'like' deals, but to no avail. I know they are out there to find, I only wish I had better skills to find and 'see' them for what they really are. I am sure these kind of stolen and controlled deals are out there, and that this is only one of the first to surface to date.

Thanks for finding and showing us all the reality of the situation.

Major General Smedley Butler. 1935:

"War is a racket.... It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.... Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes...."

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