Iraqi PM insists Turkey visit "legal"


Jedi Master
Well not only did Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari visited Turkiye but earlier in February leader of Hamas visited also. And there are talks that Muqtada Al Sadr will also visit. I wonder why. Here are some possible reasons :

1. They are viewing Turkiye as an objective country that could give more objectice advice for their problems.
Turkey supports the thesis for the Iraqi people to determine their own fate and that they support the unity of Iraq. (The Ottoman empire ruled these lands for a long time quite peacefully)

2. Or they are asking for help in the international arena for backing them for whatever they are planning to do.

Openly our government has said that they will support Hamas in their peaceful endeavors and that the west should not cross out them immediately. The popular consensus is in favor of the oppressed Palestinians. Also the recent mosque bombings of the Samarra mosque and others were denoted as provocations since muslims do not blow up mosques of other faiths. This is considered a taboo.

Maybe the truth is something else. It is interesting to note that the leader of a social democratic party criticized the government for talking with Hamas.
From what I heard, the Turkish governmental officers have a reputation of being masters of diplomacy. They fully understand the value of the country's geographic position, and do not want to fall under the sway of an exclusive super power such as the US, which may decide to start cutting up the country into smaller portions as it suites American interests.

Turkiye is a powerful ally with Israel, besides its relations with the US (which were a bit strained after it made a bid for Iraqi oil fields), and yet wants cordial relations with Russia as well as the stricter Muslim countries. Ultimately it wants the benefits of alliance without being too dependent on any one side. Ultimately, however, they are dependent on the US, and I do not believe Jaafari, the leader of Hamas and Al Sadre simply invited themselves.

The Iraqis and Hamas do not really have an ear in the West that will listen, and Turkiye seems the closest one that has a mouth the US and Israel may listen to. The Iraqis and Hamas are both desperate and that makes them vulnerable to international games...
I would say similar to EsoQuest that this is a way for Hamas to make contacts with the west without seeming to. Turkey is a NATO country and very close to the U.S. whatever ripples are on the surface. The PM of Iraq and Turkey need each other to manage Kurdish nationalism as well. Not sure how peaceful and benevolent the Ottoman rule of what is now Iraq was, but I really don't know. There were never any peaceful empires.
The Ottomans conquered Iraq (maybe not whole of present day Iraq - I am not sure) in 1534 and held it until 1918 or so. I found some government archives (in Turkish) that needs to be translated but I don't have the time now.
It was first taken by Omar the Halife after Mohammed (the prophet) in 642. Arab tribes were brought in to populate area. Then in 1055 it was under turkish rule of the Selcuklu Empire. I also found some very interesting info about Iran history. I hope I can translate them some other time.

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