Miss Isness
Jedi Master
Ireland will be voting on the Lisbon Treaty on June 12. There's lots of interesting info here: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/87518 Let's hope the Irish send a clear message and vote NO by a large margin.
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/87683 part I, http://www.indymedia.ie/article/87712 part II, http://www.indymedia.ie/article/87730 part IIIThe following articles furthermore indicate that that purpose of the extreme internal security aimed at by the Lisbon Treaty is to make it legitimate to prosecute any political opposition to the federal EU by means of close surveillance of all citizens of Europe, by the deployment of a KGB-like security committee and by an EU-wide police network:
Where necessary to achieve the objectives set out in Article 61, as regards preventing and
combating terrorism and related activities, the European Parliament and the Council, acting by means of regulations in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, shall define a framework for administrative measures with regard to capital movements and payments, such as the freezing of funds, financial assets or economic gains belonging to, or owned or held by, natural or legal persons, groups or non-State entities.”
1. Europol’s mission shall be to support and strengthen action by the Member States’ police authorities and other law enforcement services and their mutual cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime affecting two or more Member States, terrorism and forms of crime which affect a common interest covered by a Union policy.”
1. The Union shall establish police cooperation involving all the Member States’ competent authorities, including police, customs and other specialised law enforcement services in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal offences.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, may establish measures concerning:
(a) the collection, storage, processing, analysis and exchange of relevant information;
(b) support for the training of staff, and cooperation on the exchange of staff, on equipment and on research into crime-detection;
(c) common investigative techniques in relation to the detection of serious forms of organised crime.”
The expression “forms of crime which affect a common interest covered by a Union policy” is a definition of political crimes, which are however considered crime forms only under dictatorial regimes. In fact the Lisbon Treaty is a unique constitution in the sense that it claims to establish a “democratic” system while granting limitless powers to the federal state of the EU to protect itself from its citizens - as opposed to democratic constitutions, which are normally concerned with limiting the state powers and protecting the citizens.
Thought control is also introduced under Lisbon, by a novel crime form called “xenophobia”. Xenophobia is such a main concern that it has gained a special place among other severe crimes:
“61,3. The Union shall endeavour to ensure a high level of security through measures to prevent and combat crime, racism and xenophobia, and through measures for coordination and cooperation between police and judicial authorities and other competent authorities, as well as through the mutual recognition of judgments in criminal matters and, if necessary, through the approximation of criminal laws.”
To demonstrate the utter absurdity of the idea of prosecuting an emotion like xenophobia, imagine that at any time in history when foreign rulers have seized a new territory, they would have made it a punishable crime to maintain any negative emotions (i.e. “xenophobia”) against the presence of the invaders. To render it a major crime to express a natural and expected emotional response to the fact of being conquered and surrendered to foreign interests, not only signifies an utterly deviant morality, but as an attempt to reverse the roles of the subject and the object of political aggression, it also reveals an unparalleled craftiness and philosophical dishonesty behind the treaty. The idea of inserting this open threat into a constitution against the exact same citizens who are being deceived and left out of the very creation of this so called “free and democratic” EU , indicates a profoundly twisted sense of justice and the highest peaks of the ‘art’ of deceit achieved by the Lisbon proponents. It appears that the only difference between the ancient and the modern methods of territorial conquests is that the ancient methods took courage and strength and at least they were honest. In our days the very same conquest takes only the weakness and cowardice to yield to and repeat the official lies of a couple of shrewd politicians, lawyers, translators and administrators in Brussels.
The immense danger inherent in political settings ruled by an oligarchy that has gained political power via an invisible form of violence (deceit) rather than by physical violence, is that such political leadership fallaciously deems itself legitimate to start practicing the physical forms of violence as well - viewing it as an assumed “monopoly of the state” - against its conquered citizens, especially if the conquered would start revolting to regain their freedom.
What can be more fatal than a political leadership that redefines the meaning of democracy into its opposite and under which political violence, as a main feature of dictatorship, is being constitutionalised as an institution of “democracy” to protect the interests of the few against the will of the many? What can be more permanent than a dictatorship from which – as opposed to the known explicit forms of dictatorial regimes like the former Soviet Union – liberation will not be possible, simply because captivity will be called “freedom” and dictatorship will be nicknamed “democracy”?
Jim Corr of The Corrs music band recently came out against the Lisbon Treaty, warning that it is another incremental step towards totalitarianism.Wise Up Journal said:We set out to make a video about the pros and cons of the Lisbon Treaty and found out to our horror the lies, manipulations and deceit behind the EU. From MEPs, legal experts and EU researches the true nature of the EU unfolded, how it really operates from behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. We discovered the massive power grab away from citizens and nations to the elites that is being proposed in this treaty. Most shocking of all was how our elected representatives are willingly handing us over to this emerging Totalitarian Superstate by deception , propaganda and outright lies.
This video details how the structures of the EU really operate, what the full significance of the Lisbon Treaty is and how it is the end of Nations within in the EU. MEPs describe their experience in Brussels and how they are undermined by the real power of the unelected and unaccountable Eurocrats who run the organization. How the politicians are working together for their own selfish needs while being used for a bigger agenda.
Independent said:Vote No to Giscard's Lisbon Swindle
By Shane Ross
Sunday June 01 2008
WOULD you like to join the Lisbon "loo-las?" Or even the growing ranks of the brain dead?
Sign up while you can; you will join the French loo-las and the Dutch brain dead. Both nations rejected the European constitution -- the Lisbon Treaty under another name.
All the insiders in Ireland are backing Lisbon. Their message is poisonously patronising. Those opposing it were dismissed as "loo-las" by Bertie Ahern and branded as brainless by the nation's sycophants-in-situ, the big employers group, Ibec. Join the loo-las. Wear the insults as a badge of honour.
A battle is being waged between the insiders and the rest. Ordinary people are puzzled. Precisely as was planned by the Lisbon propagandists.
The tactics of the treaty's champions are clear: sow confusion; imply that the detail is too complex for mere mortals; put your trust in your wise politicians who understand it; dismiss any opposition as the "loony left"; hope the label sticks and bulldoze the treaty through the polls.
Here in Ireland, Lisbon lovers are following the road set by the lofty French patrician, ex-president Valery Giscard d'Estaing. The pompous Giscard let the cat out of the bag last year. With a contempt for his people -- now infecting the elite in Ireland -- he made a devastating observation.
Listen to Giscard, gloating at the euro schemers' crafty coup of reviving the rejected European constitution by stealth. Triumphant, after the wording of Lisbon was agreed, the ex-president muttered: "Public opinion will be led -- without knowing it -- to adopt the policies we would never dare present to them directly. All the earlier proposals will be in the new text but will be hidden or disguised in some ways."
Decoded: this proposal has already been rejected. So it's time for a bit of sleight-of-hand. This time, we are calling it a "treaty" instead of a "constitution". In that way, we will duck a referendum.
Giscard thought Lisbon far too important to be left to the French rabble.
Brian Cowen and Enda Kenny are disciples of the d'Estaing school of democracy. They are relying on slogans. Like the former president of France, they are quietly peddling a package already rejected by the French and Dutch people.
The deception is not working. Ordinary people here are beginning to rumble Ireland's European junkies. Few of us, including the Taoiseach and Charlie McCreevy, have read the Lisbon Treaty in full -- but we are starting to click that the insiders are pulling a stroke: keep the punter in the dark; then hurry the treaty through the hurdles.
Ireland is waking up. The Yes camp's message that Lisbon is merely "tidying up the democratic process" is a nonsense. Lisbon is dynamite. It will copperfasten the entire European establishment's grip on power. The pro-Lisbon consensus in official Ireland is staggering. Not a single significant political figure has taken a stand against the treaty. The trades unions are onside, the IBEC sycophants are onside, the exporters are onside. Most of them are either directly supported, linked or even funded by the government.
But the much maligned loo-las have done their homework. They are beginning to communicate a sober message. Lisbon is no "tidying up" job. It is a step too far. And Ireland will lose out. Like how?
Like, we will lose a commissioner. For five out of 15 years Ireland will be without a voice at the Commission. The response from the Yes lobby -- that all countries will suffer the same fate -- is hardly a reason for approving Ireland's loss. It is like comforting an invalid who is about to lose a leg with the good news that everyone else in the hospital will lose one too. Hardly a reason to volunteer for an amputation.
Where would Ireland rate in Europe without the strong voice of current Commissioner Charlie McCreevy? Down in the relegation zone. Or maybe a mere spectator.
Worse still, we will lose half our vote on the European Council.
Now imagine Ireland's mute voice in future years when we have no commissioner, when our voting rights on the council are halved and when our representation in the European parliament is insignificant. At the same time, Germany's voting strength will double.
It sounds bad. It is bad. David Begg of ICTU (and the Lisbon-infatuated Irish Times) and Brendan Butler of IBEC will not tell you about this nasty little surrender of power. Instead, they are the guys entrusted with administering anaesthetic to the people.
Last week, Brendan foolishly described the Lisbon Treaty as a "no brainer". The implication is clear. Leave your critical faculties behind. Sleepwalk into the chasm.
The IBEC business eunuchs' sole task is to soothe the nation's nerves about the 12.5 per cent tax rate. Reassure us that the font of Ireland's prosperity is in no danger after Lisbon.
If you believe that, then you believe that Giscard d'Estaing works for St Vincent de Paul in his spare time.
The hour after Lisbon is passed, the 12.5 per cent tax rate will be in peril. Business please note.
I was alerted to the real threat to the tax rate on Wednesday when I received a well-argued editorial from the Church of Ireland Gazette.
Hardly the work of Brendan's "no brainers" or Bertie's "loo-las".
The author was deeply worried by Lisbon. He gave good reasons, but the most startling reminder on the tax front resurfaced.
Last December the European Commission plotted to bury its proposals on corporate tax until after the Irish referendum. If the news of their plans escaped it could scare the Irish horses.
So the Commission conspired to compel Ireland to vote in the dark. Or as the editor put it: "Vote first, learn later."
Maybe the brainless loo-las are beginning to uncover a few skeletons.
The plot to undermine our tax regime is under way. By bribery or blackmail. Either the veto will be by-passed with an "enhanced co-operation zone" or Ireland will be threatened in other areas like agriculture, grants or education. But we will not hear the truth until we have voted in favour of our tax tormentors.
For the next 10 days we will be the focus of Europe. European junkies will butter us up or threaten us -- like President Barroso did last week. A bit of stick and plenty of carrot.
The disenfranchised French and Dutch, spectators in Giscard's democratic swindle, are depending on us.
We in Ireland carry the can for all 27 peoples. We will decide the fate of the treaty because citizens of all the others have been denied the same privilege. It is an awesome responsibility. Opinion polls elsewhere show that many countries would reject the treaty if they were allowed a vote. That alone should make us think twice about voting Yes.
Even more seriously, if in any doubt about Lisbon's content we should vote No. To support a measure which we do not understand is folly.
And a No vote will give us a unique chance to renegotiate a deal which is not in Ireland's interests.
And who is Raymond Crotty?Peace and Neutrality Alliance said:Now, the government seeks the support of the Irish people in the referendum on the renamed EU Constitution (the Lisbon Treaty), which is essentially the same treaty that was rejected by the French and Dutch people. The elite changed its name to ensure there would be no more referendums in any of the other states of the EU because they know that they would be defeated.
The only reason Ireland is having a referendum is as a consequence of our struggle for National Independence which ensures we have an Irish Constitution, that includes article 6 that states that all power derives from the people and cannot be transferred from them to the institutions of the emerging European Superstate without their consent. Our Supreme Court made that judgment in favour of the case brought by Raymond Crotty.
.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crotty_v._An_TaoiseachIrish Democrat said:Raymond Crotty is best known in Ireland for his constitutional action in 1987 against the government’s attempt to ratify the EU’s Single European Act Treaty by simple majority vote in the Dáil instead of by referendum.
The Supreme Court upheld Crotty. People owe it to him therefore that all new EU treaties transferring further slices of sovereignty to Brussels must be put to popular referendum in Ireland. A huge democratic achievement for one public-spirited citizen to bring about.
Because of his anti-establishment views and his advocacy of a land tax as a means of putting pressure on Irish landowners to use their land more productively, Crotty offended powerful Irish interests. That did not encourage a sympathetic reception at home for his views on economics and world history and economics -- a situation which is now changing because of Crotty’s growing reputation internationally.
Thanks Ray. Hopefully this time around we will tell them 'NIL'!Crotty v. An Taoiseach was a legal action taken in 1987 by Raymond Crotty, historian and social scientist, against the Irish Government. It established that significant changes to European Union treaties required an amendment to the Irish constitution (always done by means of a referendum) before they could be ratified by the state.
Walsh J wrote the majority opinion, joined by Hederman and Henchy JJ delivering a concurring opinon. Chief Justice Finlay CJ dissented, joined by Griffin J.
The verdict led to the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland.
The Taoiseach [Prime Minister] Brian Cowen probably did tell him that, but left us in no doubt who he feels most 'fraternite' with by planting a big kiss on the Hungarian Napoleon as he saw him off from Dublin Castle.PANA said:War and the Lisbon Treaty
by Roger Cole, 17 July 2008
ON JUNE 9th, days before the Irish people voted to reject the Lisbon Treaty, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute published its compendium on military spending. Its main findings show that world military spending in 2007 was $1,339 billion, arms sales by the largest 100 arms companies in 2006 increased by 8 per cent in nominal terms over 2005 and many arms control and non-proliferation agreements are faltering or making little progress. The No vote by the Irish people was a major victory not just for the Irish peace movement, including Pana, the Peace and Neutrality Alliance, but also for the European and international peace movement.
The reason is that the issues of Irish independence, the militarisation of the EU and the commitment to Irish neutrality were central to the No vote.
The Irish Times /TSN mrbi polls carried out in the week before the vote where responses were unprompted and respondents were allowed to give more than one answer, showed safeguarding Irish neutrality (between 22 to 25 per cent) and keeping Ireland's power and identity ( between 18 to 24 per cent) were the main reasons for the result.
The alliance had campaigned for Irish independence, democracy and neutrality, which show that our case for a No vote was central to this great victory of the Irish people.
This is especially so as other organisations that campaigned for a No vote, such as Libertas, never mentioned neutrality and their main issue, that of safeguarding Ireland's corporate tax, was given as a reason by only 5-12 per cent. Now Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president and the current president of the European Council, is paying us a visit seven days after celebrating the anniversary of the French Revolution. Since Wolfe Tone, who wrote a pamphlet in favour of Irish neutrality in 1790 is one of our heroes, it would be reasonable to suggest the alliance and Sarkozy are inspired by the same events.
However, the revolution gave birth not just to the traditions of liberty, equality and fraternity, but also to Napoleonic imperialism. There are no prizes for guessing which tradition Sarkozy belongs to.
Indeed, in a leaked diplomatic memo, a senior Irish civil servant, concerned about Sarkozy, said that he did not want the referendum to take place while France held the EU presidency.
As he continues to attack the French social model, his popularity with the French people has declined, probably mirroring his growing popularity among the Yes campaigners in Ireland, the vast majority of whom are enthusiastic supporters of his militaristic, neo-liberal agenda.
He seeks to massively accelerate the process of the militarisation of the EU and to establish a 60,000-strong EU army; to improve the maritime and air support for this army; expand the existing EU planning cell into a full EU military headquarters, double the funds for France's military space assets up to €700 million a year and give a priority via the European War (Defence) Agency to seek the "harmonisation" of the European armaments companies and review the European security and defence policy that already commits the EU states to pre-emptive war in accordance with the Bush doctrine.
Not content with accelerating the militarisation of the EU, Sarkozy also wants to integrate France into the Nato military structures and to intensify the links between the nuclear armed military alliance and EU military structures.
All this drive towards war and more wars is happening at a time when Nato, EU and US military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are under pressure, the wars are spreading into Pakistan and yet another war is threatening to start in Iran. At the same time, the growing cost of all these wars is causing the possible collapse of the western neo-liberal capitalist system.
Faced with this, the Irish people, far from being "out of our minds" in rejecting this horrific vista, have shown to the world a rare glimpse of sanity and reality by voting No to Sarkozy and his treaty. The irony is that it is the global peace movement and the alliance that are the realists. It is our message of inclusive dialogue, negotiations and social justice that will provide the means by which global stability and sustainable growth can be restored.
It is war and the threat of war that is creating the economic crisis: "disaster capitalism" as Naomi Klein calls it. The Irish No vote was a tremendous decision that echoes the historic vote 90 years ago when the Irish people's vote in favour of the Irish Republic marked the beginning of the end of the British Empire. Far from examining why people voted No, the Irish media's time would be better spent asking why people voted Yes.
Let there be no doubt whatsoever, if the Irish people are forced to vote again over this imperialist charter, the No vote will reach 64 per cent. A real Irish taoiseach, a republican taoiseach, would tell Sarkozy that on July 21st.