Jedi Master
I came upon some interesting things as I was exploring our virtual world and the non-virtual world virtually. I was looking into this Turkish Group on FB. I used Google Translate to convert to English. I discovered some interesting things there.
These people are denouncing the American movement into Turkey, I think rightfully problem in the headlines was about their parliment retiring at 50 with 106% pension. Sound familiar???? Yea? I thought so too. So I expressed our concerns with our own congress and such and thanked them for a glimpse into their country's perspective their politics.
Then I wandered to a FB page called Islam is a Life Style, and I wanted to read what it had to say, but that darn Google Translate button didn't show up and ask me if I wanted to translate. Hmmm
I said to myself, "self, why would Google want to inconvenience me in such a way as to not provide this like it does for other languages?"
Well Google does have a Farsi/Persian translation tool, after searching on the web...I found it. Funny thing is, though, the translation is jabberwockyjibberishnish. Only thing I could get out of it was something or other to Allah.
So I started think about this little mistake and about how we don't hear the things going on in Turkey, from the general Turkish point of view. I said to myself, again,"Why would Google do this?", and self replied,"I don't know if your thinking what I'm thinking, but, what if they just don't want Americans to hear what the general population of Arabians have to say, considering, their's always more than one side to a story."
This was all prompted when, the other day, one of my nieces was in her classroom, with her friends, when a woman dropping off her daughter failed to hit the break and instead hit the gas. It was a terrible accident. My 9 year old niece now in the hospital with a broken back, broken leg, and bruised intestines...she can't think of anything but the accident, her pain, and food. She's starving from being NPO i.e. nothing by mouth. Meanwhile her friend, also a lifelong family friend, a 10 year old boy, is in ICU.
It was a horrible accident. I have no hatred towards the woman, I'm sure she feels horrible enough. This was her daughters friends that she almost killed, and will have to live with this the rest of her life.
Problem is, I've seen several derogatory comments about the woman, because she bears an Arabic name. Even a friend on FB posted the story and made a comment basically implying that it must not have been an accident considering her name and all.
That comment made me sick. It is also very good evidence of how well the PTB's propaganda program has worked in this country. I am surrounded by bigots and hate mongers here. I even was one by default at one point. Then I grew up and learned to think for myself.
All these programs going around. I'm trying my best to break free...and for those of us that do, they put up walls.
These people are denouncing the American movement into Turkey, I think rightfully problem in the headlines was about their parliment retiring at 50 with 106% pension. Sound familiar???? Yea? I thought so too. So I expressed our concerns with our own congress and such and thanked them for a glimpse into their country's perspective their politics.
Then I wandered to a FB page called Islam is a Life Style, and I wanted to read what it had to say, but that darn Google Translate button didn't show up and ask me if I wanted to translate. Hmmm

Well Google does have a Farsi/Persian translation tool, after searching on the web...I found it. Funny thing is, though, the translation is jabberwockyjibberishnish. Only thing I could get out of it was something or other to Allah.
So I started think about this little mistake and about how we don't hear the things going on in Turkey, from the general Turkish point of view. I said to myself, again,"Why would Google do this?", and self replied,"I don't know if your thinking what I'm thinking, but, what if they just don't want Americans to hear what the general population of Arabians have to say, considering, their's always more than one side to a story."
This was all prompted when, the other day, one of my nieces was in her classroom, with her friends, when a woman dropping off her daughter failed to hit the break and instead hit the gas. It was a terrible accident. My 9 year old niece now in the hospital with a broken back, broken leg, and bruised intestines...she can't think of anything but the accident, her pain, and food. She's starving from being NPO i.e. nothing by mouth. Meanwhile her friend, also a lifelong family friend, a 10 year old boy, is in ICU.
It was a horrible accident. I have no hatred towards the woman, I'm sure she feels horrible enough. This was her daughters friends that she almost killed, and will have to live with this the rest of her life.
Problem is, I've seen several derogatory comments about the woman, because she bears an Arabic name. Even a friend on FB posted the story and made a comment basically implying that it must not have been an accident considering her name and all.
That comment made me sick. It is also very good evidence of how well the PTB's propaganda program has worked in this country. I am surrounded by bigots and hate mongers here. I even was one by default at one point. Then I grew up and learned to think for myself.
All these programs going around. I'm trying my best to break free...and for those of us that do, they put up walls.